
Devils journey

Absolute power doesn't corrupt, but rather, reveals character...

blablador · Others
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27 Chs

my grandparents friends are assh*les and that's why I'm not writing the second chap for today

ugh...no chap again! im really sorry, but the whole coronavirus thing had cause some mess today and before you ask

NO! no one died! and neither someone who is dear to me is infected, but the whole lock down thing is very inconvenient for some of my friends and family

i literally spend the 4 last hours today to help my grandparents ( it takes 2 hours to get to my grandparents from where i live)

my grandparents dont have a car, and they live in a small Village (i live in Poland btw) the only store there is closed because of the outbreak, so they dont have any way to go and get food.

normaly they would just ask their neighbor but his car broke down and apparently everyone else that they know is an ASSH*LE!!!!!!! and didnt want to help them!

so they called me, because me and my brother are the only family members that live closely enough to get there without waiting a day. also my brother doesnt know how to drive a car, so that left only me

i just came back and I'm not in a mood to write anything

once again, sorry and have a good day