
Devils and Ravan

Sam died in the Devil's Triangle with his brother Michael, he ended in a parallel dimension where he lost his brother, and he learns about the truth about his world, ' It's not even real ' What will he do to find his brother back?

IDiablo · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Awakening 3

" ( Sam, now you're connected with your new vessel, I mean your prime vessel, so you will recall his memories so soon. ) "

" ( What memories? about his life? that's will help me, now what? did you find our location? it will help me to know what I am. ) "

" ( I'm trying but I couldn't, but don't worry about that, you will find that on yourself, And I have already put the box beside your pillow, so it will help you and I've put some herbs and portions for you and your mom. ) "

" ( Thank you Ralph, ) " Sam opened his eyes slowly, his vision was very bad at first, but it was getting better, he saw a lady who sat near the bed,

" Oh, My healing skill, it worked, " The lady was wearing a white gown, her eye were filled with happiness and tears,

" Maa is that... " The lady was looking like his mom, her eyes, her hair, even her smile, Sam couldn't believe his eyes, he was trying to get off but his mom stopped him,

" Lay down, you need a good rest, " Sam just smiled at her, but he wanted to hug her tightly, he missed her since he was 8 years old.

" ( Mom, it's you, I can't even believe my eyes, I never thought I could see you again, I want to hug you tightly, and tell you how I missed you so much, but my injuries didn't completely heal yet, ) " Sam hold her hand tightly, he was trying to comfort her.

" Samael, you kept your promise well, and that's the reason you're laying on the bed, I'm so selfish, I only wanted to forget the past, and I never wanted my son lying like this, " she was crying, at the time Sam eyes slowly closed,

" ( Shit, the injuries are sick, I couldn't have any chance to talk with my mom, ) " but she wasn't in a good condition, she used half of her life energy to heal her son,

" ( Oh no, I have to get up, ) " Sam tried to get up from the bed, but his condition wasn't good, he was trying to call some help, but he couldn't.

" ( No, I have to save her, get up Sam, ) " At the same time Sam heard a door opening sound, also footsteps, but he couldn't lift his head, but the shadow of that person was not looked like a human.

" ( No, who is that? is he a monster, I have to save my mom, get up, get up!! ) " Sam raised his head somehow and saw an old demon walking towards his mom, that demon was checking his pulse,

" Lord Zhao, what have you done, why did you use your Chi, to heal Samael, "

" ( That demon is caring for my Mom, who is he? ) " that demon was checking her pulse again, then he took a portion and gave it to her,

That demon was looking at Sam, at the time Sam closed his eyes, but Sam wasn't asleep, he was acting like sleeping.

" Rusty, look my son is awake, I saved my son, your calculations were wrong, see, my son will be alright, "

" Yes, my lord, I can see that your efforts had paid off, but you lost half of your cultivation, is it going to be okay? "

" ( Lord Zhao? Cultivation? am I watching a Chinese drama? ) "

" Lord Zhao, you have to come with me, with your current situation, you will die within 6 months, you have to obtain the spirit of king level, I will take you to the ' Beast Realm ' tomorrow. "

" ( What, she's dying because of me, I have to save her, but will she be okay after absorbing a beast's spirit? ) "

" No I can't waste that crystal, I have to secure it for my son, I left my Clan for my husband after he died, my priority is my son, even my husband named him Samael, but I gave a name of Zhao Xuan, but I didn't use that name, because Samael was given by his father, "

" My son, he's a warrior, after you met him, I didn't expect that a human would love a demon. he was the rightful owner of the hell but like you, I never wanted to sit on that throne, "

" ( what? he's was the first demon king, that's why she protected me from other demons. ) "

" I told you, I never saw a man like him, he was the first man who understood me, he respected my feelings, that's why I keep calling my son, Samael, it always remains him. "

" I was too careless about Samael, I didn't even allow him to take a sword with him, I was trying to save him from other ' Noble Demons ' but now, he almost died to keep my promise, "

" Lord, Samael is different from other demons, he's a half-demon and half-human, that's why he's looking like a human, I already inquired they were bullying Samael, and one was attacked with Fire Arrows, we have to do something, "

" ( Oh, my father was a demon and my mom was a human, so I'm born as half-demon and half-human. ) "

" Yes, I already decided, I have to teach about his mental cultivating techniques, I was worried about society, but now I'm also reborn, he will make his father's name proud. "

" But, what are you going to do? "

" I have already transferred the half of my cultivation, through healing, so he's in level 2, now he has to learn the skills of three beasts swords skill, but that's so dangerous, "

" Don't worry my lord, I'll help him to restore his strength, " Rusty came near to Sam,

" Hang in there, Samael, I lost my son, but I can't lose you, today you will start to carry my glory. "

Rusty cut his dumb and drop his blood on the land, suddenly, from that small drop of blood a huge red and black coloured sword began to form, it was looking like a demonic sword, the dark eye was glowing and dark smoke was coming from the eye.

Rusty took the sword and put that sword near Sam's pillow, then Rusty took Samael's hand and put it on the sword, the sword started to absorb the blood on Sam's wounded hand.

The aura of the dark eye demonic sword was tremendously strong, and it's affecting Sam's mind, the energy of that sword released its whole energy into Samael's body.

" ( What strong energy, I can't even control the power, ) " Suddenly Sam's spirit crystal started to glow again,

" ( Ralph, it's glowing again, look it's absorbing the energy, and turning into my energy, I can feel the sword, now, and look my wounds also healed, ) " Sam was talking lonely, Ralphina didn't reply

" ( Ralph? are you still there? why are you being quiet, ) " still he didn't receive any reply from Ralph.

" ( I think she's collecting information for me, good, Okay, now I can get up, my wounds are healed now, ) " Sam opened his eyes but he couldn't see anyone in the room.

" Mom, ( I'm okay now, I have to see you. ) " Sam ran out of his room, the house was just small there were only three rooms in the house, Sam was searching for his mom.

" Maa, where are you? see I'm okay. " Sam was screaming, suddenly a hand stopped Sam, he turned and saw Rusty.

" Calm down Samael, your mom needs rest, she is not in good condition, I think you can understand. "

Rusty brought Sam into mom's room. She was lying in the bed, and Sam saw bloodstain on her clothes, and her lips were covered by the blood drops,

" Your mom has been vomited blood after saving you, she will die in 6 months, I know that you were listening to our conversations, so you know her condition well. Don't disturb her, " Sam was holding his mom's hand, while he was crying.

" Samael, if you want to save your mom, you have to start your cultivation, she was a fine warrior on the Human Realm, you're not only a demon, you're a human also, the choice is yours, "

" I..., I don't know how to cultivate, " Samael still holding his mom's hand.

" It's like practicing your skills through the meditation, even you can improve your power and potential with focusing on your energy, it will help to perfect your body, with the help of this, you can even summon elements and magical powers. "

" But I'm a half-demon, so it won't affect my body, right? "

" Yes, but did you absorb the sword that I gave you? wait, let me check, I can't sense your dark energy, it's only your mom's energy, what happened to you, "

" Oh, let me show you. " Sam closed his eyes, inside his body, the Purple Crystal started to glow again. The dark energy was overflowing in Sam's body, the unknown mask suddenly appeared inside his mind.

" ( Wait is that the unknown mask, that I gave to Ralph, what's doing here, then what happened to Ralph? ) " Mask was absorbing the dark energy, As it absorbed, it began to transform into a Devil Face,

" ( What's happening, Ralph? help.. no it's a waste of time, ) " the devil's face floated towards Sam and stuck on his face,

First, his eyes were started to bleed, and his chest, shoulders, arms, and backbone were expanding, the heart was beating into 72 to 200, and his body was started to bleed on everywhere.

" ( What's happening to me, the pain is killing me, someone please save me, someone... ) " The nerves all began to tighten. Both of his eyes Squeezed outside. He was closing his eyes wholes with hands.

All of his claws began to grow sharply. That devil mask started to change him into a monster, and the sharp horns grew on his forehead. A new pair of bloody eyes appeared.

His skin colour was turned blood red. His teeth were growing like a lion's sharp teeth. While the whole transformation happening, Sam was resisting so much pain. Sam was fully transformed into a devil.

The purple crystal healed his wounds again, his appearance also changed into a real demon, and he was looking like a demon now, but the process took only a few seconds, Sam's demon form surprised Rusty,

At the time, that sword appeared on Sam's hand, he was looking like a Devil without wings.

" At last, your demon has been awakened, and I never saw a red demon like you, I'm surprised by your demon form, also you can even hide your demon form, "

Sam was also surprised by his demon form, he was looking at his hand,

" ( What is happening with me, I have to change back but how? ) " Sam closed his eyes again, and his demon form was changing into human form, also the sword vanished.

" Oh, you changed your energy back again, you're awesome. But the sword you were holding in your hand, that not an ordinary sword, it was made by the energy core of Prime demon, so it will try to manipulate you, so, use that sword carefully. " Sam was looking at his mom

" One more thing, keep the sword a secret, your mom didn't know anything about it, so never take your sword in front of her. "

" I understand, " Sam was looking at his mom, then he left the room,

Sam was sitting on his bed, suddenly, his eyes saw the box, that was gifted by the golden doors of Spiritual Realm. Sam took the box and opened it, he saw some Crystals and a small bag inside the box.

" Sam, " Sam heard Ralph's voice suddenly, and the Golden orb appeared in front of him.

" Ralph, where did you go? Do you know what happened to me? " Ralph was floating in the air,

" I know Sam, I know everything. My aura was affected by the purple crystal, that's why I need to regain my energy back, don't worry I'll help you to save your mother, first keep that Black Crystal inside the purse, that purse will store anything. "

" Why black only? "

" Because black is super rare like your purple crystal, so keep it safe, it will help you to obtain a God- Level beasts, and the Silver Crystals, keep it with you, those will help you to obtain an Emperor-level magical beast. And you have four Crystals, so you can trap 4 Emperor-level beasts. "

" Then what about this? this red colour crystal, what is it for? "

" That's not spirit traping crystal, that is an Element stone, and based on the colour, its a hell flame level 5 magical stone, so when you have time, absorb it. So you can summon Hell Flames "

" What? can I? "

Chapter 3 Finished.