
Devils and Ravan

Sam died in the Devil's Triangle with his brother Michael, he ended in a parallel dimension where he lost his brother, and he learns about the truth about his world, ' It's not even real ' What will he do to find his brother back?

IDiablo · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Awakening 2

A big Golden Tower, and very powerful, this tower helps spirits to exit the Realm, A young man's spirit was standing in front of the tower for the exit, and a girl spirit also standing bear to him.

The young man was wearing a Golden Spirit crystal on his neck, he was holding two Masks in his hands, one was made of wood, another one was made of Iron.

" Michael, we have 2 minutes so get ready. "

" ( Sam, where are you, I'm waiting for you, come quick, ) Selena, I'm not sure about Soul-Bonding Ritual, I have to wait for my brother, don't you think we should stop now, we decided in such a hurry. "

" Michael, I know its hard for you, but I once had a chance to visit Heaven Realm, that's where I learned everything about the earth, you have to make a decision, it is a second chance for you, "

" I know, life never gave a second chance, but is it right? "

" Come on Michael, I have a responsibility to take care of you, so you have to accept it. "

" Selena, I know that, but even my world is not real, but I can't take another one's life, it's not okay, "

" Michael, you can't deny your Destiny, even you're not real, but now you have a chance to become real, don't worry about your brother, I already sensed him, your brother is coming here too, he's with my little sister Ralpina, so please put that ' Realm Face Mask ', so you can find your Realm, "

" Then, what should I do with this? you also don't know about this Mask? " Michael looking at the second Mask, he got from the Spirit Tower,

" Michael, we don't know anything about the mask yet, cause you're the first one gets a second mask, so we have to wait until it reveals the power, So give me that mask, I'll keep that for you. " Michael gave the Mystery Iron Mask to Selena,

Suddenly, a countdown started, Michael and Selena heard a big bell sound,

" Michael, we don't have much of time, you have to wear that Realm Face Mask in your face before 10 Bell rings, quick. "

The Bell sound was ringing, but Michael was hesitating to West it,

" Whether to wear it or not, ah it's too hard to choose, if I wear, my path will separate from Sam, but I have no choice, " Michael put the Mask on his face, a light beam appeared on Michael,

" ( Sam, I don't think, I can meet you in the future, but I'll wait for you, no matter what? I won't lose my hope, first time in my life, I chose a path without you, I don't know this is my goodbye, bye brother. ) "

Michael vanished in that light beam and the lady spirit also vanished,

( 15 minutes later )

" What? are you saying that my world is not real, "

" Yes, boy, you're just made from the ashes, " Sam was heartbroken after hearing the truth,

" Why? why did they create us, for fun? " Sam couldn't hold it anymore.

" Sam, in your world, a human can live 100 years, but here, an average number is nearly 1000 years, but if you're ended up here, it means, your real one is dying, that's why your spirit was ended up here, "

" ( I'm not a backup file, how can they do this to us, we also have a life, our lives also matter too, but they're treating us as a pen drive, I won't allow this. ) "

" Sam, they don't need your permission, if they need you, they will take you, that's what they're, you have no other options "

" Wait, did you just read my mind? "

" Yes Sam, we are bonded, so I can hear your thoughts, it's telepathy, you can also hear mine, it's an advantage for us, " Sam was looking at the building,

" So, what is Soul Bonding Ritual? my brother Michael left for that ritual, what is that ritual mean? "

" Wait, let me see, yeah, I found it, after the real one died, your soul will be bonded with that real one's vessel so, you have to live his life, with this, you will get a chance to live. "

" ( Then I have no option but to take the vessel, but is that correct? a new life, filled with lies, what should I do now? ) "

" Sam, you and the real one are connected, so you have to bond with his body, you have a responsibility,

" Prime Book, Sam is wearing Purple Soul Crystal and his brother also wearing Gold Soul crystal, both are quite rare, do you know anything about Sam's soul crystal? "

" What? Purple? Gold? no, it can't be, fate started its own game, there is nothing I can tell you about that crystals, it's forbidden, but they will change history once again. " Sam holding the crystal, and this time, the crystal was glowing.

" Look you're a brave spirit, that's why I want to give you a gift when you finish your ritual, you will get my special eye, called ' Prime Eye of Knowledge ', it will help you. "

" Sam, you got a gift from Prime Eye, it's fantastic, isn't it? thank you Prime Book, we shall take leave, the tower is waiting for us, Sam let's go. " Sam looked the building

" Thanks for your help, I don't know how to repay you, but one day I will come for you with my brother, it's a promise. "

" Go now, your fate is waiting for you, " Sam bowed the building and started to walk towards the tower.

" ( Boy, life always one step ahead, and your life is also waiting to play, careful, ) "

Sam and Ralph, were walking towards the tower, while Ralpina wanted to know more about Sam.

" Sam, can I ask something, " Sam smiled

" Sam, how did you die? don't misunderstand me, you have lots of pains, so if you share with me, you will feel refreshed. "

( Flashback )

" Okay, My full name is Sam Park, and my father, J. Park, who is a multi-billionaire, and owns an Automobile car company, after mom died, He raised us. "

" Us? you and Michael? " Sam smiled once again

" No, I have a little sister too, her name is Jennie, We have no worries about our lives, cause our father gave us a lot, I'm an average student in both studies and sports, but my brother, Michael, a true genius, he's the best in everything. "

" Mm, interesting carry on, "

After the first semester exam, I have planned a vacation trip, and that was the stupid idea I ever made, "

" Wait, Vacation? What is a vacation? "

" Vacation means something like a break from your work, and it's so funny, you can go to the places like Beaches, Mountains and enjoy yourself with your family or friends. "

" Wow I need a vacation, I never have a vacation? "

" You should, it's very fun, where was I? "

" Vacation, "

" Thanks, Me, Michael, and Lucy planned a trip on the Pacific Ocean, "

" Wait, who's Lucy? "

" Lucy was my ex-girlfriend, l sincerely loved her, although in this vacation I was going to propose to her, I didn't expect, she was using me, " Sam just smiled

" Ralph? you know I'm a good man, but I'm extremely aggressive, that's why I had lots of enemies in my school days, I was having a big fight with some bullies, and they expelled me from the Academy, but I didn't know, they wished for revenge on me. So Lucy brought them in the yacht, "

" Then what happened? "

" As we planned, we were boating on the Pacific Ocean, then they started to execute their plane, their plane was drugging us, and We were half unconscious by that drug, and our legs were completely paralyzed, "

" When our yacht floating near the Devil's Triangle, they knocked the Captain and we were overboard in that ocean, at the time, Lucy was smiling. "

" Did she smile? "

" Yeah, those eyes and the betrayal, I never want to see her face, they left in the ocean, a torturous dead, we couldn't even swim, but we didn't lose hope, we were hanging on a drowning boat, but.. "

" But? "

" A few more minutes, a big Typhoon formed in that Devil's Triangle, we were dragged by the Vortex wind, I couldn't help him, and now I lost my brother once again, I don't know why fate is toying with our lives. "

" Sam, I'm nearly 6500 years old, I saw the world, better than you, never think, your life is miserable, you can't see your future, but still life always gives us hope, and if you want to be successful, you have to work harder. "

Sam suddenly stopped, his pain was reflecting in his eyes.

" How much, do I have to work harder to prove myself, I'm not a good sun neither good brother, "

" Sam, if you know yourself, better than others, you don't need to prove to anyone, and never compare yourself with others, " Ralph just smiled, and she started to walk.

" Oh, We don't have too much time, come quickly, " Ralph started to fly in the air, her orb body was a perfect vessel for her, it was also so light,

" Yeah, coming, "

Sam walking speed increased, and he saw a big golden tower, and there was a big bell was hanging in the top of the tower,

" Wow, it's even taller than Eiffel, and wow, the structure of this tower is fantastic, even if we have modern technology, still no one can build a tower like this, old is always gold. "

" Sam, what are you doing there? come fast. "

Sam could feel the energy of that tower, and that force was dragging Sam towards the tower, Sam reached the tower,

" Welcome to your afterlife honorable spirit, you too Princess Ralpina, I believe this is our first meeting, "An old man was standing in front of Sam,

" It's my honor to meet you Tower Watcher, and please meet my companion Sam, can you help us? ( Sam, this is my first time to meet him, he's the one who created the Tower, and he's the Guardian. So be careful when talking to him. )

Sam looked at that Oldman's spirit, he's very humble and funny.

" Come with me, Sam, and stand in this star, " the old man's spirit pointed a big golden star mark. Sam was just following Watcher's words, Sam standing in the star mark,

" Now, please extend your hands forward, " Sam extended his hands forward, suddenly, two Masks appeared on Sam's hands,

" Another spirit, you're gifted Sam, like Michael, "

" Wait, how do you know him, he's my younger brother, " Sam couldn't leave the mark, but he was begging the old man,

" Oh, is he? now I understand, you and your brother are truly awesome, but I'm sorry, even if you're his family, I can't help you, it's all fate, and your fate is waiting for you, just wear that Realm Face Mask and your spirit will teleport to a Realm. I hope your ritual ends well, Farewell. "

" Wait, I... " before Sam finished his talk, the old man's spirit vanished without any traces. Sam just looking at the mask.

" Sam, just put that mask on your face, we have to be ready before the bell rings 10 times. "

" ( Sam, this is your chance to meet your brother, and you can't let it go, yes I can't let it go, I have to find him, no matter what. ) Sam put that Mask on his face and a few seconds later, Sam heard a bell ring sound, and the sound becomes very louder.

Suddenly a light beam appeared on that Star mark, Sam and Ralph vanished into the light beam.

( A few seconds later. )

" Samael, wake up please, Samael " Sam heard a name, again and again, he closed his ears but the sound of a woman still hearing,

" ( Ralph, please do something, just stop this sound, ) " Sam couldn't hold it anymore,

" ( Please, stop calling that name, I'm not Samael ) " Sam was screaming but that's not working, but he felt a warmness and it's comforting him,

" ( Ralph, what's happening to me? I can feel a gentle warmth, who is she and why she calling me Samael? ) "

" ( Sam, you're in your chosen body, and the name you're hearing continuously, that's your name is yours, and that voice, that belongs to your mother, ) "

" ( Mother, wait, is she my Mom?.. ) " Sam recalled his mom's face, her memories about playing with him.

" Samael, don't leave me, you're my only family, I can't afford to lose you today, I will heal you with my life energy, no matter what, even I have to die, I will save you. " The lady was trying to heal his son, but his wounds were too deep,

" God, the bleeding won't stop, " her tears dripping.

" ( No, I can't let her die for me, Ralph, help me to complete the ritual, ) " At the time, his spirit was turning into a dark color,

" ( What's happening with me? ) " his Golden color changed into black,

" ( I don't know Sam, but should I cancel the process or not? ) "

" ( No, I don't want anyone to die for me, tell me what should I do? ) "

" You have to find the heart, and you have to restart the heart, " Sam started the search but he couldn't see in the darkness,

" (Sam, don't use your eyes, just feel, you will find that. ) " Sam closed his eyes but, he couldn't feel the heart,

" ( There is no heart inside this body, a heartless body, how can I wake? wait, a spirit is the heart of the body, so I'm a have to awake this body, but how? ) "

Sam closed his eyes and started to feel his energy, the memories of his family appeared in his mind, his mom's smile, his father's love, his childhood, Sam started to feel every moment of his past life, at the moment he heard a heartbeat for the first time. His spirit completely vanished,

" Sam, you completed the ritual, no it's your body, wake up Sam. " Sam slowly opened his eyes

Chapter 2 Finished.