

once upon a time there was a knight who saved a maiden is danger from the tyrannical wizard, the knight is the maiden they had a son called vithonic how long would be the devilkghth the better known the purple knight or knight in purple armor the protector of realms

senhordogamerplay · Fantasy
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29 Chs


long last, the knight reached inside his jacket pocket and took out a piece of paper, unfolding it as he held it up to get a better look. His entire face immediately lit up upon reading the words written on it, a soft glow coming into his eyes. "Thanks a lot for the reminder. You were great last night… You should be proud of yourself." With that the knight handed the paper back to Devilkghth, smiling brightly before turning his attention back to his meal. "Hey… do you mind if I ask you a question?" He asked once more. The smile faded slightly as he awaited an answer, and the knight hesitated for a few minutes, looking away and biting his lip. However, in the end he managed to come out with it. "Is… is the King going to kill me, sir?"

For a minute Devilkghth remained silent, unsure how to react to the question. That certainly wasn't the expected reaction. He had only wanted to try and cheer him up a little bit by talking with him, but hearing him actually asking him such a thing… it almost broke his heart. "No," he responded eventually with a sigh, and slowly lowered his own gaze, "he's not going to kill anyone."

Silence lingered around them for a few moments longer than usual, but neither of them were sure what exactly to say next. The silence grew until finally it became unbearable and the boy felt a lump forming in his throat. "If… if he hurts you, please tell me!" He blurted out suddenly, glancing back up at the knight for a few seconds, before lowering his gaze again, ashamed.

He heard a muffled laugh coming from the man, and slowly the young master lifted his head and saw that he was smiling widely, almost gleefully at him. "Alright, alright. I won't. Besides, I have someone else who will be able to handle that situation quite easily. You've done a great job on the mission so far, haven't you? I'm certain that I wouldn't be alive now without you." The knight answered smoothly, reaching a hand up and placing it on Devilkghth's shoulder as he spoke.

As the boy began to blush heavily in embarrassment, a loud crash echoed through the room as a loud clatter came crashing down next to him. Both of them jumped at the loud noise, and for a few moments nothing else seemed to happen before the sound of someone running came echoing through the hallways again. The two knights exchanged nervous glances, and the latter spoke once again. "You must go. Go hide somewhere. If he finds you here, that means that everyone knows that I lied to them, and that they might try and search you right away.