

once upon a time there was a knight who saved a maiden is danger from the tyrannical wizard, the knight is the maiden they had a son called vithonic how long would be the devilkghth the better known the purple knight or knight in purple armor the protector of realms

senhordogamerplay · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Why do you care so much about what happens to a mere servant anyway? Don't be so stupid; I wouldn't hurt him! We're even friends!" The woman snapped in response, and suddenly she seemed to realize what she had done, and began stuttering awkwardly. "I didn't mean… I mean, um… we're still friends… aren't we, Tino?" She mumbled weakly as she buried her face in her hands, and the man sighed deeply, shaking his head before answering her.

"Yes, but…" Suddenly the man stopped speaking, seeming distracted, and looked off to the side, obviously trying to focus on something. His face darkened considerably and he quickly regained control of himself, but he never replied to whatever the woman had said, instead simply turning back to face her. "Fine. Whatever." And with a snap of his fingers both disappeared.

Devilkghth didn't know how long he was sitting there, wondering what the hell that had all been about. Was he mad because the woman called him by the wrong name? Did he not trust her anymore after what she had done to the servant? Why does it matter? After all, he's my dad. Even if they don't love me they'll still love me, and besides, I don't think it matters who called me that. I'm not their son anymore. So why does he treat me like I'm different? Like I'm not one of them? He's acting weird. He's not really Dad, but he doesn't act like Father. I want him to act like Daddy. I wish he'd make me go to sleep without making sure I stay in the chair! But he keeps staring at me with that sad look on his face whenever he looks away. He keeps talking to me but he never really says anything. I thought I'd never ever meet a person who actually cared for me, but this is definitely starting to make things worse for me. I don't even know where to start thinking about all the reasons why he's being such a jerk. All those years ago I knew everything was gonna be fine, that we could be happy together and everything would work itself out… why isn't it working out that way anymore? I… I can't believe things haven't worked out yet. Maybe it's just not meant to happen? Or maybe…maybe there is no hope for us.

His thoughts were interrupted by movement in the corner of his eye, and Devilkghth glanced over to find that it was the knight returning. As soon as he got close enough, he dropped his gaze and waited silently for the human to finish setting down dinner. Once it had settled on the table he stood up and started walking back to his usual place, and after hesitating briefly for just a split second he followed the knight, keeping his eyes fixed firmly onto the ground in order to avoid looking at him. After a short moment he finally decided to sit down next to him and placed his meal down on the table without taking his eyes off of it. When he saw that the knight still hadn't looked at him, he frowned and spoke softly:

"Are you okay, sir?"

The other didn't say anything for several seconds, which made Devilkghth raise his head again to give him a better look. For some reason, his expression seemed strange; normally he would have at least tried to smile back, or at least offer him some kind of greeting, but now all he could see was sorrow. "Sir? Are you okay? You seem awfully quiet all of a sudden… I guess… well, if you need something to talk about…" He trailed off hesitantly, his voice trailing off as he stared wide eyed at the knight. After a few moments of silence he decided to break the silence when he realized that the knight wasn't saying anything. "Well then, uhm… If I may ask… Do you miss your family back home?"

The knight hesitated momentarily before giving a small nod, averting his gaze and picking up his chopsticks to take some food, but after a few seconds he paused and gave another nod, his expression darkening again for a brief moment before fading into complete indifference. "Yeah. They were… they were nice."

A faint smile tugged lightly on Devilkghth's lips. It was nice to know at least that someone had been thinking about his family. "That's good. I mean… I'm glad you feel better. And that you're feeling better now," he added hurriedly, remembering exactly what had happened last time. "We can keep talking, if you want… I-if you want, I mean."

For several moments there was almost total silence as Devilkghth waited anxiously for a reply and the knight continued eating.