
Phase 1 Complete

Coming down to the dining room Mark could see all the kids having breakfast. He too sat down for breakfast all while looking at the door of the matron's room.

'By my estimation, the matron would come out any second now. Ah, there she is, walking towards the city lord's manor to give her weekly report. Well, I think its time I play my part.'

He got up in a hurry as if he just remembered something and went towards the matron and "accidentally" bumped into her.

" I'm so sorry matron. I was looking at the ground while thinking about my adventure today and I just didn't see you there."

' This insolent boy. Hmmm, come to think of it, I haven't had the chance to see his yet. I think its time I and little Mark here had a little "talk".'

"It's quite all right my boy, accidents happen. Now, I must be on my way. Groceries to buy and mouths to feed. ", saying that she walked off towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Not knowing that he had avoided a calamity, Mark just went back to his seat taking with him the key to the matron's room which he managed to steal when he bumped into her.

He patiently waited for the rest of the children to go out and play like they usually do. Fifteen minutes later, the room was clear and Mark was ready to go. He went up to the room and used the key to unlock the door and went inside.

It was a pretty simple room with a bed, a few chairs, and a closet. He first looked in the closet and saw a few soul crystals and a book.

" What's this?"

He opened the book and laughed.

"Hahaha, to think that I would find a cultivation technique without even trying. Still, this means that the matron is even higher ranked than I thought. I should have been more careful. She may have noticed something. "

' Well, then it's time to start phase 1 of my plan on becoming OP in TDG.'

' I have already scoured every nook and cranny of this city. It's time to join the Dark Guild.'

That's right, the dark guild. If you ask the question of who is the most talented person in TDG, it is not the main protagonist Nie Li or the main female lead Ye Ziyun, it is in fact the demon lord.

The Demon Lord managed to keep up with Nie Li despite his overpowered cheats and knowledge. This is because he has a very rare physique called the Supreme Physique. It allows him to take on people with higher cultivation than himself and also gives him an unparalleled talent in body cultivation.

But even if he did have this physique, Mark could do nothing about it as physiques are inborn but the thing is that the Demon Lord was not born with this physique, he had possessed a body with the Supreme Physique. The timeline was never clearly specified but when the demon lord showed up, he was a young man and by his disposition, he would not possess a boy. So, based on his calculations, Mark still had a few years before the demon lord possessed the body.

If you have not guessed the plan already, it is to possess the Supreme Body. He knew it was wrong and evil but Mark had a great goal. He could have coasted through life if he just became a sidekick of the MC but Mark still remembered the goal he had in his previous life. It may not have been possible with technology then but he could do it now with cultivation and for that goal, he will go to any length.

' I don't care if it is Deity realm or Supreme Realm or even further. One day I will reach it.'

While he was thinking about his plan, Mark arrived at an inconspicuous warehouse on the outskirts of Glory City. He had seen some men in Black Clothes go in regularly and come out with sacks on their shoulders.

' This warehouse is most likely a front for a kidnapping operation.'

Based on what he had read in the novel, the Dark Guild regularly kidnapped kids from noble houses for ransom. They kidnap some commoner kids as well for recruitment. That was the basis of the rumours in the orphanage.

Mark lingered around the warehouse for some time and adopted a very innocent and curious expression and went inside.

As Mark pretended to explore the place, he suddenly heard a voice from behind causing him to jump.

" Well, kid it looks like this isn't your lucky day."

That was the last thing Mark heard as everything went black.

Well, that is essentially my idea my dear readers. Please comment if you see any mistakes or if you just want to give general advice.

If you saw the earlier version of this chapter and are confused, I am sorry. I just published an unedited chapter by mistake

Song_Shuhang9creators' thoughts