
Devil May Cry Dante x Clarissa Fair

Clarissa was on her way back to her flat, which apparently she then heard gunshots and walked near the window as she saw a handsome white-haired man. Sorry that was a spoiler but you guys must have patience's, and now Enjoy. ***Fairchild out***

ElenaFairchildfair · Others
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13 Chs

Part 4: Clarissa's visions and meeting Lady

Middle of the night in Clarissa's vision:

I hear a sound of a running motorbike, while watching to men competing against one another. 'Wait what's going on here, I don't wait wait...this Red Gravel bridge but, what am I doing here ain't I sleeping no wait it's-' her thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream of a man in which, he went in speed while the other was warning him but then, I saw it...Demons Oh no!

Hey demon get away from him!, but no voice came out however the demon did hear and was about to attack until, I woke up

*panting*panting* 'Why...what's going one my head...' I thought clutching my hair with fear and anxiety.

The next morning Clarissa's POV still:

'Ugh I couldn't sleep well that I ended up, being awake all night since the vision I've seen so I have to going back to work but...

"Your fired." my boss announced

"W-What?! What did I do now sir?"

"Nothing is that we will be moving our library somewhere else to another city and since I known you for the last 2 years I think since your still young and graduated early I think it is best if you live your life freely until your old enough. Don't worry, you'll be payed in full so I suggest you pack your stuff up and bye."

After packing her stuff out of the library desk...

'And that's how you start your morning for me only me why love this job since I was 19 and now this I cannot believe it but-' her thoughts were interrupted by a fast-going motorbike with a woman saying, "Watch where you're going girl!"

As Clarissa moves away of the street but, to only fall back on her butt. While her stuff fell unto the pavement and hissed at my stomach which it still hasn't healed properly but,

The vision...

'A-a-a d-d-dead...body...no not this no no'

the vision ended

'I have to talk to Dante, and fast' as Clarissa then, grabbed her stuff and rushed towards Devils May Cry she still had purple bags under her eyes even if it showed a little. Once she got there, she notice a pizza guy delivering an order for Dante. In which, Clarissa kept watching until she walked towards DMC to only to enter into a children's den made by...none other than Patty Lowell.

"Clarissa your here!!" as she ran towards her with a big hug in which Clarissa, gratefully hugs back until the pain on her stomach made her hiss and said,

"Patty...let go...please it hurts, and it is good to see your here too."

"Oh I'm sorry but, what do you think isn't this place look even cuter than before?" the little girl asked with a smile on her face.

As Clarissa looked around the "new" decorated Devil May Cry place she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"HaHaHaHaHa Oh my God didn't you fight for her to stop this, HaHaHa." as Clarissa coughed and straightened up and said in a serious tone, "Dante I have to tell you something that might shock you even if..."

But at that moment, a short-black-haired woman with two different colored eyes one was light blue and the other was red, in which she had a perfect figure that even Clarissa thought, 'Wow Dante has a girlfriend!? But she is kinda prettier than me jeez...'

"Hmm seems that your sense of style has improved a lot since we last met huh, Dante?" as she closed the door and walked around Dante's place as she continued,

"If I'm not mistaken your Patty Lowell."

"Woah am I famous or something?" said Patty with a excited mood while Clarissa cleared her throat which brought all their attention to her and said, "I had a vision...but I don't know if it has happened or not...I saw two men on a motorbike competition on the bridge and as one was going faster the other was left behind so...then, he went over the speed limit something then, dark red appeared in front of him and it only left darkness with its crimson red shadow and then, I woke up like this because of what I have seen last night."

And as she finished explaining about her vision to them, Dante stopped eating his pizza and then, asked her,

"What else did u see?And is it what your here to explain Lady?" as he asked "Lady".

"That's about it, Dante. But what does it have to do with my vision?" Clarissa asked with concerned.

"So what r u here for Lady? Is it just as she explained it?" he continued asking again eating his pizza.

"Yeah but first, how about a bet if I put the 8 ball in, you take the job I have for you unconditionally are you game?" Lady asked while holding the big stick and smiling at Clarissa which made her say, "I hope you don't lose Dante and he is not your servant so just pay him back yourself if your so bossy."

Lady looked at her in surprise and said, "Well see Clary well see."

Dante then, said, "You can never do simple ways can you. It's a deal and if you lose you pay 20,000 dollars in cash."

"Done." she answered ready to hit the ball.

As Clarissa was still standing there, watching how Lady plays billiard and also turned her head to see Dante's reaction and at that moment she knew he's going to take the job.


Lady succeed...Patty was shocked and impressed. However, Dante cursed as he whispered, "Shit...(groan)" as he stands up and grabbed his scarlet cloak and held on his shoulder as they (Dante, Clarissa and Lady) were on their way out.

'Hmm why do I feel like something is going to happen? (sigh) as for me...I love Lady's knife gun weapon whoa I want one so bad that I can't stop admiring it secretly' she (Clarissa) thought as she stopped gazing at Lady's weapon's.

As Dante continued, "...so who's the son of bitch this time?" he questioned Lady, as she smirked at him and then...

"Demon's of course."

Later on the way to a motorbike gang...