
Devil & Jaeger

Rin Enshino, a 4,000-year-old Assassin who earned the titles "Devil of Light" and "God of Destruction" for his overwhelming strength and massive power, now lives as an average student at the prestigious Aya Academy after the end of a 2,000 year long set of wars called the Disgraceful Baths. His oldest enemy, Elizabeth "Lisa" Forne, who's known for being relentless with hunting her prey, earning her the name "Jaeger" now tries to live the same life as Rin. Though later during their first encounter out of combat, their school is attacked, and their identities are revealed to the world. To add to Rin's headaches and struggles, Lisa decided to confess her love to him in front of their whole school! On top of his current issues, Rin is also tasked with facing a new enemy rising in the shadows, and an old one in the public eye. Rin’s life has only gotten more difficult as time keeps passing, but will this be the breaking point of it all?

Fortuneee · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Exorcists and Assassins? Part 1

"Who the hell are you anyway?" I asked, visibly annoyed. It hasn't even been 10 minutes since I've entered the school and I'm already being attacked. "My name is Dante Senta, and I'm an Exorcist," he replied with a disgusting grin. Never heard of an Exorcist before, so why the hell am I finding out there's such as thing as one now? Though, I need to focus on getting out of this damned trap for now. So what's the best strategy for hundreds of daggers just inches from my face? I'll just try to freeze them all in mid-air and go straight for this asshat.

"If you're thinking about trying something to get my daggers out of the way, don't even try it. My daggers are made of holy energy, so no devil could ever do something to destroy them," Dante said with a smug grin. He's not the first person who decided to use my name as an insult but when he says it, I can't help but want to punch his teeth in. "So what, are these daggers your magic?" I asked, ready to freeze the daggers in place and grab him by the throat. "No, actually. My magic is called Holy Magic. I can create any weapon I wish out of holy energy and fight with them. That is my magic, not a few measly daggers," he answered with that same grin. Seriously, how annoying can one human get just because they have a small advantage?

"Bastard! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Shiro yelled, ready to go straight up to Dante and beat him until he'd been bleeding five different colors of blood. Arthur decided to stop her before she made it to him, whispering something into her ear to make her calm down, and it surprisingly worked. "Shiro Enshino, younger sister to the disgusting devil. Are you one too, or do I only have to kill this one?" Dante replied. Now he's actually starting to piss me off. I'm definitely beating him to hell and back for that.

"Senta, release your magic at once!" Vice President Cens exclaimed as he grabbed Dante's arm. You're too late to start breaking up this situation, Cens. Before Dante could reply, I froze each dagger in place from the handles to the tips of the blades. Dante and Cens both looked over to me and before any of the two could react, I'd gone behind Dante and sent my knee flying into his back with little force. Despite the amount of strength I put into my knee, he still went flying through the hallway. When he landed, the idiot decided to get back up and charge me, something only a dumbass would do.

"Rin, watch it!" Arthur yelled as Dante pulled out a long sword, which I can only assume he made from his own magic. I quickly made a small flame shield with my right hand, but the blade went straight through it as if it didn't exist and pierced my arm. The blade cut my arm clean off, causing blood to gush, and even a few screams from the people nearby. As for me, I tried my hardest not to let out a scream of pain as I gripped the bleeding area tightly. Son of a bitch! This isn't exactly new but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like absolute hell every time. But why does this one hurt even more than it usually should? It's burning like absolute hell and my healing's getting slowed down. Holy Magic can slow immortality?!

"You son of a bitch! What the hell is wrong with you?!?!" Shiro had shouted at him while I stood behind Dante on one knee. "Keep yourself out of this if you know what's good for you, lass. This is between me and this disgusting devil!" Dante had replied. No one could say nor do anything at the moment, so they'd all stood there, watching as if this was a colosseum and the two of us were about to fight to the absolute death.

Damn him! Honestly, if there's anything I hate, it's being talked down to, but what I hate even more than that is being talked down to by a human! Who the hell does this bastard think he's dealing with? Nevermind that, right now I need to focus on healing up and kicking this bastard's ass.

I quickly stood back up and used my Earth control to create something to at least stop the bleeding. It worked and the wound quickly began to heal back up. In seconds, my arm had fully grown back to normal I moved my left arm in the motion to draw Seiya from my back, to which the weapon manifested onto my back, though not with my Spirit Armor. I won't be needing something like armor to teach this kid what happens when he pisses me off.

"What the? A Sacred Weapon? No, you Assassins summon your entire Spirit Armor when you get your weapons out, so that must be a false sword you crafted from some element!" Dante said as I drew Seiya. His tone at first showed surprise before he quickly put on an arrogant grin and spoke in his demeaning tone of voice again. "No," I replied as I cracked my right arm and took a stance before I spoke again. "It seems like you've never heard of a Weapon Summon, so I'll enlighten you. A Weapon Summon is when an Assassin summons their Sacred Weapon and it alone, no Spirit Armor involved. The weapons are bound to the soul of their master, not the master's own gear."

Dante said nothing, but instead took a stance and prepared to come straight at me. What's this stance he's taking? He's just standing with his body straight and sword hand out. Isn't this the same way a fencer would take their stance? Think RIn, back when you lived at the mansion, mother said something about different regions and sword styles containing different combat stances. Yeah, that was the first lesson she taught me as a kid when she started to teach me her sword style! If I could remember more, I'd probably be able to take him down immediately but I'll just have to fight like normal. Master taught you all about styles too Rin, so use those complete memories!

Dante dashed right at me in the blink of an eye, but before he could do anything, I'd already disappeared from his line of sight and had been right behind him. It's situations like this where the Vanishing Breath technique comes in handy. All it takes is the proper breathing pattern and one short breath to disappear completely from your opponent's view and other senses. Master said this was a basic skill Assassins needed to learn if they ever needed to gain an advantage they didn't have in a fight. In the time Dante had been searching for me, I managed to get in four slashes and five kicks, knocking him back hard and releasing me from my Vanishing Breath. That's the only drawback to Vanishing Breath: attacking or using a weapon while in the veil it provides will instantly reveal you to anyone under its effects.

"Where the hell did you come from?!?!" the angry child screamed as he stood up. I gave no response and rushed him to deliver an upward slash, only for him to block it and kick me back. As he kicked me, I felt something break. How strong is this kid? "Fight me like a proper swordsman, Enshino!" He exclaimed as he charged me, to which I did the exact same. The second we collide, we'll end up in a continuous exchange of colliding blades for at least 15 seconds, so what's the best course of action here? I'll just have to improvise as we collide. When we collided and our blades had made contact, I couldn't help but feel as if I was going against another Assassin. This sword of his... just what the hell is it made out of to be able to hold it's own against a Sacred Weapon?

"Your magic, just what is it? There's no way you're just creating structures out of mana and using them to fight," I asked as we were face to face for a brief period, though it didn't last long since Dante quickly moved back, to which I did the same.

"It's Holy Magic, which doesn't function like other magic types in the slightest. While other magic types usually have the Mage cast their spells with their direct mana, Holy Magic uses the Mage's mana to absorb and repurpose any mana and elemental energy in the area," Dante explained as he regained his original stance. I've never heard of a magic type like that in the slightest. Absorbing elemental energy and spare mana in the air to repurpose them into weapons or structures the Mage wishes? "Your magic the first kind I've ever heard of to have properties like those, I'll give you that much," I replied as I made the same stance a javelin user would make as they were about to throw their weapon, and aimed Seiya directly at Dante.

"Are you going to throw your weapon at me like a javelin, you moron?" he asked as he slammed his blade into the ground, causing a strange bubble of light form around him. "I'll say this now, don't waste your effort. The abilities of a devil could never work against an agent of the holy wrath of the Earth Goddess!" What's this idiot going on about now? The Earth Goddess? I don't have time to waste on this anymore, I'm going to beat this asshole to hell and back. I took a short breath as I set Seiya's blade ablaze and created four hovering blades of fire around me. Each blade, including Seiya's, had been burning a beautiful blue, like those a person could see in the ocean.

"Shiro, Arthur," I said loudly as I charged my blades, to which they both looked my way in confusion. "Make a barrier around Dante and me. I don't wanna accidentally destroy this area of the school," I requested as the heat from each blade had begun to burn so bright and hot students from afar could feel their heat, and some nearly passed out. Shiro and Arthur said nothing as they formed a barrier of mixed elements around us and I let out a loud roar, launching all five blades at Dante's shield, each one burning up one after the other once they'd used all of the energy I created them with. Once it got down to just Seiya, the barrier had been only a few seconds from collapsing. The whole time, Dante kept a tight grip on his blade, and I assume attempted to keep up the barrier's strength to his very limit, which he looked to be near.

"I refuse... to lose to a...... DISGUSTING DEVIL!" he shouted as a burst of energy had released from his body, and I took that opportunity to take Seiya in hand and deliver a quick and powerful slash at Dante'd chest. At that moment, everything had stopped and Dante made no movements at all for a good eight seconds before he'd been on one knee.

"How does that feel? Being on your knee in front of someone you despise so much?" I asked, holding the tip of Seiya to his throat. Humans like him piss me off with almost no effort. Seeing this is what I call karma.

"Rin?" Arthur asked, a small amount of concern in his voice. I didn't feel it necessary to respond to him, only give a cocky grin to Dante as I held my blade right up to the tip of his throat. What's the benefit of killing him anyway? He's just another annoying human anyway, but I can't help to want to feel bad for him somehow.