
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just couldn't find any good art for the cover.... Is this fine? Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

Chapter 132: Devil Style, The End Devours

"A Beast...?" Mash muttered with shock and fear in her voice, her face pale in fright.

Leonidas and Altria shared the same dread as they took a step forward, their spears at the ready.

They didn't want to believe it straightforwardly, they weren't naive idiots, however, as spirits of the highest grade, they could feel the TRUTH and POWER in the air bearing down upon them when he announced his identity.

It was like the 'world' begrudgingly agreed with his words and acknowledged his existence. The weight of it pressed down on their shoulders, a heavy burden that threatened to crush them.

'Shit. So we're dealing with an Evil of Humanity that you talked about? Already?! And one who has the Authority of Gluttony, tch. Beings with this characteristic are a pain to deal with.' Brunhilde grumbled, feeling worried about their lives.

Just from the pressure it was exuding was equal to Thor from her Homeworld, adding highspeed regeneration and whatever special bullshit skill something as an Evil of Humanity has.....their chances of defeating Zeb was extremely low.

Brunhilde wonders what the Gods in her Homeworld would react if they were to ever encounter a being such as Zeb or any of the Gods here.

Oh man. Thinking about her Homeworld made her a little homesick.

Although Goll has reassured her that humanity was winning, making her proud of her youngest sister for doing so well, there were still a few problems that needed to be addressed.

One, she and Zenkichi, mostly the latter honestly, made quite a ruckus in the God Realm. With her as his partner, and part of slaying a Goddess of the japanese community, there was no way they were going to spare her even if her pantheon would want to protect her. Which they certainly wouldn't, if they wanted to earn the ire of every God in existence. It would be possible if Thor was the king however...

Next are the other Gods proding Zenkichi, because they certainly would want to know of his origins and his powers, whether it be for greed or out of curiosity. And she definitely wouldn't want him getting caught up in their schemes or experiments. Lastly, until Susano, the greatest fighter in Takamagahara, is defeated in Ragnarok, she can't return back to her home.

Oh well, she can wait for a few centuries if the Gods don't do anything else to humanity.

'Yeah,' Zenkichi inwardly nodded, answering Brunhilde's question. 'But it isn't a Beast. Just as he said, he is something close to a Beast. So he isn't completely unkillable, just...incredibly hard to kill.' He eyed Zeb, gripping his spear and sword.

'From what he showed, it seems like he could "eat" anything and possibly even strengthen himself by eating our attacks.'

'Which explains why Altria's attacks don't affect him much anymore. How are we going to do this Zenkichi? Because I honestly have no idea how we're going to defeat him.'

'....Brunhilde, revert back to your normal form.'

After a moment of hesitation, Brunhilde complied and appeared next to him in a flash of light. "You got a plan?" She asked with a raised brow.

Zenkichi gave a smirk, the space before his chest began to distort and ripple as he plunged his left hand into it and brought out a... beer bottle, a cold one at that.

Strange fact, sub-spaces or storage dimensions don't have temperature in them so it kept all of his food and beverages at their optimal temperature. 

Grinning amusedly at Brunhilde's deadpanned, Zenkichi took out the cap and took a long swig of it, drinking more than half of its alcoholic content before handing it over to Brunhilde.

"...Hold my beer." He said with a serious expression, though his face was slightly red.

"..." With a sigh, Brunhilde grabbed the beer and took a sip of it as well. Her frown turned into a grimace. "Ugh. Sapporo, really? You couldn't have gotten anything else? Like a nice ale or mead? Or wine would've been better." she complained, but her tone held a hint of amusement.

"I can't legally buy any alcohol at a convenience store, remember? So I only got the cheap ones on me through the system."

"Tch. Your mom's going to kill me for this but, I'm buying you alcohol from now on."

Zenkichi grinned, "Heh. Thanks hun." Suddenly, music started playing out of nowhere in the battlefield, causing everyone to stand still in disbelief.

"Is that...music?" Altria muttered, furrowing her brows in confusion.

Mash tilted her head, contemplating. "....It sounds like the sounds I sometimes hear from Senpai's video games."

"Hahaha! Well, whatever it is, it sounds pretty good! It actually makes me pretty motivated." Leonidas says laughingly, slashing his spear against his shield to create hot burning flames that covered his whole body.


Zenkichi smirks as he hears the strangely familiar music playing in battle. He chuckled as he turned his gaze towards Zeb, who merely stood there, menacingly, and smugly with how wide he was smiling at them with his sharp teeth.

He noticed the look he was getting and stretched out his right arm and made a hand gesture: 'Come on!'

"Devil Style. The End." Zenkichi softly muttered, and his long blond hair began to turn black, jet-black as the void in space, his red and blue eyes similarly turned entirely black, including his sclera. His power began to surged by several fold; his physical strength, energies, just everything that was his POWER was increasing at an accelerated rate.

Jet-black flames burst from within his body, his demonic flames, an innate ability from his blood, seemed to intensify, swirling around him in a dark vortex. The air crackled with energy as he took a step forward, his aura pulsating with malevolent power. Immeasurable killing intent emanated from him, causing the very ground to tremble beneath his feet.

Brunhilde watched in awe and trepidation as Zenkichi underwent his transformation. She had seen him tap into this power before, but never to this extent. It was as if he had become a force of nature, a harbinger of destruction. The very air seemed to grow heavy with the weight of his power, and Brunhilde couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine.

Words have power. He didn't know it at the time, but when he named this skill of his; Devil Style, his demonic bloodline had begun to stir. His demonic transformation, his blood, perfectly meshed together with his Devil Style. He found out about this when he was training in Chaldea.

When his transformation was complete, Zenkichi stood there, a being of darkness and destruction.

"Be careful," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling of the dark flames.

Zenkichi nodded, his eyes burning with determination and resolve. "I will," he replied, his voice resonating with an otherworldly authority.

Exhaling a bit, his figure disappeared into the swirling darkness, blending seamlessly with the shadows. He reappeared behind Zeb in a blink of an eye, his movements swift and precise.

"Gae Bolg!"

With a ferocious battle cry, activating Warrior's War Cry in the process, with jet-black flames enveloping both of his weapons, Zenkichi unleashed a relentless assault on Zeb, the red spear of death shone with a darkish-red light, piercing through the air with deadly accuracy as it aimed towards the enemy's chest. While he raised Gram and slashed towards Zeb's neck, decapitating him.

They didn't give him any room to breath or regenerate, as Altria appeared before the severed head of Zeb and unhesitatingly pierced his head straight through with Rhongomyniad, purple monster blood splattering across the ground.

Zeb's body convulsed, twitched, and then laid still. Causing everyone to stand still for a moment.

Zenkichi narrowed his eyes as he pulled back his weapons after Zeb's body burst into flames, turning to ashes from his flames.

"I-Is it over...?" Mash muttered.

Leonidas shook his head, still feeling that uncomfortable feeling in his gut. "I'm afraid not, young warrior."

There was a moment of silence in the battlefield and it was as if time itself held its breath, waiting for the next move.

Suddenly, from the pile of ashes where Zeb's body once lay, and his splattered head, a dark mist began to rise. It coalesced and solidified, taking shape once again. Zeb stood before them, his form intact, his smile wider and more malevolent than before.


Altria cursed under her breath. "Of course, it's not that easy."

"No, but it will now!" Zenkichi's eyes dilated, as The End took effect, copying Zeb's gluttony skill and mastering them almost immediately at one hundred and twenty percent. His eyes widened in shock and awe of the capabilities of the monster's skill.

Devour. That was the name of the skill. Simple, yet incredibly horrifying in its implications. Zenkichi could feel the hunger, the insatiable desire to consume, coursing through his veins as he tapped into the power of Devour.

However, unlike Zeb, he didn't give in to the temptation to consume indiscriminately. Through his will and perfect mastery over it, he channeled the power of Devour with precision and control, using it to bolster his own strength and enhance his attacks.

'This son of a bitch "ate" the moment he died! Just how fucking bullshit is this ability? Well, yoink!' With a grin on his face, Zenkichi 'devoured' the distance between him and Zeb, appearing before him in an instant with his weapons raised.

"What?!" Zeb cried out in shock and confusion, recognizing what Zenkichi was doing but he didn't understand how that was possible. It was his ability after all. With a frown on his face, he created several 'mouths', strange black shapeless figures with sharp teeth, all around the latter and his friends, intending to devour them all.

However, Zenkichi countered them all with his own 'mouths', tearing through them all with ease.

"What?!" Zeb, for the first time in its short existence, felt bewilderment. This human was using its great ability? How? No, wait, now that he observed him closer...he wasn't human?

As Zenkichi got closer, Zeb was still feeling confused and was caught off guard, unable to react in time.

With a swift and precise motion, Zenkichi unleashed a flurry of strikes, his weapons moving with deadly accuracy as they cut through the air towards Zeb. The dark flames that surrounded him intensified, casting an ominous glow across the battlefield as they fueled his assault. The new skill, devour, amplified his attacks further as it devoured everything before him.

Air. Space. Limbs. Body. Zeb. Everything that was before Zenkichi was consumed by his relentless assault. With each strike, Zeb's form seemed to waver, his own skill devour couldn't keep up, his mastery over the skill being inferior, stunning him.

'H-How is this possible? He can use my power more than me?! I, who was born with it and the embodiment of Gluttony itself?! No. I refuse to believe it!' Zeb's thoughts raced as he struggled to defend against Zenkichi's onslaught. But try as he might, he couldn't match the sheer ferocity and precision of Zenkichi's attacks.

But that was to be expected, for one was born from the gluttonous desires of the demonic beasts for evolution and destruction and the desire for victory from the soldiers. He only knew to devour and overwhelm his enemies with his power, while the other, Zenkichi, had copied and honed his skills through desperation, training, and the sheer will to protect those he cared about.

With each strike, Zeb felt his strength waning, his defenses crumbling under the relentless assault. His body, once thought to be invincible, now felt fragile and weak in comparison to the overwhelming power of Zenkichi's Devour.

Desperation flickered in Zeb's eyes as he realized the futility of his efforts, an entirely foreign emotion for a monster. But even in the face of certain defeat, he refused to give up.

For he hungers for victory!

Creating several shadowy creatures with dozens of mouths from the ground, he mentally ordered them to occupy the humans' attention for a few moments so that-

"Haaaa!" Altria let out a battle cry as she launches a beam of holy light, obliterating more than half of the shadowy creatures.

"Hahaha! Victory is near, new friends! Foul creature, prepare for your death!" Leonidas bellowed, his voice booming across the battlefield as he charged forward, his spear gleaming with a fierce light of fire. Mash followed closely behind, her shield raised high, ready to support her friends.

Flashes of cyan light was seen, cutting through many of the shadowy creatures. Brunhilde smirked, twirling her daggers in a graceful dance of death, swiftly dispatching the remaining shadowy creatures with expert precision.

"What do you think you're doing?" Zenkichi asked, appearing before Zeb after cutting through a couple of the shadowy creatures. He slashed out his weapons in a crisscross pattern, aiming to cut him apart.

"Grrr!" Zeb growled and 'devoured' the phenomenon of him getting cut apart, only to his shock, it was ineffective. Zenkichi's attacks continued unabated, cutting through his flesh with ease.

"Impossible!" Zeb roared in frustration, now laid on the ground, his eyes wide with disbelief. "How can you resist my Devour?"

Zenkichi's expression remained stoic as he looked down at him. "Simple," he replied, his voice dripping with confidence. "I've mastered your power, and now I'm using it against you."




With Zeb lying on the ground, his form weakened and vulnerable, Zenkichi wasted no time in unleashing the power of Devour upon him. Channeling the dark energy coursing through his veins, Zenkichi focused his will on consuming Zeb's essence, his narrowed eyes showing unyielding.

"N-No! I don't want to die-! NO! I'm still hungry! Spare me, please! I haven't gotten my fill. I want to eat... I want to eat more...!"

As the power of Devour surged forth, Zeb's form began to flicker and fade, his strength rapidly draining away. With each passing moment, he struggled to maintain his grip on reality, his form dissolving into nothingness under the relentless assault of Zenkichi's power.

Listening to Zeb beg, Zenkichi's face darkened and his eyes turned cold.

"Please, human! I-I'm just so hungry! It isn't my fault that I killed your kind! I was just hungry-aaack!"

"Shut. Up." Zenkichi planted his foot on his face, shutting up the monster.

With a final, decisive surge of energy, Zenkichi unleashed the full force of Devour, consuming Zeb's essence completely. He didn't even manage to let out a final scream before the dark mist that was Zeb dissipated, leaving nothing behind but the echo of Zenkichi's victory.


AN: Sorry for not updating the second chapter last week. My internet got cut again, which lasted for days. And this isn't just my house's issue, several freaking towns got their internet got cut off! Man. Worst part is that the drafts I had made were only accessible online, so I had to write them all from scratch.

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators who arrived in my patreon! 

•terrence L mccall




•Lochlain Meagher

•Knight Wolf

•Mohammad Chammaa


•Stephen Scott

❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Adrian Durand

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Creation is hard, cheer me up! Give this story more love!

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