
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 9

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

"Which restaurant are we going to?" Haletta questioned as she entered the car. "Our place." Rhett said.

I turned around and tried to run back inside but Marcello was blocking my chance to escape.

I awkwardly cleared my throat, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

I entered the vehicle and Marcello shut the car door.

"I have a weird feeling about them," I whispered to Haletta. "You're just overreacting." she waved me off.

Seriously, one thing I hate about Haletta is that she never listens to anyone, she's very stubborn.

I rolled my eyes then crossed my arms. "Just shake it off." Haletta drawled.

"I just have a bad feeling about them," I answered absently. Haletta looked at me under her dark eyelashes with her infamous pursed-lips-you-ruin-everything expression.

I hate it whenever I'm out, whether with my cousins or friends and I have a bad feeling about this place or person- I inform them but they brush me off and always say 'i ruin the fun'.

I think I'm always paranoid because I'm the daughter of a Russian don. But who could blame me.

When I was young my parents always reminded me that I should always trust my gut. If I can't get help then I should have a sharp eye and should be armed at all times. My mother's side of the family has no idea about my father's business.

They think Father is a businessman which he is but not legally.

This means whenever we come to France it's either to visit my mother's family or for business. "If something goes wrong I'll blame it on you." I pointed out.

"How far is your place?" Haletta questioned Rhett. He caught her gaze through the rear-view mirror.

"Not far Haletta," he looked at me for a while. I never broke eye contact. Few seconds passed and Rhett finally looked away.

The tension is thick in the car between Rhett, Marcello, and me.

Both men exchanged words in Italian.

Dammit. Wish I knew Italian.

"Where are you from Lora?" Marcello spoke with his deep voice. "It's Lorraine," I said firmly.

He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Lorraine." Marcello corrected himself.

I shifted in my seat and looked out the window, my eyes following each building that passes by in a loop.

Silence filled the car.

"You didn't answer my question, Bambola."

I could tell that Marcello was grinning. Rolling my eyes, I ignored him.

He mumbled something in Italian I assume.

After that, the car was dead silent.


After a twenty-minute drive we finally reached their place. It's a beautiful red-brick Victorian with a sensuous green garden. The flowers and bushes are displayed in rows. You could see different types of flowers, ivy plants tangled beautifully on the brick wall.

"You have a beautiful home." Haletta complimented as she admired the building in front of her.

"Thank you," said Rhett.

I hugged myself and followed them inside.

My eyes widened when I entered the house. The outside has a Victorian vibe but the inside it totally different

I was exposed to a luxurious foyer.

white marble tiles on the floor and beautifully printed sheets on the wall. white tie, and unfamiliar printed patterns. There's a huge table in the middle greeted by a beautiful bouquet inside a huge emerald green vase with different sorts of flowers.

Everything is bright.

I expected the inside to be wooden and smelling like scotch whiskey and woodland but no.

"The inside is way more beautiful!" Haletta gasped. "Thank you but this house doesn't belong to us," said Marcello, he took his coat off and hanged it on the coat hanger next to the huge oak door

He let out a soft moan as he stretched his neck side to side a loud click heard.

"Better." he whispered to himself.

Haletta pinched me lightly l looked at her and she was red like a tomato. "Fucking hot." she mouthed.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Do you-."

I was interrupted when I heard a voice from a distance, my head turned to the side where the sound was coming from.

"Raph." Rhett called out.

My heart dropped when the name slipped out his tongue.

My legs immediately turned into jelly when I saw him entering the room. I pressed my lips together trying my best to control myself.

Raphaël's hair is damp and messy as it kisses his forehead.

My pulse quickens when I notice his not fully dressed-his only covered in a towel and it hangs dangerously low exposing his v-line.

My eyes roamed his body taking in his muscular toned biceps, his left arm is fully inked and he has a huge scar across his chest.

He caught me staring and smirked. "Sorry to keep you waiting, I was in the shower," he said, his eyes focused on me.

Haletta turned to me with a huge grin plastered across her face. "Holy shit can he fuck me? I want him to fuck me." She muttered. "I want him to-."

Everything around me turned into a blur, all I could focus on was him, he caught my gaze and cocked his head to the side, my lips slightly parted and my mouth instantly went dry.

I tried to swallow but it felt like there was a huge knot in my throat.

"No problem."

We both looked away and I slightly gasped for air. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. My palms are sweaty.

Clearing my throat, all eyes we're no me. "I-I need a glass of water, please," I mumbled.

Raphaël immediately rushed out of the room and I could finally breathe.

Marcello waved at me and began to walk. I didn't say a word and followed him into the kitchen.

It's very bright here-in the middle of the kitchen is a huge white sandstone table decorated with torn gold and silver thin paper glued onto the sandstone. A beautiful chandelier hung in the middle of the room. The marble floors matched the wall, white cabinets everywhere with gold knobs. Two sinks displayed on the corner left side of the kitchen.

My eyes roamed the kitchen searching for the fridge, I thought I was going insane when I hadn't spotted the fridge yet.

Marcello walked over to one of the huge cabinets. He pulled it open and that's when I saw all the refrigerated foods and drinks.

He grabbed two bottled waters, closing the fridge Marcello tossed me a bottled water.

Surprisingly I caught it. I bit my lower lip as I twisted the cap off and pressed the rim of the bottle on my lips, slowly drinking the cold water.

It was so refreshing.

I sighed aloud when I almost drank half the bottle.

Wiping my lips I placed the bottle on the counter and faced Marcello with a stern face. "What do you want?"

He smiled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Marcello cocked a brow and sighed. "I don't want you Lora," he said, taking a sip of his water.

"Lorraine." I corrected him. "Bambola," he scolded.

Crossing my arms, I rolled my eyes. I hate that name, I don't even know what it means.

"As I said, I don't want you Bambola my boss does."

He's talking about Raphaël, is it because I'm that daughter of his enemy? That's the one reason that makes sense. "It's because I'm a Lebedev."

"There are other reasons, Bambola." He added tersely. "What about Haletta?"

His eyes darkened. "Yes. I want her." Marcello licked his bottom lip and grinned.

My jaw locked when I realized there is more to the story.