
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 10

POV - Lorraine Lebedev

I sat there as I watched Haletta and the others play in the pool.

The sun was hot, sparkling off the blue water as Haletta emerged from the pool. The water ran down her shoulders all the way to her long toned legs, her hair slicked back and her make-up still in place.

How the hell does she manage to look like a hot super-model while coming out of the pool like those girls in the Hollywood movies.

I get out of the pool like I'm in a war zone holding on to the edges of the pool as if my life depends on it with my hair looking like I was having hardcore sex underwater and don't get me started on the makeup.

My gaze flicked to Raphaël across the yard, he sat on his chair with his legs spread wide open.

He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he went through his phone. He only had on black joggers and a white vest that hugged his flat stomach.

Light stubble covered his jaw. His dark hair looked messy and fluffy as it kissed his forehead.

I wanted to run my fingers through his hair.

He looked intimidating.

But that didn't stop me from wanting him. I was very curious about this man. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to see part of him that no one else saw.

He glanced over and caught my gaze.

Warmth rushed to my face, and my pulse fluttered in my throat. I hugged myself tightly and his eyes fell to my breast.

When he cocked his head to the side and bit his lower lip, a flame pulsed between my legs. I pressed my thighs together and cleared my throat.

For some reason I felt embarrassed.

Raphaël turned me on just by staring at me. If it was any other guy I would have laughed but no, it's him.

I leaned my head against the chair, He glanced at me. A warm breath of air tickled my skin and I shivered.

I don't know how long we sat there just staring at each other from afar.

"Hey." Haletta called out as she waved her hand in front of my face. I lightly shook my head and turned to face Haletta. "What's up?" I questioned.

"We are heading out to buy food." She stated. "Oh, okay when?"

"Now." She said,

I sighed and stood up from the chair. "Okay let me go grab my purse." Haletta gripped onto my wrist stopping me from going inside. I narrowed my eyebrows. "Something wrong?"

"No, it's just Marcello said only I could come." She said, "But we came here together and you can't leave me here all alone." I declared.

"You won't be alone, Raphaël will keep you company."

My eyes widened and I gulped.

No fucking way I'm staying here in this huge house alone with Raphaël. "No." I protested. "Please, Lora, this is my chance to finally spend some time with Marcello." She pleaded. I rolled my eyes. "He's not good for you Haletta." I stated, crossing my arms.

Haletta is that type of girl who falls in love with any guy, whether they were cruel, smart, stupid or loving it didn't matter to her.

"And I'm not good for him, see we meant to be." She cheered.

I raised a brow and gave her my 'are you serious' look. "Okay, I just want to fuck him. Please Lora stop cockblocking me."

I quickly glanced at Raphaël and back at Haletta then sighed.

"Fine." I said. She squealed like a little child then kissed my forehead. "You are the best!"

"How long will you be gone?" I questioned.

"Thirty minutes."

My eyes widened. "Haletta." I complained.

She blew me a kiss then dashed her way inside. I rolled my eyes and watched as Rhett, Marcello and Raphaël were discussing something. Raphaël caught me staring and I quickly looked away.

I cleared my throat and decided to go back inside. On my way there my phone vibrated in my pocket, I reached in my back pocket and pulled out my phone when I read the ID my pulse fluttered in my throat.


I accepted the call then pressed the phone against my left ear. "Father." I gulped. "Hey princess." He cheered over the phone.

"Why are you calling?" I questioned. My gaze shot up when I saw Marcello and Rhett walk in as they talked in Italian.

I cleared my throat then walked back outside. "Just wanted to check up on you. Are you alright?" Father replied.

I sucked in a breath when I bumped into Raphaël, his gaze came up from the floor and he noticed me.

He was about to speak but closed his mouth when I held up a finger in front of his lips. His gaze narrowed.

"Я в порядке." I said and a spark flickered to life in his eyes. "Why aren't you speaking in English?" { translation: I'm fine. }

I could sense that my father was worried because I only speak Russian in public if I know that I'm being watched when I'm in a foreign country. Since they don't understand Russian, hopefully we assume.

"Я просто устала говорить по английски." I explained. That was the worst excuse I've ever come up with. { translation: I'm just tired of speaking English. }

Raphaël ran his thumb across his bottom lip and watched me in a calculated way. My skin lit like live wire, warmth curled low in my stomach. He looked intimidating with a glare that burned.

"Lorraine." Father called out. "Da?"

He chuckled, "I said, call me if you need anything. Okay?" He reassured me. "Okay."

"I love you and be careful."

"Я люблю вас." I replied before hanging up. { translation: I love you. }

He glanced at me with dark amusement in his gaze, a flame pulsed between my legs.

"What do you want, Raphaël?"

I looked at him with a stern expression, showing him that he has no effect on me but we both know that it's a lie.

"You keep asking me that question red?"

I keep asking you that question because your answers never satisfy me. I thought to myself.

The ability to breathe ceased to exist when I realized he was standing so close to me. We looked at each other for seconds that felt like hours. I cleared my throat and looked away, avoiding his gaze.

I crossed my arms over my chest and watched as the trees danced back and forth in the wind.

His thumb ran down my cheek, my heart skipped eight beats at once he gripped my chin and turned my face towards his.

He mumbled."Adorabile." His hand slipped from my face and he walked back inside without another word.

I rested my head against the wall, inhaled a huge amount of air before exhaling.

I was burning.

After a while of just standing there, I finally had the courage to enter the house.

I was glad that Raphaël wasn't in sight. I made my way to the living room and plopped myself on the couch.

What will I be doing for thirty minutes?

I would have texted anyone but I don't have friends besides Katina. We don't text each other because she never responds, even if she does she will reply in 3-5 working days.

I sighed and randomly scrolled through my phone. My head shot up when I heard footsteps heading this way.

A rush of awareness ran down my spine. I realized Raphaël was here before I could fix myself.

An unfamiliar feeling danced in my stomach even though I stared at my phone as I scrolled back and forth through the apps, not knowing what I was looking for.

He sat down beside me with a glass of whiskey in his hands. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. His legs parted while he was on his phone.

I let out a shallow breath and noticed a remote on the glass table in front of us, leaning forwards I reached for the remote then turned the tv on.

Raphaël cleared his throat as his gaze was focused on the flat screen in front of us.

Thankfully I have the tv to keep me distracted. While I flicked through the channels I realized that there was nothing interesting to watch so I randomly stopped at a channel.

I mentally slapped myself when I realized it's the sports channel and out of all sports it had to be tennis.

I don't have a problem with the sport, it's just the weird sounds they make. I turned to Raphaël to find him staring at his phone as he tried to fight back a smile.

Haletta needs to come back. Quick.


We've sat on this couch for an hour not saying a single word to each other.

I've sent twenty text messages to Haletta asking her where she is and she hasn't replied yet. Can't believe she ditched me.

I sighed.

I turned to Raphaël and asked. "When are they coming back?"

"I don't know," he responded. "But just to let you know, your cousin Haletta is probably having a blast with those two idiots," He added and turned to face me.

My brows knitted. "They were lying about buying food..."

I knew something wasn't right when they only wanted her to come.

I grabbed my phone from the table and dialed Dante's number. I was about to press the call button but my gaze flicked to Raphaël who was pouring another glass of whiskey.

I think this is his third glass. I wonder what's so good about whiskey. My father and uncles are obsessed with it.

I didn't know I was staring until Raphaël looked at me. He looked at his glass then back at me.

"Do you want to taste?"

"Ye-no, no I'm good."

I gulped when he shifted closer, our thighs almost touching.

"Open." He declared. Rush of anxiety shot through me.

Was this a bad idea? Yes.

Will I do it anyway? Yes.

I slowly opened my mouth. Raphaël's gaze was heavy. He placed his hand on my chin and slowly lifted my head then poured the liquid in my mouth.

I swallowed and stared at him as the liquid burned my throat. "How is it?" He asked, placing the glass on the table.

"It's good." I lied. He chuckled. "Don't lie to me red. I hate liars." He flattered, placing his hand on my thigh and rubbed it up and down.

My lips parted and my legs pressed together, warmth rushed to my cheeks.

His hand slowly moved up. I closed my eyes.

"Raphaël." I breathed. "Yes Lorraine."

The way my name slipped out of his tongue sounded inappropriate yet I wanted him to say again. I gasped when his soft lips brushed my neck.

I can't do this again.

"Raphaël, stop." I declared but deep down I didn't want him to stop. I wanted more.

He chuckled. "Relax red, it's okay." He whispered in my ear, a shiver ran down my spine.

I gripped on his shirt when he began to kiss my neck. "It's your body."

"So why don't you understand." he added "What it wants." I bit my lower lip and softly moaned when he gently sucked my neck.

"So adorable." He whispered with his deep, sexy voice.

"Want me to stop?"


I couldn't even speak. My mind was blank, the only thing I was focused on was his lips against my skin. My mouth became dry with the need of water. I pressed my legs together when I felt a weird sensation down there.

I cleared my throat. "Y-yes."

Raphaël glanced down.

"Your body is telling me otherwise." He smirked, wickedly.

I was caught off guard when Raphaël pulled me onto his lap. My eyes widened when I felt something hard poke in between my legs.

Without thinking I slowly grinded on him. I was surprised when suddenly my body had a mind of its own.

"Cazzo." He groaned.

I leaned in and kissed him slowly, he gripped my ass and squeezed it, as I rode him.

He wrapped his big hand round my small neck then gently squeezed it. Surprisingly I liked that.

"I want you so bad."