
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 13

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

I woke up to the sound of banging.

I squinted my eyes when the sunlight blinded me, I groaned and grabbed my phone on the nightstand, switched it on then checked the time, it read 09:12 am.

"Lorraine!" I hear Haletta call out from the hallway.

I rolled my eyes and then covered my face with the blanket.

I'm still angry at her.

"Lora, please open the door!"

I lay on the bed, perfectly still as I wait for Haletta to go away.

Five minutes have past and she's still at the door. I cursed under my breath and finally decided to open the door for her.

I stretched my arms out as I strolled my way to the door, I yawned tiredly and opened the door to find Haletta standing there still wearing the exact same outfit from last night and a pink box in her hand.

She smiled weakly. "Morning." She greeted me.

"What?" I declared. "Can I come inside, I bought your favorite cupcakes."

I raised a brow.

"Blueberry." She noted.

I opened the door wider and she walked in with a small smile, placing the box full of cupcakes on the coffee table. She turned to me and me questioned politely.

"How did you sleep."

'"Good." I answered absently.

She nodded her head and watched me as I walked over to the cupcakes. I gently opened the box and my mouth watered when the smell of blueberry cupcakes fanned my face.

I closed the box and made my way to the bathroom to refresh myself. "Thank you for the cupcakes."

"No, problem." she replied, looking at me under her dark-eyelashes through the bathroom mirror.

I splashed cool water on my face and began to brush my teeth.

"I'm really sorry, I ditched you and left you with Raphaël." Haletta announced as she entered the bathroom and leaned against the door frame.

I shifted under the weight of her words and continued to brush my teeth.

"It was a bitchy thing to do." She added.

I paused, studied her for a second then continued to brush my teeth.

Spitting out the toothpaste foam, I rinsed my mouth then toothbrush and turned to Haletta as I was done.

"Yes, it was a bitchy thing to do."

"What if something happened to me?" I pointed out.

She frowned and scratched her arm awkwardly. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at her. She sighed.

"Lora, I'm a bitch I know that and I feel so fucking guilty for ditching you. So to make it up to you, we can do anything you want." She proposed.

I scoff. "Seriously."

She nodded.

Haletta was never the type to apologize to someone. Even if she was the guilty one.

She's the type to run away from her problems.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting her to apologize. It might not be the best apology, but I see that she's trying. So I'll let her off the hook this time.


She squeals like a little girl then hurls me into a hug.

"Okay, get ready. We are going to have fun today!" She cheers then exits the bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes and turned the shower on, I paused and analyzed my chest and neck.

Warmth rushed to my cheeks when I noticed light hickeys branded on my chest.

That asshole marked me.

I groan, running my fingers through my hair.

Dammit, it will take forever to cover these up.

After a shower I returned to the room with a towel wrapped around my body and my damp hair.

My gaze turned to Haletta sitting on the bed, her gaze glued to the phone.

"I already chose an outfit for you." Haletta announced.

I thanked her then grabbed the outfit along with my panties and bra, I entered the bathroom and changed into the outfit.

I wore a denim skirt with a mint green colored crop top and styled my hair into low pigtails.

When I exited the bathroom my eye fell to Haletta who was smiling at her phone.

I crossed my arms over my chest, arching a brow as she giggled at her phone.

"Who is it?" I questioned. She looked up and blushed as she buried her head in a pillow.

"Someone..." She trailed off.

I'm curious about this person. Haletta has never blushed this hard for a single guy before.

She looked at me, debating whether she should tell me or not after a while she finally gave in.

"Okay, so uh-"

"It's Marcello..."

My jaw dropped. Literally.

"I-whe-What!?" I yell.

I actually thought she would forget about him. I wasn't expecting them to continue seeing each other.

Marcello is bad news for Haletta.

I know I don't have the right to tell Haletta who she can and cannot go out with but this is Marcello.

The same guy who works for Raphaël.

"What happened between you two?"

I was invested in their relationship. Is he using her or does he actually like Haletta?

"Nothing." She said,

I roll my eyes, not believing a single word she's saying.

She laughed. "I'm serious. Nothing happened between us..."

"We made out, that's all." She explained.

I didn't know how to respond because I wasn't sure how I felt about her kissing Marcello.

But what I know is that I shouldn't make a big deal about it because I'm guilty for allowing him to touch me.

I forced a smile. "At least you enjoyed yourself."

She's quiet for a few seconds while she thinks. Her smile fades and guilt flashes in her eyes. "I'm really sorry Lora." she says.

I smile and shake my head. "You're forgiven."

"Alright! Let's go before we arrive there late." Haletta grabs me and drags me out of my room, locking the door and we both rush down the hallway.

"How will we get there?"

"I'll ask Marcello to drop us off."

I froze.

Haletta noticed that I wasn't beside her so she turned around.

"What?" She urged, crossing her arms over her chest. "We are not asking Marcello to give us a ride." I demanded. Her eyes narrowed. "Why do you have a problem with him?"

"I don't."

"You do."

I rolled my eyes: Of course I do.

She's not wrong about me not liking him, but she doesn't have to know that.

"I'll send Dante a text." I said then sent a text to Dante asking him to drop us off. "Lora."

My jaw tightened as anger crawled through my veins. "Drop it Haletta."

I got irritated quickly.

It was easy to anger me-I got this behavior from my father. I am a split replica of my mother. I got her looks and a sprinkle of my father's personality.

The elevator door slides open and we both step inside.

She might think I'm the bad guy but all I'm trying to do is protect her.