
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 12

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

I can't sleep.

I can't stop thinking about him.

This is not how I imagined my stay here in Paris would turn out.

I informed Aunt Nadine that Haletta would be staying with me for the night, she didn't mind.

It's currently 21:30 pm and I still haven't informed my father that I want to go home.

Should I tell him over text or in person?

Maybe in person, it would be better.

I sighed as I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts.

I don't know much about Raphaël. No scratch that I barely know the man. Yet I want him, all to myself.

I chuckled to myself. Since when did I become possessive over a man?

I didn't know older men were my type.

I'm turning nineteen in two months and I thought I would find a twenty year old man but no, I'm going crazy over a man who's almost thirty...

People really do change.

I hopped off my bed, headed straight for the door. I opened my door and made my way to my fathers room.

I hope he's there.

When I finally reached his room, I stood in front of his door like a creep. Debating whether I should knock or not.

I took a deep breath.

When I was about to knock I heard a deep voice call out my name.

I turned around with a smile. "Father." I cheered.

He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. He is wearing a black polo neck and black trousers with black dress shoes. His dark brown hair with grey streaks is slicked back.

"What's wrong?" He questioned when he noticed my smile slowly disappeared.

I watched him as he approached me,

"I wanted to talk to you." I told him.

He blinked and cocked his head to the side. "Everything alright?"

I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"I-I." I stutter.

"Calm down sweetheart." My father smiled and it warmed my heart.

I studied him for a while and wondered, why do people fear him. I just don't see it.

He is so sweet, caring and a patient man.

No wonder why mom is head over-heels for him.

I took a deep breath, "I want to go back home." I let out and immediately avoided eye-contact.

My eyes shot up when I heard my father mumbling something to himself. His turquoise eyes caught my gaze.

"Is it because I haven't been giving you my attention?"


"I'm really sorry sweetie." He spoke softly and pulled me into a hug. "I'll make it up to you."

I just stood there like a statue.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"How about you and I call Aunt Nadine and tell her that we are coming over for dinner tomorrow." He beamed.

My eyes widened.

It doesn't bother me that my father is willing to have dinner with us, the issue is Haletta will be there.

And she has a big mouth.

But I can't say no to my father, I know he feels guilty and the fact that he is willing to put his work aside just for me, warms my heart.

"That would be great." I uttered.

My father ruffled my hair and chuckled. "Great."

I giggled. "Was that necessary?"


I playfully rolled my eyes and yawned tiredly. He chuckled lightly. "C'mon let me escort you to your room."

I nodded and as promised he escorted me to my room.

When we finally reached my door I pulled out my key card and tapped it on the scanner. When it made a 'ding' sound I placed my hand on the handle and pushed the door open.

My stomach dropped when I saw Raphaël sitting on the bed. I quickly stepped out of the room and shut the door.

I turned around and faced my father, who had a questionable expression. My mouth went dry and I couldn't find my voice to speak.

"Everything alright?"

I pressed my lips together, glanced at the door then back at my father. "Yep." I said without popping the p.

He raised a brow and studied me.

My heart was racing, and my cheeks were flushed.

I was burning, not in a good way.

"Sure...?" He trailed off.

I nodded my head and kissed my father on the cheek.

"Goodnight." I quickly said before opening the door, stepped in my room and shut it after.

I pressed my body against the door with my eyes closed and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

My eyes shot open when reality hit me.


We locked eyes, and the room felt like it was spinning.

I gulped.

Anger boiled in my blood.

Earlier on he wanted nothing to do with me, then suddenly breaks into my room and acts as if nothing happened between us.

I watched him as he stood up from the bed and strolled toward me.

Each step he took, my frustration towards him grew.

I don't know if it's just me but Raphaël is so damn confusing!

One minute he wants to talk to me, the next minute he wants to make out and then suddenly wants nothing to do with me.

Like make up your damn fucking mind.

All these mixed feelings are giving me a headache and we haven't even had a proper full conversation.


"What are you doing here?" I spoke bitterly.

"I wanted to see you." He replied.

I scoff.

You've got be fucking kidding me.

"Raphaël, you need to leave." I stated and walked past him. "Now."

I sat on the bed with my arms and legs crossed.


"No, don't you fucking call me that." I spat. "I'm tired of this." I announced then pulled myself off the bed and approached Raphaël who stood by the door.

"This weird thing that's going on between us needs to stop."

"It isn't normal, like fuck Raphaël we barely know each other." I pointed out angrily.

I narrowed my eyebrows when he grinned.


"Nothing." He replied.

I took a deep breath. "I'm serious, I'm done with you."

He licked his lips and my eyes traveled to his soft lips.

I want to kiss him so bad.

I cleared my throat and met his gaze again. His grin widened.

Rolling my eyes I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Get out." I demand.

His grin faded and was quickly replaced with a cold expression.

He stepped forward and leaned closer to my ear, I sucked in a breath when his lips brushed my ear.

"You'll come back Lorraine." He whispered.

He's doing it again, saying my name in an inappropriate way.

I shut my eyes and mentally slapped myself, this isn't a good time to be turned on.

I re-opened my eyes and watched him as he left the room.

Why is it so fucking hard to stay away from him?