
Developing My Little World

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/420690/fictions Jay was a man who had lost it all. His loving wife and adorable daughter ripped away from him one after the other. However he continues living performing acts of pure good for the people around him. He is recognized as worthy by the God of his current world and is transported to a godly room. Jay is now a God and it is his mission to create the planet beneath him. To breath life untoward its majestic surface. Join Jay in the fantastic journey of creation! Watch as he revives his family, creates Gods, and creates humans, elves and so many more creatures. Learn from the beginning how this planet develops as mythology, evolution, and the advancement of society is captured in breathtaking lore and backstory. Hello to anyone reading this, my name is Ani, and this is a passion project of mine that has no definite end. I really want this series to heavily involve characters submitted by the viewers to achieve great things and progress the story. There is an auxiliary chapter Titled Character Creation. That chapter had every main race currently in the story. In the future as more people suggest things, hybridization and mixing of DNA and genes to create new, unique creatures will be possible. The first example of this is a viewers request for a 'Naga', which I had forgotten about upon coming up with the list. I spoke to the viewer in the comments and we agreed on a background where a dragon and a mermaid mate and create the Naga. As for the rest, you have to wait for his story! To qualify for Character creation, simply be a donor of some Monetary value (real money, coins, gifts, etc) or the person will be In the top 20 of powerstone donor for the novel. Thank you for reading, and if you meet these criteria, please submit your character! Happy reading. My Patreon with advanced chapters for members! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103227460&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

AniMine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Gregaaze's Realization

Gregaaze was an older dragon now and was expecting a grandson in the next 4 months if everything with his sons partner went well. Gregaaze smiled as he thought about the potential this grandchild would have.

Gregaaze was happy because with the birth of this new child it meant that all 4 great colored clans would finally have a uniting figure. Gregaaze had united the red dragon clans and the blue dragon clans after his royal marriage to his blue dragon wife. They had a mixed son who was half blue and and half red dragon as well as as a daughter, but she was still far off from marriage or even children.

Gregaaze' son, who was named Adamaaze, was marrying the eldest daughter of Gregaaze's rival. They weren't political rivals and there wasn't any real hate between them, their hunting grounds simply overlapped and they got into fights more often than not. His rival was almost as strong as he was, so it helped him keep a good power balance and he also had a training partner. So letting their 2 lovebird children marry wasn't that big a deal.

As Gregaaze was thinking about this he suddenly felt the power of the earth that he constantly felt flowing within him and under his feet, undergo a truly heaven defying change!

Gregaaze immediately ordered all "Ranked" dragons to be summoned to his castle immediately, no matter the clan or affiliation!

The aids quickly went and flew out to deliver the messages, and within a minute, many dragons started to fly into the royal nest.

Gregaaze then felt a huge influx of information waft and pry into every facet of his brain! After a few minutes, Gregaaze suddenly had a realization, and every puzzle piece from the new information given started to form a beautiful picture of power in his mind.

Gregaaze, who was one of the strongest sentients on the planet instantly had an understanding of what the future held for his descendants! This was a world of power! The heavens had buffed the power of the planet many times over, simply so that the sentients could grow exponentially in power. The current sentients didn't have the luxury of starting off with talents, but they could still grab bloodline and titles! This was a huge game changer!

Another thing that the current sentient wouldn't receive, Gregaaze realized was a way to check their skills and stats, or even a way to upgrade their current skills.

Gregaaze immediately understood the heavenly intention hidden within the veil of possible power. To those elders and wise leaders, this information dump was either a blessing, or a trap.

The ultimate message this information is trying to give you the leaders is that they should focus everything on nurturing the future generation that will truly launch their clans and tribes in power. If the leaders try to monopolize this effect for themselves, they will lead themselves into damnation on their own.

The heavens were literally providing anyone a platform to be great. The heavens was also giving the current leaders a certain time period to adapt. For the low lived species that time period of adaptation may be as low as 5 to 10 years!

Soon, all the different Ranked dragons were called into the royal nest. Every faction leader from the colored dragons was present, even his son, his rival and his rivals daughter, who was currently practically drooling over his son's muscles.

Gregaaze spoke to everyone present," I am sure the faction leaders have at least received some of the heavenly information, no?"

The 4 faction leaders all nodded their heads, showing recognition. They had all gotten the information and understood what came next. They were all intelligent leaders, just like Gregaaze. This was done on purpose by Gregaaze. Dragons respect strength, so If he were to die, he would need another strong dragon leader to step up and take his mantle. There was no glory in a dying clan.

Gregaaze nodded in confirmation, and said,"Ok, perfect. That makes this next part much easier. Attention ranked dragons. As I'm sure you can all FEEL it, the world has just been given a significant change by Ultima and other gods!"

The dragons nodded their heads, they indeed could feel the change in the power they now wielded!

Gregaaze continued,"All of the leaders present here agree that they world is going to change very quickly. Within 50 years I seriously doubt we will even be able to keep up with the wild beats! This is why we must heavily nurture the next generation! We must give every child from this point forth as many opportunities to grow stronger as possible! As for the children born before this change, I cannot do anything for them, for they were not a part of the heavens plan. I cannot change that, but we must take this seriously nonetheless!"

All across the globe a similar scene was occurring as many smart leaders understood Jay's Intention. Many dumb, naive, or foolish leaders foolishly tried to hide the information or only reveal it partially or half truths. It was unfortunately a reality and thus Jay just hoped that the new generation would kick those stupid people out of power.

This event, where the various leaders congregated their people became an event that was recognized from this point on In history as "The Ultimas Divine Cleansing"

It would go to set the example that the Ultima was a loving and benevolent God, but was fair, and allowed each society and their respective leaders, decide for themselves how they wished to steer into the hazy future.

Only time could tell what would happen next…

Join my patreon for advanced chapters! Priority OC! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103227460&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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