
Developing My Little World

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/420690/fictions Jay was a man who had lost it all. His loving wife and adorable daughter ripped away from him one after the other. However he continues living performing acts of pure good for the people around him. He is recognized as worthy by the God of his current world and is transported to a godly room. Jay is now a God and it is his mission to create the planet beneath him. To breath life untoward its majestic surface. Join Jay in the fantastic journey of creation! Watch as he revives his family, creates Gods, and creates humans, elves and so many more creatures. Learn from the beginning how this planet develops as mythology, evolution, and the advancement of society is captured in breathtaking lore and backstory. Hello to anyone reading this, my name is Ani, and this is a passion project of mine that has no definite end. I really want this series to heavily involve characters submitted by the viewers to achieve great things and progress the story. There is an auxiliary chapter Titled Character Creation. That chapter had every main race currently in the story. In the future as more people suggest things, hybridization and mixing of DNA and genes to create new, unique creatures will be possible. The first example of this is a viewers request for a 'Naga', which I had forgotten about upon coming up with the list. I spoke to the viewer in the comments and we agreed on a background where a dragon and a mermaid mate and create the Naga. As for the rest, you have to wait for his story! To qualify for Character creation, simply be a donor of some Monetary value (real money, coins, gifts, etc) or the person will be In the top 20 of powerstone donor for the novel. Thank you for reading, and if you meet these criteria, please submit your character! Happy reading. My Patreon with advanced chapters for members! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103227460&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

AniMine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Stairs of Will

Jay let the simulation run at regular speed for 2 days. He mainly let it run normally for that long so that Sol and the other gods could practice their power. Jay had also been creating a couple of rooms within the godly space, as it just kept expanding and he literally had all the time in the world to mess around.

In total so far, he had created he and Sols master bedroom that was tropical rainforest themed as that was Sols favorite place back on the old earth. Then he created a training room equipped with God 10 star grade workout equipment and target practice ai Golems to really figure things out, if it was needed. Then Jay had created a giant forging hall, but because he wasn't skilled in forging yet and no real skills for it were attained yet, he had let sit dormant for a while.

Finally, we come to the last thing Jay recently finished building. While the others were in the training room, figuring out and testing the limits of their new powers, Jay was finishing up after 2 days.

"Phew! Finally finished!" Jay smiled at his own handiwork as he finally finished crafting this little room.

Jay had made a fully kitted out carpentry and crafting room!

Jay smiled at the materials present that he could now use after the update. Now many things were possible, and Jay wanted to create something with his hands.

So Jay didn't even think about it and dove into creating a masterpiece craft.

Levi walked out of the training room with the other gods. They had been training in the room for about a week now and had fully acclimated to their new power.

What puzzled them was that their training was only supposed to last for 3 days. After the third day, Jay was supposed to pull them out. The training room was made anomalous with time so every day that passes can either feel like 10 minutes or 10 years depending on fluctuations.

Now that they had stepped out of the room, their godly clocks all immediately synchronized to the planets time clock. That was the moment that all the gods knew they had been in the training room for 7 days!

Sol then found the new room door and walked in, trying to find Jay. See walked in and saw Jay hunched over and sleeping on a wooden desk. Next to him sat a glass container with a small mountain ridge depicted within the glass walls. Their were small specks of rare herbs and trees spotting the small landscape. However most eye catching of all was the glowing, crystal-glass stair that stretched up to mountain peak.

Sol was curious and so she gently shook Jay awake.

Jay suddenly started up! He looked back groggily to see who had woken him up. Then he saw it was Sol and a smile naturally formed on his face.

Sol leaned down next to him and asked,"Why did you let us train in there for 7 days instead of 3?"

Jay's became more alert after hearing that and said,"Its been 5 days?! Oh my God, I'm sorry Sol, I finished designing my crafting room. I wanted to make a small intro item but as I started to create, an idea formed and I just had to make it!"

Sol sighed and then said,"hmph.. look, honey, I know it was an honest mistake, but please don't let it happen again. We were worried that something happened."

Jay looked a little ashamed and said,"I promise to try to not repeat this mistake!"

Sol smiled, gave him a big kiss and then asked,"So, what did you end up making?"

Jay then happily said,"It took alot more than you think to make this little creation work, but it will function correctly now. This was a concept I thought of on the fly but it ended up being so difficult to actually make! I call this [Stairs of Will]."

Sol then asked curiously,"Wait, so this is something you created for the mortals?"

Jay scratched his head and said,"Yeah, I thought the idea was cool.. Basically the user can ascend the stairs, there are 200 steps in total. The stairs are not testing power, or strength, it is simply testing the sentient will! The drive to move forward and conquer a difficult challenge! The higher up you go, the more challenging it is!"

Sol then asked tentatively,"What is the reward if someone reaches the top?"

Jay smiled and said,"A 9 Star Talent!"

Sol was a little taken aback by this but quickly recouped herself and said,"If you think these stairs make a person worthy, then I guess will have to see what happens!"

Jay smiled and didn't explain any of the other things about this staircase, leaving it as a mystery for later. She didn't ask after all!

Jay then gently grabbed the case and brought it out into the center of the room where the projection of earth was lighting up the room.

Jay said,"System place down the [Stairs of Will] here on this main island, in the rainforest called "Praxicalla".


[Structure had been placed!]

[Stairs are invincible, mountain is removable though, sentient may attempt to remove it!]

Jay smirked and said,"That would be a funny sight of just some floating Stairs! Haha!"

Jay then turned and said to everyone,"Everyone, I apologize about getting distracted with my project. That was truly my mistake. My project was called the [Stairs of Will] and will test a person's purity of heart and their strength of will. They will get rewarded for this challenging endeavor!"

Everyone quickly digested this information! Jay never disappointed with what he made! One awesome thing after another!

Jay smiled as he felt their emotions and continued,"Now, let's get you guys back down their, and then let's speed up the world once more! To a new age!"

Join my patreon for advanced chaps! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103227460&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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