
Detective black

FG_Frost · Action
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23 Chs

Elina's peril

Elena Frost moved through the darkened streets with a determined stride, her mind racing with the latest lead she had uncovered. The contact's name was Marcus Langford, a known associate of Edward Vortigern. If she could bring him in, they might finally get closer to understanding the full scope of Elementum Obscura's plans. The trail led her to an abandoned hospital on the outskirts of the city, its crumbling facade looming ominously against the night sky.

The building was eerily silent as Elena entered, her footsteps echoing in the empty halls. She moved with caution, her senses heightened, scanning for any signs of movement. As she navigated the labyrinth of decaying rooms and corridors, she felt the oppressive weight of the building's dark history pressing down on her.

In one particularly dark and empty room, she found him. A tall man with sharp features, not Marcus Langford but another sorcerer known to be one of Vortigern's lieutenants, Elias Doran. He turned slowly, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "Welcome to your prison, Detective Frost," he said, his voice dripping with malice.

Without hesitation, Elena drew her weapon and advanced. "It's over, Doran. Surrender now."

Doran laughed, a cold, mocking sound that echoed off the walls. "You think you can stop me? You have no idea what you're up against."

With a flick of his wrist, Doran summoned a swirling vortex of wind, sending debris flying towards Elena. She dodged and rolled, her training kicking in as she fired a burst of ice from her hands, aiming to immobilize him. The ice met the wind, creating a clash of elements that filled the room with a chaotic frenzy.

Doran was quick, his movements fluid as he manipulated the air around him. Elena pressed on, her ice forming into sharp spikes that she launched with precision. One spike grazed Doran's arm, drawing blood and a snarl of anger from him. He retaliated with a powerful gust that knocked Elena off her feet, but she recovered swiftly, sliding across the floor and launching another volley of ice spikes.

The battle was intense, each combatant pushing the other to their limits. Elena's ice and Doran's wind clashed in a symphony of destruction, the room around them bearing the scars of their elemental duel. Finally, with a well-timed feint, Elena managed to get close enough to deliver a freezing punch, encasing Doran in a thick layer of ice.

Breathing heavily, Elena stepped back to survey her victory. But before she could catch her breath, she felt the ground beneath her shift. A magical trap activated, ensnaring her in shimmering chains of light. She struggled against the bonds, but they tightened with every movement.

Realizing the danger, Elena activated her distress signal, sending a silent alarm to the police and specifically to Adrian. She knew he would come, but the question was whether he would arrive in time.

Minutes later, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the hospital. Adrian burst into the room, his eyes blazing with a mix of fury and concern as he saw Elena trapped. Dark flames erupted from his hands, the heat and intensity of his power filling the room.

Doran, now freed from his icy prison, had set up a protective ward around himself. He smirked, confident in his defenses. But Adrian's rage was a force of nature. With a single blast of dark flames, he shattered the ward, sending Doran flying across the room. The impact knocked Doran unconscious as he slammed into the wall.

Elena, still trapped, managed to shout, "Adrian, watch out!"

From the shadows, Marcus Langford emerged, his hands crackling with magical energy. He unleashed a torrent of lightning, aiming straight for Adrian. Reacting swiftly, Adrian enveloped himself in darkness, absorbing the brunt of the attack. He countered with a dark flame ball, the searing heat and force knocking Langford out cold.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Adrian turned his attention to Elena, using his dark flames to melt the chains binding her. As she was freed, she looked up, grateful but exhausted. "Thank you, Adrian."

Before either of them could fully recover, a low rumble shook the building. Adrian's instincts flared, and a darkness ball formed around both him and Elena, just as an explosion tore through the hospital. The blast vaporized everything in its path, but the darkness shield held, protecting them from the worst of the explosion.

When the dust settled, both Adrian and Elena were unconscious, the remains of the hospital a smoking ruin around them. The darkness that had protected them dissipated slowly, leaving them vulnerable but alive amidst the devastation.