
Detective black

FG_Frost · Action
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23 Chs

A new hope

Detective Nathaniel Hale arrived in the city with a sense of urgency gnawing at his core. He had been summoned from his precinct in the neighboring city due to an emergency involving the disappearance of two fellow detectives, one of whom was his half-brother, Adrian Black. The news had hit him hard. He had always respected Adrian's work, and the thought of him being in danger fueled his determination.

Nathaniel drove directly to the factory site that was now shut off to the public, a sprawling area of devastation. As he stepped out of his car, he surveyed the scene – a wasteland of rubble and twisted metal, remnants of the explosion that had leveled the building. The air was thick with dust and the acrid smell of burnt materials. It was a bleak sight.

He approached the police chief, Captain Rivers, who was overseeing the investigation. The captain was a grizzled veteran, his face lined with years of service and stress. "Detective Hale," he greeted, extending a hand. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

Nathaniel shook his hand firmly. "Captain. I came as soon as I heard. Any news on the missing detectives?"

Rivers shook his head, his expression grim. "Not yet. We were hoping you might have some insights. Do you know about Elementum Obscura's plans to take control of ancient artifacts and release magic onto the world?"

Nathaniel nodded. "Yes, I'm well informed. Detective Black has been keeping me updated. He anticipated something like this might happen."

Rivers raised an eyebrow. "How do you know Detective Black so well?"

Nathaniel took a deep breath. "Adrian is my half-brother. He confided in me about his work, knowing the risks involved. He always thought he might be captured eventually, so he made sure I was prepared."

The captain's eyes widened with surprise but he quickly composed himself. "I see. Well, we won't get in your way. We need all the help we can get."

Nathaniel nodded and began his search through the rubble, meticulously combing through the debris for any clues. Hours passed, and frustration grew as he found nothing that could lead him to Adrian and Elena. It seemed as though the explosion had wiped out every trace of their presence.

As he emerged from the wreckage, deep in thought, a young officer ran up to him, breathless. "Detective Hale, we've received word from the group holding the detectives. They want to make a deal."

Nathaniel's heart skipped a beat. "What do they want?"

The officer hesitated before continuing. "They're demanding the release of the two Dark Commanders we captured in exchange for Detective Black and Detective Frost. The meeting is set to take place here, at midnight. If we're late or don't show up, they'll kill the detectives."

Nathaniel's mind raced. It wasn't entirely surprising, but the stakes were high. "Gather the commanders," he instructed. "We need to prepare for this exchange."

The scene then shifted to Adrian Black's perspective. He and Elena were bound with magical restraints that nullified their abilities. Standing before them was a young sorcerer, not a commander, but clearly powerful enough to have orchestrated the factory explosion with his mastery of explosive magic.

The sorcerer smirked, looking down at his captives. "You better hope those cops accept my deal," he taunted. "Or tonight will be your last night in this world."

Adrian glanced at Elena, her eyes fierce with determination despite their situation. They were gagged, unable to speak, but their resolve was clear. Adrian's mind raced, trying to think of a way out, but the situation seemed hopeless. He knew they had to rely on his brother now.

A memory flashed through Adrian's mind, taking him back to his childhood. His parents' divorce had been a turning point in his life. His mother's infidelity had resulted in his younger half-brother, Nathaniel. Despite the circumstances, Adrian had always treated Nathaniel as his own flesh and blood, helping raise him and funding his education. Their bond was strong, and it was no surprise to Adrian that Nathaniel had followed in his footsteps to become a detective, inspired by his older brother's dedication to justice.

Returning to the present, Adrian's thoughts were interrupted by the realization that their captor was gloating over them. The sorcerer reveled in his perceived victory, but Adrian's faith in Nathaniel remained unshaken.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was making his way back to the meeting spot with the two commanders in tow. He whispered to himself, "I will save you, brother. I promise." The weight of the situation bore down on him, but he steeled himself for the task ahead. He knew the importance of this moment and the potential danger it held.

As the night deepened, the ruins of the factory stood silent, a tense anticipation hanging in the air. Nathaniel and the officers prepared for the exchange, aware that their actions in the next few hours could determine the fate of their colleagues. The clock ticked towards midnight, and with each passing second, the tension grew.

The page ended with Nathaniel standing resolute among the rubble, determined to bring his brother and Elena back safely, no matter the cost.