
Destructive Gods

In order to keep the balance, one must be at the top. But the almighty creator of the gods has fallen. He takes the body of a dying young lady in order to survive and to fit in the world of the mortals. Will he regain his body? Can he survive? He will pave his way in order to regain his divinity and unveil the truth about the realms.

Ralen_Ociraba · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: The God of the gods

While riding the chariot Leo asks Metria.

"You haven't told me who you are."

"Calm down kid. Later you will know." he replied.

They continued their journey until they reach the Gates of Valhalla, the Chamber of Souls.

Its gigantic gate that stood before them was built by Hayatus, the God of the Dead. It is the final boundary between those who are near dead and those who are confirmed without any chance of hope to come back in the land of the living.

As they opened the gates, a gigantic scythe hangs in the center. They ignore the enormous weapon and headed straight to the chamber where all of the souls will be judged on who will be reincarnated or who will be sent to the void.

"Ra let's get down from this chariot. Make sure you keep an eye on Leo, protect him at any costs." commanded by Metria.

The three of them started to walk, with Metria leading the way they've reached the door of the chamber.

"Listen Leo. No matter what happen, do not touch anything!" said Metria.

Leo politely agreed to Metria. The door can only be opened by the gods, Ra concentrates his grace into the lock to open it.

As the door opens, they saw a monstrous being with an unknown rune on its arms devouring the souls. Ra secures Leo's safety by giving him a cloak enchanted with divine protection. The unknown being summoned the scythe that they saw before.

"I'm certain that it was Hayatus." said Metria.

Ra asked Metria in confusion, "But Hayatus was more dignified than me, my lord. How could he become such a ferocious monster?"

Metria pointed the unknown rune on Hayatus' arms.

"That rune emits power of unknown origin. Even you knows that god's unique graces can summon their respective weapons." he replied.

Their presence irritates Hayatus, he rushed into Ra with a murderous intent.

"We are immortals! Hayatus stop this nonsense!" Ra shouted.

Hayatus was attacking continuously while Ra is on the defensive. Their very presence made Leo unconscious. It is difficult to a mere mortal especially a child to be exposed on god's graces, and Ra has been overpowered by the god of the dead.

"Ra! You must retreat! At this point he is able to shatter your essence, you will die!" Metria shouted, warning Ra about the outcome of the battle. "Ra! Disenchant the grace from your lance!"

"Why now?" Ra asked in confusion.

"Don't ask why idiot! Do it!"

Ra knocked back Hayatus and hurriedly disenchanted his grace from the golden lance. Metria told him to make a body, a new host that can use mantra and divine power. He took over the new host leaving the body of Liana in a dead condition.

"At last! Playtime is over." Metria grinned.

He snapped his finger, everything was frozen in time except of himself and Ra.

"This power... Metria. You can use your abilities?" Ra was shocked of what he saw.

Metria stretched his right arm towards the sky. The land trembled and the sky has been pierced, the divine blades descended towards the supreme being.

Ra couldn't imagine the strength of his lord's heavy presence. "T-th-at was th-the god killer! The Blades of Arcea!"

Metria grinned fiercely. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to behead Hayatus. The time was back to normal and Hayatus' dead body fell down. Souls of the dead was freed once more. Metria absorbed Hayatus' grace, he destroyed the rune on the dead god's arms and commanded him, "Arise dear child."

The abomination of Hayatus' body was slowly disappearing. A warm mist of light enveloped the body of the fallen god, reverting the appearance of once a dignified ruler, he has been revived. A warm man stood before metria. His silver hair shines as the moons did. He bowed before his lord offering his loyalty once more.

"My lord, forgive me for I have sinned."