

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Yin Glass

            AT ICE KINGDOM

YI ZE: Princess Yu, Why are you here?

Wenren: Frosty prince, I can see that you have become more occupied than usual. I hope that I'm not a disturbance to you.

Yi Ze: No! Never. Miss Yu! I hope everything is fine now that you are here to see me.

Wenren: Yes! Everything is going well, but I'm afraid I'd like to ask you for a little favor.

Yi Ze: Please speak.

Wenren: Frost prince, please can you lend me your Yin Glass?

Yi Ze: Why? ( Thinking) Could it be that she wants to get it for Weixian, impossible how can she betray the righteous domain?

Wenren:( Thinking) Could he have suspected anything? No! I can't allow him to Know my real purpose. ( Hesitates to speak ) Well...

Xie Qi: (cuts in) Frost prince, please forgive me for interrupting, but our lady of fire is just curious to know what the Yin Glass looks like. Besides, it was recorded many centuries ago that the legendary Yin Glass of the ice kingdom could increase one's cultivation prowess quickly. And I do hope that Frosty prince knows about the upcoming "Immortal assembly". So our lady of fire wants to use Yin Glass to increase some of her cultivation prowess.

Yi Ze: Ohh...I see. Well, to be honest with you I don't have the Yin Glass now, it is hidden inside this palace by my father, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help the lady of fire. Please if there's nothing else I'll leave first. ( He leaves)

Xie Qi: Mistress Should we believe what he said?

Wenren: Yes! I already used the "Truth detection" spell on him just now, and I know that he wasn't lying when he said that he didn't have the Yin Glass. But the only thing is that he refuses to tell the whereabouts of Yin Glass.

Xie Qi: So! What do we do now?

Wenren: We search for it.

Xie Qi: But where? 

Wenren: Inside this palace of course, and we should start with the most dangerous places.

Xie Qi: Yes! The most dangerous place is the safest.

Wenren: Think! Where do you think the king would like to hide his sect treasure?

Xie Qi: The library is guarded, but that is the easiest place to go. And the throne room is also accessible. There must be a place in the palace that most people cannot enter except the royal family.

Wenren: How about the emperor's chamber?

Xie Qi: Yes you're right.

Wenren: Let's heard there straight away.

Xie Qi: But if we go now, won't it be seen as a violation of ice kingdom rules?

Wenren: I don't think so, I'm the dignified fire immortal, moreover I have an engagement with the ice Prince.

Xie Qi: Oh! Okay then let's go there.


Both Wenren and Xie Qi are trying their best to find it, even though it was a risky job. 

Wenren: ( Happily) Xie Qi, I found it.

Xie Qi: Good job Mistress let's get out of here.


Lu Zheng: Master! The Yin Glass has been stolen.

Yi Ze: What? How did it happen?

Lu Zheng: I don't know, but we just received an order that we should guard the palace well and make sure that no one leaves. Because the Yin Glass has been stolen.

Yi Ze: Okay! You can leave now.

Lu Zheng: Okay master. ( He leaves)

Yi Ze: ( thinking) Wenren Yu! How dare you steal our sacred treasure, you'll regret this.


Xie Qi: Weihe! I'm warning you if you dare tell anyone about our meeting today Mistress won't let you off.

Weihe: Xie Qi! Thank you for doing this, I'm grateful, and I hope that you can help me thank Miss Yu on behalf of my master.

Xie Qi: No need to be courteous, Mistress is very kind. She doesn't watch anyone die and does not lend a hand. Besides, I have to leave now. 

Weihe: Thank you! (She leaves).

   INSIDE LIZE DOMAIN ( Weixian's room)

Weihe: Master! I have gotten"Yin Glass" Hurry up and take it. You'll feel better.

Weixian; How did you manage to do that?

Weihe: Master don't talk, Use the Yin Glass to recuperate first, I will tell you everything later.

Weixian: I'm okay, Weihe! how did you get the Yin Glass?, tell me I want to know.

Weihe: Master it's a long story, don't you want to heal first?

Weixian: No! Tell me everything.

Weihe: Okay! Well master I went to beg princess Yu today for the Yin Glass, and she refused to help me. So I said some unpleasant things to her and left without any hope. But somehow she suddenly changed her mind and sent Xie Qi here to give us the Yin Glass.

Weixian: You said some unpleasant things to her?

Weihe: Yes! Besides she deserved it.

Weixian: Shut up! How can you say such a thing? Now look I'm already good all I need to do now is to take the medicine. You go first and apologize to princess Yu, I'll meet you there later to thank her.

Weihe: But...

Weixian: (cuts in) No but. Leave now, and quickly.

Weihe: Yes! Master.


Wenren: Did you give him the Yin Glass?

Xie Qi: Yes! Princess's late let's leave now.

Wenren: Okay!

As they were about to leave, they were suddenly attacked by some masked men in black clothes and

Wenren: Who are you?

Masked man: I will answer with my sword

suddenly the masked man attacks wenren Yu and injured her severely.

Xie Qi: Mistress! (Wenren falls on the floor) 

Masked man: Pretty girl why are you terrified? Don't worry I won't hurt beautiful ladies I only taught her a lesson for being stubborn. As for you, I'll teach you a bigger lesson never walk in the dark as a woman.

He tries to grab Xie Qi, but she narrowly escaped leaving Renyu alone

Xie Qi started running deeper into the woods, and all of a sudden she stops.

Xie Qi: Stop! 

All the masked men that were chasing her suddenly stopped in shock

Masked man: What? Have you decided to comply with me?

Xie Qi: How dare you chase me as this do you even know who I am?

Masked man: Why should I care you're nothing but a worthless servant of Jade palace.

Xie Qi:(Smirks) Insolent. I hate Insolent people the most.

She stretches her hand in the air, and suddenly a whitish flower appears on her hand with a touch of yellow in the middle. And a bright light shinned on the flower which started to draw the cultivation of the masked men, making them weaker

Masked man: Who are you Why...are you able to use"broken heart flower"

Xie Qi: ( Smiles again) Foolish Immortal, prepare to die.

Suddenly someone appears, and Xie Qi quickly stopped using her powers before the person could turn to see her

Xie Qi: Your highness!

Masked man: Greetings Master

(He and the other masked men all bowed to the stranger).