

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 2 : A marriage proposal

             AT JADE PALACE

Tang Xin: Wen!

Wenren:Mo... mother! Greetings mothers.

Tangxin: Rise daughter, no need for formalities. Daughter, I can see that you are very excited today, come on tell me why

Wenren: (Thinking) I can't tell mother about Yize or Weixian, if not she'll be furious. (To Empress Tangxin) Mother! I'm happy because I went to Yan mountain to see princess Li Qin.

Tangxin:(Gives a weak smile) Ren! Did you also see Yanxin?

Wenren:(Her heart skip a bit because she knew what her mother meant by that) Ye...ye..yes! But we didn't talk much, he was rushing to go to war.

Tangxin: Wenren! I know that you have grown up now, but to me, you are still my little daughter, the laws have not changed. You are still not allowed to fall in love.

Wenren: I..ii...I know mother. I haven't forgotten about your teachings.

Tangxin: That's good to hear. Wenren, tomorrow is the mid-length festival, and your father was invited to "Icey Kingdom" so he wants us to go with him. So please do prepare.

Wenren: Okay mother, I'll leave now. 

Tangxin: Okay! (Wenren leaves).


Emperor Xia Lu: Greetings to you all Emperors and Empress. I'm very glad that a lot of you could accept my offer to celebrate this mid-length festival. It makes me happy because I now realize that the three realms are living in peace. So I'd love to appreciate the top leaders of each realm. First I'd love to celebrate Heavenly Emperor" Pei Lan Yi" "the god of protection", second the Immortal emperor" the god of vengeance Bai Lu Qiao" and lastly  "Human Emperor Lian Yu, the god of prosperity". Please come out now to receive your sect treasures, you can receive them yourself, or send a worthy representative.

Heavenly Emperor:( goes to collect his treasure) Thank you Icey king.

Icey King (Xia Lu): Don't bother, second immortal emperor come up!

Immortal emperor: Icey King, I'm afraid that I have aged a bit, because of all the hard work that we gods are entitled with. So I'll send my daughter to represent me. "Ahraun" go.

Ahraun: (immortal of nature) Yes! Father.

Ahraun is a beautiful girl and the only daughter of the immortal emperor "Bai Lu Qiao". She is a light-skinned immortal, that could control nature. She is wearing a light green flowing gown, with her long black hair, dangling on her back. She is wearing a golden hairdo with a horse-like shaped earring. She has a light pink lip gloss on her lips, and her scent was like that of a beautiful night flower that glows from the light of the moon.

Crowd: Wow! Sure a beautiful woman, how pretty ( They continue the praises).

Wenren: ( thinking) How dare she stand up to flirt with others,  she's not even that beautiful. I'm much more beautiful and elegant than she is. Just wait until I come out and everyone will be amazed.

Ahraun: (goes to collect the treasure, and in a soft and calm tone, she thanks the Icey King) Thank you Icey king. 

Icey King: ( who was amazed by her beauty) Don't bother! What a beautiful girl, Immortal emperor, congratulations to you, you did a wonderful job.

Immortal emperor: (smiles) Thank you, Icey King.

Icey King: For our last sect treasure, I'd like to give it to human emperor Lian Yu. Please come forward.

Lian Yu: ( who had been jealous of the immortal emperor's daughter, wanted to showcase his daughter) Icey King! Forgive me for being rude today, but to be honest, I am a bit ill today, so I cannot climb the god's tower. But my daughter Phoenix can do it, so I would like her to represent me.

Icey King: Okay then, princess Yu please come forward. 

Wenren: (Who has been waiting for the opportunity) yes! Ice king.

Wenren tried her best to look better than Ahraun. And her beautiful and colorful accessories made it possible. She is wearing a long flowing red gown with her black hair released and bouncing on her back. Her curved lips were painted red. And her eyeballs were shining a dark emerald color. And she is wearing a pair of golden earrings, a hairdo, and bracelets. And her unfamiliar scent filled the entire"Icey Kingdom". Her scent was like a pure rose flower, planted on the mount of Zu, which received the fresh and sweet visit of the wind. Indeed she was a beautiful woman.

Crowd: What a beautiful woman, she is even more beautiful than the immortal of nature.

Icey King: ( Astonished by Wenren's beauty) Woah! Lian Yu I didn't even expect you to have such a beautiful daughter.

Lian Yu: Icey King, I do have a gem with me, but I like keeping her existence as a low profile, to protect her.

Wenren: (thinking) Protect me? Well, I think you and mother are both trying to cage me rather than protect me.

Icey King: I understand. Well, I would like to request the Yu's now since we are all here.

Lian Yu: Please say it.

Icey King: Well I have a very talented and handsome son who befits your precious daughter. And I ensure that with him by her side wenren will be saved. So I'd like to make a marriage engagement today.

Lian Yu: ( Happily) Really? That's great.

Tang Xin: ( Quickly cuts in) Greetings Icey King, I do know that my daughter is a very beautiful woman, and had a perfect body build. But as you may know that Wenren is just a child, so I'm afraid, but marriage is the least problem in her thoughts now. So I'm afraid I'd like to decline the request of your majesty.

    ( Wenren and her father both frowned)

Lian Yu: (Surprised) Dear! What nonsense are you saying?

Tang Xin: (ignores Lian Yu)Icey King please I hope that you can understand my intention as a good mother.

Icey King: Okay! I understand. But I will not allow you to decline my offer. How about we wait until Wenren Yu is mature enough to marry, and then they will tie the knot?

Tang Xin: Icey King...

Lian Yu: (cuts in) Perfect plan, Icey King I accept it.

Tang Xin: You...

Wenren: (cuts in too) Icey King, please can we see the prince?

Icey King: Of course! Duke Lu, please send the prince in.

Duke Lu: Yes! Your majesty. ( He leaves and returns later with Xia Yi Ze)

Wenren: ( Surprised) So it's him? 

Crowd: Wow! What a handsome man.

All the females around began to flirt with him, but he refused to pay attention to them

Yi Ze: Father! Greetings Father.

Wenren: ( Shocked) It's him.

            A few hours later

Yi Ze: Miss Yu! How have you been?

Wenren: I've been Okay, thank you Prince Yi Ze for asking.

Yi Ze: Please no need to address me like that just call me Yi Ze.

Wenren: Okay! Yi Ze.

Yi Ze: So! Do our parents want to make an engagement for us?

Wenren: Yes! They do.

Yi Ze: Are you willing?

Wenren: ( Pauses for a moment, the replies) Yes! I'm willing.

Yi Ze: So! Do you like me?

Wenren: What? I...I

Lu Zheng: Master! Please Icey King has called everyone to the table, including you and Miss Yu.

Yi Ze: Okay! We'll be there soon. 

Lu Zheng: Okay! ( He leaves)

Yi Ze: Let's go.

Wenren: (Sighs) Okay!

                 At Lize Domain.

Weihe: Master! You have been having a really difficult time breathing, is it because of the injuries caused by Frost prince?

Weixian: Yes! Frost Prince is indeed clever, he used " pla...plague nee..ne...needles on me.

Weihe: ( Surprised) "plaque needles? Doesn't that needle contain poison?

Weixian: Yes! And I'm afraid if I can't get "Yin Glass" in 12 hours, I'll d..die. 

Weihe: Wh... what? Yin Glass? Isn't that one of the sacred objects of the ice kingdom? 

Weixian: Ye...ye...yes!

Weihe: But master Frost prince will never hand it over. Wait, I know who can help us out.

Weixian: Wh..who?

Weihe: Master don't worry, I will come back with Yin Glass. Please Master protest yourself first.

Weixian: You... Don't do anything stupid.

Weihe: Master! Don't worry I will be back. If I can't find the Yin Glass, then I won't return at all.

Weixian: You....( Weihe leaves)

                 AT JADE PALACE

Wenren: What? Weixian is dying?

Weihe: Yes! Princess Yu, I beg you to please talk to Frost prince to help us with Yin Glass.

Wenren: What? (laughs) What are you saying? Weixian is a strong enemy to the world that cannot be subdued by anyone. So why do I feel like you are asking me to save a life now, that will destroy a thousand tomorrow?

Weihe: Yes, my master has murdered so many people, but he had his reasons. You are from the righteous domain, so you will always say that you fight to eliminate evil. But have you ever for once stopped to think about what is righteousness and what is Evil? Aren't these things all that we think and differentiate ourselves? Isn't the word " Evil" what we use to make ourselves feel right? Righteousness is always right, and Evil is always bad. But as a righteous immortal have you ever stopped to think of a solution to stop the demons rather than killing? Have you everrrrrr...

Wenren: ( Angrily) Enough! Stop talking.

Weihe: Why? You can't bear to hear the truth? Okay, I won't talk about it anymore. But please help me save my master.

Wenren: Weihe! I've told you before, I can't help you. Please return.

Weihe: Why? You are from the righteous domain, don't you all fight to save lives? Why can't you save my master now?

Wenren: Yes you're right, we fight to save lives, but have you still thought about the consequences of What will happen if I save him? Not only will he destroy those lives that I am trying to save, but I will also become a traitor to my sect for helping the demon.

Weihe: Traitor? Yes! You might become a traitor, but have you also thought about the fact that the people your truth and try to please might turn against you one day?

Wenren: That will never happen if I don't betray them first. Weihe please save me this trouble and return, I can't help you, and I don't want to help you.

Weihe: Okay! Then I'll leave.

He turns to leave and suddenly sees Xie Qi entering. She gave him a warm smile as a way of greeting, but he didn't respond and left angrily.

Xie Qi: Mistress! Are you not going to help them?

Wenren: Why should I help them? (She sighs and stands up) I do feel that Weixian is not a bad person, but according to the Legends, he is a true villain.

Xie Qi: Mistress I do feel that there's more to his story. Besides Every story, there is more than one telling. 

Wenren:( surprised) So what do you think is his story?

Xie Qi: Perhaps, it is yet to be written.

Wenren: ( Confused ) Meaning? 

Xie Qi: Yes! Master Weixian may have rebelled against the gods at that time, but his main reason for rebelling might be different from what we know. And even if he did that for no reason, I think that if he had some right mind on his part he wouldn't have rebelled.

Wenren: You're right. Xie Qi! When did you get so smart?

Xie Qi: Mistress! Please don't flatter me.

Wenren:(smiles) Okay! I know what to do.