

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: Xiao Hui's Arrival

 Xie Qi: Well.. from what I know, when you're in love with someone, you'll always think about them, no matter how often you see you'll continue thinking and caring for them. Also, you'll Miss them when they're not there with you, even though you just saw them an hour ago, you'll still miss them. Also, you'll feel protected and safe whenever they are around you. Even when in dangerous situations, as long as they are there you'll feel better and safe.

Wenren: Really? 

Xie Qi: Yes! And You'll also have butterflies, Whenever you see them or touch them. You'll feel a rush and a sweet feeling in your stomach.

Wenren: Does this feeling also involves a heartbeat?

Xie Qi: Yes! How did you know, have you experienced it before?

      Flash Back, to Lize Domain back then when Wenren Yu was hurt by the night troops and was rescued by Weixian.

In the room wenren, Yu was kept

Wenren tries to teletransport to save Xie Qi but felt dizzy and was falling, when Weixian quickly held her waist to prevent her from Falling and they both fell on the bed

Weixian: Careful you're not okay yet. ( They both stood up)

Wenren: (thinking) Why is my heart beating so fast, it seems like it's going to come out of me, am I dying? 

In Weixian's room

Weixian:( drags wenren and places her on the bed, lying on top of her. And leans in to whisper to her) What do you want to say?

Wenren:(thinking) No! Why is it happening again, the heartbeat, it's happening again. No way does it always happen in awkward moments, could it be that I'm dying slowly?

     ( Presently in Jade mountain Yu's room)

Xie Qi:Phoenix have you experienced it before?

Wenren: Yes! Back then when I was in Lize Domain, I felt my heart beat twice. But I don't think it has anything to do with falling in love.

Xie Qi: What do you mean, these signs are from Famous and Accurate Oprah that I got from "Jade Market" so they can't deceive me.

Wenren: But it's...

Xie Qi: It's what? Mistress, just face it, you're in love.

Wenren: ( stays silent for a while, then) A'Xie please keep this secret for me, I don't want mother to know about it.

(A few hours later)

Yi Ze: Greetings Father! Father, you called me? 

Icey King: Yes! I wanted to discuss something important with you. It's about the Immortal assembly. 

Yi Ze: Go on father I'm listening. 

Icey King: Well you have heard that Demon Clan has declared war against Righteous Domain. So, because of this god, Shang Lin decided to make the Immortal assembly sooner so that we could increase the cultivation of many talented before. So Yi Ze I want to ask you to try your best in this Immortal assembly so that you can attain godship.

Yi Ze: Okay father, I'll leave to prepare now. Bye, father. ( He leaves)

( At Jade Mountain)

Wenren: ( she is holding a basket decorated with many accessories, inside it, she placed food, wine, and tea, which she was planning on giving to someone) Are you sure that this will work? 

Xie Qi; Of course, Master Wei's heart will be melted once he sees that you lowered yourself to cook for him, he'll fall in love with you at once.

Wenren: I hope so. I so.

    ( At Li Ze Palace)

 Wenren: Wei Xian! I prepared something for you do you want to try it?

Weixian:( who was sitting with Xing'er and some other female attendants, and enjoying music and delicious food with them) Lady of fire why are you here again? Do you want me to issue a degree for you to start living in Li Ze Palace?

Wenren: I...well if you would I would appreciate that.

Weixian: Hurry up speak I don't have time for jokes.

Wenren: Well Wei Xia...

Weixian: ( He angrily pushes the table and all the glasses on it fell to the ground) Lady of fire! You have a lot of nervous to come to my Demon Clan and address me by my name, do you think that I wouldn't dare to kill you? Or that I can't bear to?

Wenren: You want to kill me? Then kill me. Besides I'd rather die at the hand of someone I trust most than t the hand of a stranger.

Weixian: Lady of fire can you stop it? 

Wenren: What? You can bear to hear the truth? You don't want to see me say the truth? 

Weixian: Enough! One more word from you and I'll kill you.

Wenren:( angrily shouts) Kill me! Just do it.

Weixian: Drop it!

Wenren: What?

Weixian: Didn't you come to give me food? Drop it and leave.

Wenren: (after thinking for a while) Okay! (She drops it) Remember to eat it, I'll leave first. ( She leaves)

At Jade Palace

Xie Qi: Phoenix! Soo... How did it go? Did Master Wei like it?

Wenren: Weixian! He hates me.

Xie Qi:(confused) But he took the meal right?

Wenren: Yes! But still, he hates me. I don't know why, but he hates me so much, he doesn't even want to see me. He got angry just because I addressed him by his name, and only took the food after I argued with him. But still, I know full well that he no longer cares about me. 

Xie Qi: Hee...he asked you not to address him by his name?

Wenren: Yes! But it doesn't make sense, because ever since we knew each other I've always called him Weixian even when Xing'er called him Brother Wei, and he didn't mind. But recently here..here..( she starts crying) He's angry with me for that...

Xie Qi: Phoenix! Youuu... You're right he is angry with you, but that doesn't mean that he hates you. I just think that he needs some time to process everything. So just give him some time to process everything, I'm pretty sure that he has already forgiven you. All you need to do now is to work harder to appear better to him, and also maybe you should add a little more title to his name since that's what he wants.

Wenren: You think that this will work?

Xie Qi: Yes! 

Xiao Zhan: Mistress! Someone is here to see you.

Wenren: Could it be Yi Ze?

Xie Qi: Could it be Master Wei? ( They both ran out to see who it was, and they were disappointed to see that it was a total stranger and not who they were expecting).

Xiao Hui: Greetings Princess Yu! ( He exchanges a familiar glance with Xie Qi)

Renyu: Youuu... Who are you?

Xiao Hui: I'm Ni Xiao Hui, the last prince of" Mount Hui" 

Renyu: Mount Hui! Is that even a real place? How come I've never heard of it? Is it a righteous sect?

Xiao Hui: Well...we are part of the rigateaus sects, but due to our lack of high cultivation and slow cultivation processes, our ancestors were cut off from the well-known righteous sects, and we were locked out on a lonely path down to mount Hui. Our sect leader is master" Ni Shu Tian" Who is no high cultivator, even after he had lived for 100,000 years. And he is also my father, my eldest brother Orr...

Xing Chen (Azure Dragon): ( grins) Xiao Hui! Do you have a pen?

Xiao Hui: (confused) No! 

Xing Chen: What about a notebook?

Xiao Hui:(more confused) No...noo!

Xing Chen: What a shame, I wanted to jot down all the stories you have been telling.

Xiao Hui: I... I'm sorry. Please princess Yu don't be mad at me if I have offended you. It's my first time going down the mountain, so I don't know much about those living outside. I only came...

Renyu: Please Skip to the end.

Xiao Hui: Yes! (Bows down) Please princess Yu I Ni Xiao Hui submits submit to my teacher and am my disciple. To accompany you forever until the day you need me no more.

Renyu: What? Are you crazy? Teacher? I can't.

Xiao Hui: Princess Yu! I know that I'm not qualified to be your disciple, because of my poor cultivation and low birth status, but to be honest, I want to train under you. So please accept me.

Renyu: Xiao Hui! Stand up (he obeys) It's not that I'm not willing to accept you as my disciple, but I can't. Like you, I also have weak cultivation vessels since birth, so I can't accept you as my disciple because I've not been able to ascend to Immortality, not to talk about being a god. And I've learned that before we cultivators can have disciples we must ascend to levels of gods. So now you understand why I can't be your teacher. Xiao Hui! Please leave. ( She turns to leave) 

Xiao Hui: No! Princess Yu! You may refuse me now, but I won't give up. At least make me your guard, and after you see what a great man I am, you might change your mind.

Renyu: Youuuu.....

Xiao Hui: Mistress Yu! I will call you mistress Yu from now. I know very well about the Immortal assembly, and I know that it can increase cultivation prowesses. So I believe that after you participate in the assembly your cultivation will increase and you accept me as your disciple.

Renyu: Xiao Hui Your...

Xiao Hui: But for now let me be your guard, and I will swear my loyalty to you for 9 lives.

Xing Chen: Yu! Just accept him, okay?

Renyu: ( After thinking for a while) Okay! Do what you want. ( She leaves, and Xie Qi follows)

Xiao Hui: Thank you, mistress, I promise to leave up to your expectations, and repay this favor.