

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: Misunderstanding 2

Xie Qi: You're in love with Master Wei!

Renyu: (surprised) What? Impossible.

Xie Qi: it's possible, besides I don't see any reasons why you shouldn't love him. He's handsome, rich, and powerful.

Renyu: A'Xie you know that I'm already engaged to frost prince, so it's impossible for me to like two men.

Xie Qi: Phoenix, I know full well that you want to keep a good reputation, but do you have to sacrifice your happiness for a good reputation?

Renyu: A'Xie! Righteous is righteous, Evil is evil. These two can never cooperate. So! I've set a rule for myself since young, that if I have to sacrifice my happiness to help the righteous domain, I'm willing.

A'Xie: So! Do you admit that you're happier with Master Wei?

Renyu: Yes! I'm happier when I'm with Weixian. Because he treats me like someone special. He helps me when I'm in need, and even gave me half of his cultivation prowesses, knowing fully well that he could die. He was willing to put his living on the line for me, that's something that I know full well that Yi Ze can't do.

Xie Qi: So! Since you know that, why do you still love Yi Ze? 

    Wei Xian appears, trying to walk up to Wenren, but suddenly stopped half away to listen to Yu's conversation

Renyu: Because..... be. cause he's the only one I can like. Weixian is a demon, so no matter how good he is to me, I can never and will never fall in love with him, because of his identity.

After hearing what Yu said, Weixian heartbrokenly left and went back to his Li Ze Palace


Renyu: By the way A'Xie prepare a hot bath for me, I want to go to Li Ze Domain to ask Wei Xian for forgiveness, and also I want to go see Shang Lin and thank her.

Xie Qi: Okay! I get it. I'll pick a wonderful dress for you too, and you'll look dazzling. (she runs out). 

A few hours later ( at Li Ze Domain)

Xing'er: Brother Wei! Please try these chestnuts, they are delicious. (she raises the chestnuts to feed Weixian, who turns his face to the other side) Brother Wei comes on, don't be shy open your mouth. 

    Wenren enters, and as soon as Weixian saw Wenren he quickly turns back his face to Xing'er and ate the chestnuts she was offering him.

Xing'er: (shocked) Bro... Brother Wei..you...

Wei Xian: Hmmm... Delicious. I want some more, Feed me.

Xing'er (excitedly) Okay! ( She feeds him)

Renyu: (who has seen the whole ordeal, could feel her heartbreak painfully, but could only gather more courage to meet Weixian) Wei Xian! Youuuu...

Weixian:(angrily)Lady of fire why are you here? 

Renyu: I...I came to apologize to you, for my rude behavior a few days back. Hope that you won't take it to heart. 

Weixian: Of course Not, I've already forgotten about that.

Renyu:(smiles happily) That's great, because...

Weixian: And I've also forgotten about you.

Renyu: Wh...what do you mean?

Weixian: A'Xing She doesn't understand my words. (he romanticly placed his hands on Xing'er hands) So! Please can you make her understand?

It took a while for Xing'er to understand that Weixian was making an act, but when she finally realized, she decided to play along. 

Xing'er: (she places her other hand on top of Wei Xian's) Okay brother Wei! (Turns to Yu) Lady of fire! I understand that you still don't get that the relationship between you and Brother Wei is over, but to be honest you both no longer have any relationship. So! I'd appreciate it if you stop bothering us, and go back to your righteous domain.

 Wenren: Shut up! I didn't come here for you, I came for Weixian.

Xing'er (Angrily)  But Weixian doesn't want to see you.

Wenren: Who told you that? Stop spouting rubbish. Weixian I.....

Weihe: ( enters and cuts Yu shut) Master! Everything has been prepared, it's just remaining a few things to be arranged for the attack.

Wenren (thinking) Attack?

Weixian: Okay! I understand. Pls make sure to arrange the remaining things quickly, we don't have enough time.

Weihe: Okay! ( He turns to Yu and gives the surprised look, but didn't say anything and leaves)

Wenren: Weixian are you planning an attack on someone? Tell me.

Weixian: A'Xing you can stay with Miss Yu if you want, but if not you can come with me.

Xing'er: Okay brother Wei, but I'd like to talk with Miss Yu for a while. I promise to catch up with you later.

Weixian:( He felt a little uneasy with Xing'er request, but he still agreed) Okay! ( He leaves)

Wenren: ( tries to stop him) Weixian... Wei...

Xing'er: Shut up! Don't you understand that he doesn't want to see you? Wenren Yu Phoenix I thought you had brains, you're smart right let me tell you Wei Xian has finally Chosen me after all my long waiting. And now you think you can claim him back? Impossible!. Weixian is mine and mine alone.

Wenren: You must be excited now, you think you've won right? But believe me, when I say that I never give up in any battle, I always fight to the end and I always Win trust me Xing'er, I will win, and Wei Xian will surely come back to me.

Xing'er: (smiles) Okay let's wait and see (she leaves).

Wen Ren:(thinking) that was weird why was I angry? I even had to say those meaningless things, but why is Wei Xian avoiding me? Could it be that he's still angry? No! I already made a bet with Xing'er, and I must win, I can't lose to her, otherwise, she might laugh. No! I have to fight, Wei Xian must come back to me. ( She goes back to her Jade Palace) 

Xie Qi: Phoenix! You're back! Finally.

Wenren: I shouldn't have gone there.

Xie Qi: Why? Is master Wei still angry with you?

Wenren: Xie Qi! Not only is Weixian angry with me, but he also treated me like a stranger. It was so embarrassing that I wanted to shrink into the ground. And that Xing'er took advantage to humiliate me.

Xie Qi: Xing'er? Who is she?

Wenren: It's just an annoying goddess who leaves with Wei Xian 

Xie Qi: What? Why are you angry? Are you jealous? Are you going to cry?

Wenren: What! Cry? Not possible. I'm the prestigious lady of Jade Palace, and the future fire Immortal and unstoppable god of fire. So I definitely won't cry for a common god-like Wei Xian. Impossible!. (A few minutes later, wenren is seen alone in her room crying her heart out)

Wenren: (crying) Nu Weixian! Whyyyyy? Why did you ignore me like that? It hurts. I hate you, monster!

She stands up from her bed and started throwing away her stuff all over the place why screaming Monster. Then suddenly Xie Qi appears

Xie Qi: Phoenix! Are you okay?

Wenren:(quickly turns and wipes her face so that Xie Qi would not notice her tears.) I'm Okay! (turns back to Xie Qi) I'm Fine.

Xie Qi: Phoenix! Are...Are you crying?

Wenren: If course not. Why would I? I already told you, I don't care about Wei Xian, to me he's just a common Man.

Xie Qi: (mockingly) Oh! A common Man! Okay. (She smiles and turns) Mas. Master Wei! Good day!

At the mention of master Wei Wenren Yu anxiously turned to look in the direction Xie Qi was talking from but was disappointed not to see him, instead, Xie Qi laughed hard).

Wenren: Childish!

Xie Qi:Phoenix! Why don't you just admit it, You love Weixian. 

Wenren: I don't.

Xie Qi: How will you know, when you don't even understand what love is?

Wenren: I don't need it. Besides I love my carefree world and I can get whatever I want.

Xie Qi: Phoenix! Sometimes as Immortal, rich, powerful, and long-lasting, we think that we have this world figured out by ourselves, but that's arrogant and ignorant. Because as humans we all need someone at some point to lean on, and also someone to educate us about things we don't know.

Wenren: I'm not...

Xie Qi: I know, you're not arrogant, you're just proud, you think too highly of yourself. I understand that it's not that you intended to be like that, but you just want to protect yourself. But Phoenix, I'll not ask you to forcefully have feelings for Weixian or to admit that you love him when you're not sure about it yet, love doesn't always move in a straight line, there must surely be some obstacles. But what I'm saying is that you should try to understand your heart, and know how you feel towards him. No one knows you better than yourself, So! Only you can discover your true and hidden feelings. And I think that you should hurry up with sorting this so that you don't make a mistake that you might regret. 

Wenren: Xie Qi! How dare you talk so informal with me? I should beat you up. But I'm grateful. Thank you!

Xie Qi: Phoenix doesn't say that, it's my duty, besides I owe you a lot.

Wenren: Yes! And I want to promise you that in the future no matter what secrets I have, I will surely share them with you.

Xie Qi:(gives a weak smile) Phoenix! Don't promise that to me, because I'm afraid I might not be able to promise you back.

Wenren: Why?

Xie Qi: Well... because they are a lot of unwritten secrets about me, that you don't know yet. But don't worry, I have a strong feeling that the forces coming from different realms will soon make a lot of things change. And by then my secret will be revealed.

Wenren: You're so weird. By the way A'Xie! Can I ask you a question?

Xie Qi: Of course, I'm all ears.

Wenren: Well I know that you laugh at me if I say it, but I'll still say it. A'Xie how does it feel like to fall in love with someone?