
Destined to love the one I hate

Amber is a warm-hearted and cute girl with a strong character . Her life was peaceful till the day her father left , asking her mother for a divorce . Her mother’s heart broke but she didn’t give up and tried her best to raise Amber and her sister . After the divorce, her family became very poor . From a carefree girl who liked to play all day long , Amber focused on her studies and tried her best to help her mom by becoming a rich person in the future . One day , when she’s late for school Amber accidentally trips and meets the handsome millionaire Nikolai . “ What a pauper ?! Trying to get my attention ?! Don’t dream ! “ said Nikolai . “Your attention ?! Are you nuts ?! Get lost ! “ said Amber . He was very rude to her and threw a check then ordered her to get lost . She took a baseball stick and smashed the front glass of his car . After that seven years passed . They met each other again . During this time Nikolai had to surpass hard things . One of them was his grandfather's will . With all the messed up incidents that happened again between them , Nikolai and Amber will be forced to marry because of an unwanted pregnancy . " You have been greedy for a long time ago ?! Don't delude yourself , I will never look at you ! Even though we'll be married , I will still continue my relationship with my fiance . " said Nikolai . " That's great ! I don't wanna deal with you either . " said Amber . The hate they felt towards each other slowly turned into a burning passion which neither of them could deny . A strong attraction and desire for eternal possession had occupied Nikolai's heart . After some time , he realized that his eyes kept following Amber . " I don't know how you managed to start the fire within my heart.......Now that you started it you should take responsibility and ease it with both your body and soul ! " A romantic love story with lots of comedy and adventure which connects the two of them even more . Amber's heart was hard to approach and that will make Nikolai even more obsessed with her . Learn how things will turn out....how love will bloom and hate will ease.......Destined to love the one I hate .

Kalenca · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Bad feeling

Nikolai started to think that she was acting in a suspicious way . She kept looking behind and started to tear the last blank page of a magazine .

' What's this pauper thinking right now ?! ' thought Nikolai and decided to look at her in silence .

Amber made sure to hide the white paper she tore from a magazine under her shirt and was about to get up from her seat .

" Where do you think you're going ?! " asked Nikolai in a serious tone .

" None of your business . " said Amber annoyed .

" I am warning you , don't think of doing anything strange . " said Nikolai with disbelief .

" Can you keep your nose out of my business since you clearly won't help ?! " said Amber and shoved his hand away then got up from her seat and walked slowly while holding her tummy .

' What's this crazy doing ?! Whatever , it would be good if she gets kicked out of the first class , I can relax more that way . ' thought Nikolai with a satisfied smile .

Still, he was curious to know what she was up to and decided to look at what she would do .

' Time to act now Amber ! ' thought Amber while walking towards the scared girl .

She started to act as if she was suffering from stomach pain . The moment she was approaching the scared girl she deliberately tripped and leaned on the scared girl's chair .

" Ouc !!! My tummy , it hurts... " said Amber .

" Are.....are you alright miss ?! " said the scared girl .

Amber noticed immediately the cold gaze she received from the man next to her .

" Miss , everything alright ?! " asked the man .

He changed his expression in a second and this assured Amber of her suspicions .

" I...think....I'm alright . Just some stomachache , maybe I have eaten too fast or too much....or a portion of food which hurt my stomach . I have a delicate stomach since I was young . " said Amber while acting as if she was in more pain than before .

" Don't overdue yourself miss , you can go to the toilet and cool down a bit . You can ask the flight attendant to bring you some medicine ." said the man next to the scared girl .

' This jerk really deserves an oskar . He has scared the poor girl to this state and now puts up that gentle expression . ' thought Amber bit annoyed .

" Miss , can you please accompany me to the toilet , I have extreme pain . " said Amber signalizing her with eyes to go to the toilet .

" No ! She...she's pregnant and she can't stand looking at people who are sick . I will ask the flight attendant to go with you . " said the man next to her with a smile .

' Pregnant ?! What a joke , she's clearly a girl near my age . ' thought Amber .

" Aghhh !....I feel awful ! " said Amber and covered her mouth then hurried to the toilet .

' She's not sick , that's for sure but...what is she doing ?! ' thought Nikolai when she saw her acting like that .

After a few minutes , Amber came out of the toilet in a bad state .

' Seriously , I look like a very sick person now . I really hope there's something wrong so that my efforts won't go to waste . ' thought Amber with a tired expression .

" Everything okay now ? " asked the scared girl when Amber was near their seats .

" Yes , thank you ! " said Amber with a pale face .

When the man next to her looked at the window Amber took this chance and looked at the girl in the eyes then looked towards the toilet . She did this three times and moved her lips saying the word ' go , paper ' without speaking . The scared girl nodded her head and Amber left acting as sick again .

When she went to her seat Nikolai stared at her . Amber was very angry with him and didn't give a damn about his look . Nikolai remained a bit surprised when he saw her ignore him . Amber continued to look at the seat where the scared girl was staying through a mirrow that she took out of her pocket . She noticed that the girl went to the toilet ten minutes later . Amber waited another forty minutes before going to the toilet . After forty minutes passed she went to the toilet , acting sick again and started to look for the paper . When she went in the toilet the first time , Amber hid a piece of paper and a pen behind the mirror , so that the scared girl could write down what her problem was .

" Let's hope she has found the letter and pen ! " said Amber in a low voice and started to search .

She searched for a while then found that she had hidden the letter under the sink .

' I wonder why this girl changed the place.....maybe she was afraid that someone would find this... ' thought Amber with a serious look .

When she opened the letter to read it , she remained shocked . The poor girl had only written four words , help me , human trafficker , scared . Amber realized that the situation was serious and she couldn't stay put .

' With this letter , I will make sure that jerk gets caught . ' thought Amber with a devilish smirk .

She went out of the toilet after adjusting once again her sick expression . This time she acted as if she was severely sick . Everyone would peek at her but she didn't give a damn about their looks towards her . The moment she sat down on her seat , she called the flight attendant .

' Seems like she's finished what she had to do , guess I will know what's going on soon . ' thought Nikolai .

" Miss , are you alright ?! " said the flight attendant .

Amber told her to come closer and give her some painkillers for stomachache .When the flight attendant handed the painkillers to her , Amber , in a sneaky way , handed her the letter the scared girl wrotte .

" Seat number four , line D . The girl is very scared and needs help . Show this to the pilot . " said Amber in a very low voice .

The flight attendant nodded her head and went straight towards the cabinet . When she was away from the passenger's eyes , she opened the letter and read it . After reading it , she understood the gravity of the situation and immediately notified the pilots . The pilots called the cops and ordered the flight attendant to act as if nothing had happened . After delivering the message , the flight attendant returned to the first-class passengers and smiled at Amber first to make her understand that she delivered the letter to the pilots , then smiled at the other passengers too . The flight lasted for another half an hour and they finally arrived in Dubai .When the plane was landing Amber noticed that some men in black were waiting with a very luxurious limousine and alongside them , there were ten cops . Amber looked behind her and saw that the vicious man was talking on the phone , it seemed like a very important call because he didn't even notice the cops from the window .

' I am seriously starting to wonder if that guy is an idiot or a professional who keeps calm and acts as if he hasn't done anything wrong . ' thought Amber .

" Finally ! " said Nikolai and Amber at the same time , they couldn't wait to get away from each other .

When Amber got up she saw that the vicious man was looking at her .

" Can you please play along ?! " murmured Amber and leaned on his arm .

" What do you think you are doing ?! " asked Nikolai annoyed then he noticed that the man in front of them was looking at them with a suspicious expression .

" I will explain to you once we get down . Please let me lean on you for a while or we will be in danger . " said Amber with a serious expression .

Nikolai saw that she didn't have any other meaning behind her words . He was curious to know what was going when he saw that she started to act like a sick person again . The man who was watching them in a suspicious way , stopped looking at them and grabbed the scared girl's arm then headed towards the exit door . When Nikolai saw the scared girl , he recognized her immediately .

" Okay , now that they went ahead , you need to get out ! " said Amber .

" What's happening ?! " asked Nikoali .

" You better go out now . That guy is a human trafficker . That girl is in danger and I am trying to save her . If you don't go I can't help her . " said Amber with a serious tone .

Nikolai realized that she was determined to save that girl and decided to listen to her .

" You better rescue her ! " said Nikolai in a low tone and went ahead .

" What did he say ?! I didn't hear him clearly....I don't have time to think about that brat . " said Amber and hide behind the door .

As Amber had predicted the vicious man and the scared girl were the last ones to go out of the plane .

" Hurry ! " said the vicious man with an ordering tone while dragging the scared girl against her will .

The moment they stepped out of the plane and went down the stairs , ten policemen surrounded the ground around the end of the stairs .