
Destined to love the one I hate

Amber is a warm-hearted and cute girl with a strong character . Her life was peaceful till the day her father left , asking her mother for a divorce . Her mother’s heart broke but she didn’t give up and tried her best to raise Amber and her sister . After the divorce, her family became very poor . From a carefree girl who liked to play all day long , Amber focused on her studies and tried her best to help her mom by becoming a rich person in the future . One day , when she’s late for school Amber accidentally trips and meets the handsome millionaire Nikolai . “ What a pauper ?! Trying to get my attention ?! Don’t dream ! “ said Nikolai . “Your attention ?! Are you nuts ?! Get lost ! “ said Amber . He was very rude to her and threw a check then ordered her to get lost . She took a baseball stick and smashed the front glass of his car . After that seven years passed . They met each other again . During this time Nikolai had to surpass hard things . One of them was his grandfather's will . With all the messed up incidents that happened again between them , Nikolai and Amber will be forced to marry because of an unwanted pregnancy . " You have been greedy for a long time ago ?! Don't delude yourself , I will never look at you ! Even though we'll be married , I will still continue my relationship with my fiance . " said Nikolai . " That's great ! I don't wanna deal with you either . " said Amber . The hate they felt towards each other slowly turned into a burning passion which neither of them could deny . A strong attraction and desire for eternal possession had occupied Nikolai's heart . After some time , he realized that his eyes kept following Amber . " I don't know how you managed to start the fire within my heart.......Now that you started it you should take responsibility and ease it with both your body and soul ! " A romantic love story with lots of comedy and adventure which connects the two of them even more . Amber's heart was hard to approach and that will make Nikolai even more obsessed with her . Learn how things will turn out....how love will bloom and hate will ease.......Destined to love the one I hate .

Kalenca · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Heroine !

The vicious man remained shocked when he saw the policemen waiting on the ground , the pilots were also with them . The flight attendants were at the door inside the plane while Amber was hiding behind the door .

" Crap !....this must be your doing you Bitch ! " said the vicious man and took a white cloth out of his jacket . He took off the white cloth and the aluminum wrapping around it . The object he had wrapped like that was a gun . He grabbed the girl from her shoulders and pointed the gun at her head .

" If you don't put your guns down , I will shot this girl within thirty seconds . " said the vicious man .

" Sir , what are you doing ?! " said one of the flight attendants .

When he heard her , he took the gun to shot at her but luckily the bullet only scratched her skin . The flight attendant started to yell from fear and this scared the other flight attendants who were on board . They went inside the plane and hide .

" I won't hesitate to shot if you don't put your guns down ! " said the vicious man and pointed the gun again at the scared girl . All the policemen put their guns down .

" Good boys ! Now , get a car here immediately ! " said the vicious man .

' The police and the guards are completely useless now . They cannot throw an attack as long as the girl is in his hands . Where is that pauper girl ?! She said that she would save her ! ' thought Nikolai worried when he saw the man pointing the gun at the girl's head .

The situation was getting even more serious now . The vicious man clearly was determined to escape .

' If I don't take action it will be too late . I better think of something , fast ! ' thought Amber with an anxious expression and looked around .

She looked at the tray with leftover food that the flight attendants had taken after the passengers had eaten their food . She saw a bottle of oil and an idea came to mind .

' He's gonna surrender faster than he thinks . ' thought Amber with a smirk .

She took the bottle with olive oil from the tray with food and quietly went near the vicious man .

When the policemen saw Amber from behind , she made a sign with her hand indicating that they need to get his attention .

' What is that girl doing there ?! Isn't she afraid ?!!! ' thought the head policeman shocked when he saw Amber crawling on the ground quietly towards the vicious man .

' Looking at the situation , the only possibility left to help the hostage is to rely on the help from the girl behind . We need to protect both of them.....it's better if we attract his attention and give that girl the possibility to create a chance for us . ' thought the head of the policemen and signalized the others to try their best and attract the vicious's man attention .

" Why are you doing this ?! If you surrender now , we guarantee to release you . " said the head of the policemen .

" Release me if I surrender ?! Do you think I will be fooled by you ?! " said the vicious man and grabbed the girl even tighter .

While they were discussing , Amber quietly threw the olive oil inside the bottle around the vicious man's feet .

' Great now I just need him to move for a bit and it will be fun to see him slide through the stairs . ' thought Amber with a devilish smile .

Madam Adley was searching everywhere for Amber when she heard that there was an armed human trafficker on board .

" Mom , calm yourself a bit ! Amber is okay , she must be around here . " said Amelia , trying to calm her mother a bit .

" Amelia , stay here and don't move ! I will go first to search for her . " said madam Adley worried .

Madam Adley went to the outside where the plane was and started searching for Amber . She saw a group of people and cops who were gathered around the exit stairs of the plane .

' What's going on there ?! ' thought madam Adley curious .

She went near the group with people and passed on the front to manage and see better . When she lifted her head to the stairs , she noticed Amber who was throwing the olive oil on that man's shoes from behind .

When she saw that the man was pointing a gun at the head of the girl he was holding she started to scream for help .

" Amber !!!!!!! " yelled madam Adley with all her might .

" Help ! Help ! Help ! Police , my daughter ! " yelled madam Adley again .

All of the people turned their head towards the person who was yelling .

' I could recognize that yelling everywhere ! ' thought Amber with a tired expression cause she knew that the only person who could yell her name like that was her mom .

" Amber !!!! Immediately come down ! " said madam Adley in a seriously angry tone .

" Amber ?! " said the vicious man and looked at the girl he was grabbing. He knew the information of his prey well and this girl was not called Amber .

' Great mom ! You've just destroyed my fun and safe way to get out of this mess ! ' thought Amber with a serious expression .

" What the hell ?! " said the vicious man and looked down at his feet and noticed Amber's hand .

' Crap !!! ' thought Amber with a worried expression .

" Hold tight girl ! " said Amber at the scared girl .

The girl did as Amber told her . The moment the vicious man was ready to shoot at her , she grabbed his legs with all her might and made him fall . The man lost balance of the gun and didn't manage to shoot Amber but he was able to pull her with him the moment he fell from the stairs . Amber grabbed his hands and bumped his head from behind with force . When they were falling she used his body as a shield to protect herself from getting hurt . After they reached the ground Amber punched him in the stomach , took his gun, and got up in a hurry .

" Trash like you should be executed ! " said Amber while pressing her feet on his wounded face and pointing the gun right at his heart .

Amber noticed that there was an unusual quiet atmosphere . She looked around and noticed the shocked faces of all the people in the scene , including the policemen .

' That pauper is a crazy girl ! ' thought Nikolai shocked .

' I would have never thought that miss Amber would be so fearless ! It seems like young master won't have it easy with her around . ' thought Paul worried about Nikolai's cause after seeing such a scene , he was sure that Amber was a tough girl and it wouldn't be good to have her as an enemy .

" Why are you all looking at me like that ?! Aren't you gonna arrest this guy ?! " said Amber .

The vicious guy started to move and Amber glared at him .

" You better stay still or I'll shoot you right away ! " said Amber with a serious tone .

" You can't kill me ! " said the vicious man .

" True ! But I can hurt you with this little toy in my hands . Shall we try whether it works or not ?! " said Amber with a threatening aura surrounding her .

She placed the gun towards the vicious's man private part between the legs and shoot . The vicious man was scared to death and started to shiver .

" Uppsss ! I missed it.....what a pity ! Should I try again ?! " said Amber with a serious look in her eyes . She knew that she would be punished if she shoots him so , Amber acted as if she missed it .

" No !!!!! NO !!!! I surrender ! Police ! Police !!! Save me from this crazy girl ! " said the vicious man who had peed in his pants from fear of being shoot a while ago .

" Uyyyy ! Man , don't you think you're a bit too old to be wetting your pants so easily ?! " said Amber with a disgusted expression .

All the men watching , including the police , gulped their saliva from fear and subconsciously covered the part between their legs .

" Paul , is it just me who thinks that girl is crazy ?! " asked Nikolai scared .

" No young master ! She's a way too unusual for being a girl but....rather than crazy she's more like a mafia member , don't you think ?! " said Paul who was also scared .

" Yeah ! I agree on that ! " said Nikolai shocked by how cool she was .

' She's crazy , fearless and weird but thankfully she managed to save Lina ! ' thought Nikolai with a smirk while looking at Amber .

" Police , can you please take this discussing man now ?! " said Amber with a serious tone .

" S...S...S..Sure ! " said the head of the policemen .

Amber's voice made the police come to their senses and they took the vicious man with them . The people around started to praise Amber for her courage and gathered around her .

" Well done young lady ! You're very brave ! " started to say all the people who were gathered in the scene .

Amber blushed a little when she heard them and realized that the scared girl was still on the stairs . She walked towards her and patted her shoulder .

" You alright ?! " asked Amber .

" I am fine , thanks to you ! " said the scared girl with a grateful tone .

" Then , that's fine . The bad time passed , now you should take a good rest . " said Amber and smiled at her .

" Yeah ! Thank you a lot ! My name is Lina ! What about you ?! " asked Lina .

" My name's.... " said Amber but then a loud voice could be heard from the back of the crowd .

" AMBER !!!! " yelled Amber's mom madam Adley in a very angry tone .

" Oh my dear god ! Please ease her anger even if it's just a bit please ! I am too young to die ! " said Amber while praying .

" Amber...you can't be serious about what you're saying now , right ?! You just defeated an armed human trafficker fearlessly and now you're scared of your mom . " said Lina shocked by the fact that she was more afraid of her mom than an armed human trafficker .

" Apart from being a crazy pauper , this girl is stupid too ! " said Nikolai who was a few steps away from them .

The crowd moved away and made way for the mother of the heroine to pass , little did they know that their fearless heroine was scared to death of her mom . When madam Adley came in the front , she looked at Amber , who was hidden behind Lina , with a killer stare .

" You told me that you wouldn't cause trouble ! Now...look at what happened ! My dear daughter , why do you always scare me like this ?! " said madam Adley .

" Mom I.... " said Amber frightened .

" After we get at the hotel , I'll make sure to punish you with the slippers ! " said madam Adley with a threatening smile .

" Mom , please no ! " said Amber with a pleading tone .

" Ohhhh ! I assure you that you'll never escape that kind of punishment even if we go to a prestigious place like that . " said madam Adley with killer intent .

' Amber's right to be afraid of her mom ! She emits a vibe scarier than the one who just kidnapped me ! ' thought Lina with a nervous smile .

" Madam , I am at fault here ! My name is Lina ! Please don't punish Amber ! She saved my life , she's my heroine . " said Lina with a pleading tone .

" Nice to meet you Lina ! I am glad you're okay ! I have to punish her since she puts herself into a lot of trouble. Believe me, I am her mother and know her the best ! She may be a hero but she still remains my daughter and I don't wanna lose her over unnecessary troubles . " said madam Adley in a serious and polite tone .

" Madam , your daughter is indeed a great heroine ! It would be a shame to punish the heroine who was able to capture the human trafficker , the police had been looking for , for about two years . People like your daughter , are rare ones ! " said the head of the policemen .

Nikolai couldn't deny her merits and braveness even though he disliked her a lot .