
Destined Saviour

Unforeseen circumstances push Naruto into an unexpected journey. What will Naruto do when he finds himself in the world of Magic in a different body? Takes place in HPverse.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Memorable Feast 2

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A blonde girl from Slytherin was brewing her potion before him and Harry didn't mind her and started brewing his.

As he knew he will be asked to brew something advanced, he learnt some of the more difficult potions of Year 4. The Potions Snape asked were not on the checklist of the Question paper and Harry knew better than to trust a Question paper when it comes to Snape.

He knew how the Shrinking Potion works as poor Neville was badly traumatised by it during a class this year and started brewing it. If his result was acid green, he was successful.

With that thought in mind, Harry started when the memories of his clones hit him. He closed his eyes to reduce the strain on his mind and went through the ingredients and instructions.


- Minced daisy roots

- Peeled Shrivelfig

- Sliced caterpillars

- One rat spleen

- A dash of leech juice

- A splash of cowbane

- Wormwood

There was something about the inventor and stuff about how skilled he was and then followed the instructions.

Brewing instructions-

- Juice two Shrivelfigs and add their ruby blood to your cauldron.

(Stir slowly.)

- Gently heat your potion.

- Chop four daisy roots more finely and add to the cauldron.

- Add five hairy caterpillars.

- Add well-shaken wormwood.

- Stir vigorously.

- Juice four leeches and add.

- Stir slowly and with caution.

- Shake rat spleen and add to cauldron.

- Add a splash of cowbane.

(Stir slowly.)

- Heat at a high temperature.

- Cast the Shrinking Charm.

The potion turned green and Harry was happy with it. He filled them in vials and started making the second portion. The Wit Sharpening Potion. A new set of memories hit him and he started making the Potion.

He observed how the blonde girl was looking at him in interest and turned to her with a charming smirk and arranged his ingredients. It was a difficult potion as it is OWLs level one, and Harry tried his best.

Wit-Sharpening Potion-


- Ground scarab beetles

- Cut ginger roots

- Armadillo bile

- Newt spleens

Brewing instructions-

• This potion is completed in a cauldron

- Mix in Ginger Root until lime green.

- Mix Armadillo bile until blue.

- Mix Ground Scarab Beetles until red.

- Remix Armadillo Bile until the red liquid is yellow. (Not dark green)

- Remix Ginger Roots until the brew is lime green.

- Mix Armadillo Bile until the potion is purple.

Harry carefully followed all instructions and patiently waited for the Potion to complete. After following through with everything, his potion turned pink instead of purple and he lost hope at that.

He sighed and started transferring it to a vile when it turned purple, which made him almost drop a vial. He knew he saw something move, but was not clear and shrugged it as his luck. Harry caught the vial before it spilt and carefully scanned it.

It is a perfect purple which means the potion was successful. Most of the class was looking at him in interest as their one Potion was completed and Snape also noticed his near drop.

"Can't you properly care for a Potion, Potter? 10 points from Gryffindor. Now put your submissions with your name labelled on them and get lost." He ordered and everyone did as instructed and left.

Even the Slytherins in the room were scared of the man and didn't question him, including Draco, who didn't brew any potion. They reached the Great Hall for lunch.

Harry didn't show any visible anger and everyone was surprised by it. Harry would generally be angry at the git and will be showing his frustration. But Harry in front of them had a smile. They didn't know what to worry about.

Harry, who is not showing emotions or Snape who is being his normal self and decided to go with the latter and worried about the Slytherin head, knowing Harry will bounce back.

No one came forward to ask if anything was wrong with the Potter child, they went their own ways and this only proved Harry Potter's loneliness to the otherworldly Ninja.

'Should have known they won't care about me.' Naruto screamed in his mind and went to eat lunch. It was a quiet affair as everyone talked about their practical exams including Ron and Hermione who left him alone.

Harry ate his lunch and determined one thing. If he is going to have friends, they are going to be true friends unlike the people around him. He silently walked towards the temporary headquarters he made as he still had some time before the Transfiguration exam.

He didn't know if he liked solitude or not as he always craved attention in the shinobi world. He got that attention here, but it is with a drawback. They only care when he is needed.

Like when people are in danger, they want someone to be their saviour, and that will be him. When things are going alright and they are happy, they don't give a damn about the same saviour and even ignore him.

'What hypocrisy. I should have known better than to think they would care for me and my health. Everything happened last year and this year is just the proof required.' Naruto thought, shaking his head.

'They were sheep, they will be sheep. They always trust the butcher and accuse the shepherd.' Is a saying Harry remembered reading. He lost in the accuracy of the saying for the rest of the break.

The bell chimed, signifying the start of the exam and Harry scrambled to reach the Transfiguration class. He knew he would be late, but he tried.

Transfiguration Class

"Potter, Harry," Professor McGonagall called. But she didn't get any reply. She looked up and scanned the class for the raven-haired boy. She didn't find him.

"Harry is missing since lun-"

"May I come in, Professor?" Harry asked, a bit out of breath. McGonagall gave him a second to recover and after he recovered, she let him in.

"Can you explain what an Animagus is, Mr Potter?" She asked as he took one of the empty seats. Harry nodded.

"An Animagus is a witch or wizard who can transform themselves into an animal and back again at will. It was a learned skill, unlike the hereditary. We have a total of 7 known Animagi." Harry quoted and everyone clapped. McGonagall gave him an approving nod. After that small test, she started on their practicals.

"Students, you will be turning an Owl to Opera Glass and show me the Draconifors Spell for your practical portion. Please step forward when I call your name." She said and started calling at random.