
Destine Love

Melony, "Mel" to her two best friends Clarisa and Rebecca, is a 23-year-old woman ready to carve a path for herself and achieve her dream of working for one of the best jewelry companies in the city. Nicolas is 28 years old and the CEO of Ward Jewelry, the best-known jewelry company. His father has been pressuring him to get married and start a family. Nicolas had already met Melony five years ago when she gave him a rose to place on his mother's grave the day she buried her grandfather. By the time he was living in the cemetery, his father had already sent the guards to escape them. He asked Melony to help, and he took her away. Melony did not have a chance to refuse his request when he pulled her across the streets and away from the crazy. They spend the whole day together, and at the end of the night, they say their goodbyes, knowing they will never see each other again. Fate intervenes and reunites them once again. Nicolas has been looking for Melony for the past five years, and she is finally within his grasp. All he has to know is to get Melony to fall in love with him and figure out the rest once it happens.

LLopez · Urban
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3 Chs

Truly Alone

"Doctor, how is my grandfather doing?" Mel asked as the doctor came out of the surgery room.

"Sorry to tell you this, miss, but your grandfather passed away," the doctor said, looking at her. "Even though the ambulance got there on time and they did their due diligence to give him a chance to live, your grandfather's heart was unable to withstand the surgery."

Mel couldn't believe what she was hearing, "My grandfather can't be dead."

"I am sorry, miss, but that is the truth," the doctor said as he looked around the waiting room, then turned back to her, "is there anyone you can call to accompany you?" he asked.

"No, it was just me and him. Doctor, would I be able to see him one last time?" Mel said she might look like she was holding it together, but her world was crumbling inside. She had just lost that last member of her family, and now she was truly alone.

"Of course, someone will take you to him," The doctor said as he motioned for someone to take her to her grandfather.

Mel nodded her head in acknowledgment and followed the nurse to her grandfather. "Here you go, miss. Someone will be with you briefly to discuss your plans for your grandfather's resting place."

Mel couldn't say anything; she just nodded her head. She couldn't believe what she saw; her grandfather, who just this morning was fully alive, was laid out on the table, his body lifeless now. Her grandfather from this morning was gone. She would never see his smiling face or hear his caring voice in the morning and evening when she got home from school. Mel already knew that life was not fair. It had taken her parents at a young age from her, but she hoped that her grandfather would still be with her for a couple of more years. 

Mel was so lost in her thoughts that she did not hear the hospital staff enter the room. It was not until the woman spoke that she came back, too. "Miss, Miss…" The woman said as she touched her shoulder.

"Huh, yes," Mel said as she jerked back too.

"Sorry for your loss, miss," the woman said as she pulled back her hand and looked over the clipboard she had in her hands. "Do you know what your grandfather's plans were for his burial?"

"I need to make a call. He once told me that if anything were to happen to him and he was not here anymore to call his attorney," Mel said as she excused herself and headed out of the room to do just that. She pulled out her phone and dialed the number her grandfather had saved on her phone eight years ago when she came to life with him. 

The phone rang once, and it was picked up, "Melony, where are you? Is your Grandfather okay?" Mr. Lewis's voice came over the phone. Mel had met him only once when they had put her parents to rest.

"Mr. Lewis, Grandfather has passed away; I am at the General Hospital at the moment. Would you be able to come," Mel said, her voice neutral; her emotions had all shut down. At the moment, she didn't want to think about anything. She had become an orphan when her parents passed away, but she still had her Grandfather who loved her. Now, she had no one. She was truly alone. 

"Melony, stay in the hospital. I will be there in ten minutes; I will take care of everything," Mr. Lewis said.

"Okay," Mel said before hanging up the phone and sitting on an empty bench in front of the hospital. 



Mr. Lewis hung up the phone and headed to his office door. As he came out, his secretary stood up. "Miss. Bree, pull Peter Smith's file for me, please. I am heading to the hospital I will call you for any more instruction. Move any appointment I have for today for tomorrow."

"Understood, Mr. Lewis," Miss. Bree said as she turned around and headed to the filing cabinets to pull the file Mr. Lewis had requested. 

Mr. Lewis saw her turn around and head out himself. He needed to get to Melony before anyone else found her. Peter had given him clear instructions on what needed to happen if he was to pass away before Melony turned 18. 

Mr. Lewis arrived at the hospital, and the first thing he saw before going in was Melony sitting outside the hospital, looking lost. He headed toward her and stood before her, "Melony," he called out her name. 

Melony turned her face toward him, "Hello, Mr. Lewis, long time no see."

"Let's go inside. I will take you to the cafeteria, and you can get something to drink or eat while I take care of all the paperwork and get everything settled." Mr. Lewis said as he motioned for Melony to go before him. Over the last eight years he had met Melony whenever he went to talk to Peter, Melony was a good kid and didn't deserve the hard times life had dealt her.


Melony didn't feel like eating anything but knew she needed to get some liquids into her system. She nodded in agreement and got up to move back into the hospital. Mr. Lewis was true to his word. He took her to the cafeteria, and after getting her a water bottle and something small to eat, he headed toward the administrative office to take care of the paperwork to get her grandfather's burial. Half an hour later, Mr. Lewis was back. 

"All the preparations have been done. We will put your grandfather to rest in two days," Mr. Lewis said as he sat down in front of Melony.

"Okay," Melony said, taking a sip from her water.

"We need to talk about what is going to happen to you now that your grandfather is gone," Mr. Lewis said, his voice becoming more serious.

Melony had been looking around the cafeteria to keep herself from looking at Mr. Lewis and seeing that look of pity in his eyes toward her. "What will happen to me since I don't have any more family?" Melony asked, wondering if she would have to go into the foster system now.

"As you know your grandfather had some money and you being his only grandchild he left everything to you, it's in a trust fund and you will be able to access that money freely when you turn 18, but in the mean time I will be managing it so any money you need for school and living expenses I will be giving you. Your grandfather's name me your legal guarding until you turn 18," Mr. Lewis said, "there are more detail but we will go over those once we read your grandfather will the day after his burial."

"Okay, right now I just want to go home," Melony said as she moved her hand to her forehead as she tried to massage her head to keep away the headache that want to form. 

"Let go I will take you to your house," Mr. Lewis said as he got up from his seat. Melony got up and walked besides him as they made their way to his car, "Do you remember Miss. Bree my secretary?"

Melony had met her a couple of times she was nice and was always friendly to Melony when she saw her. For some reason whenever her grandfather had to talk to her about things that where women related Miss. Bree would be the person that would be send to her. "Yes," Melony said as she got into the car. 

"She will be staying with you for the next couple of day until your grandfather will is read, I know you would prefer to be alone but you are only fourteen Melony and cannot stay alone," Mr. Lewis said as he started to make his way to Melony's home. 

Melony just nodded her head and turned to look out the window.