
Destine Love

Melony, "Mel" to her two best friends Clarisa and Rebecca, is a 23-year-old woman ready to carve a path for herself and achieve her dream of working for one of the best jewelry companies in the city. Nicolas is 28 years old and the CEO of Ward Jewelry, the best-known jewelry company. His father has been pressuring him to get married and start a family. Nicolas had already met Melony five years ago when she gave him a rose to place on his mother's grave the day she buried her grandfather. By the time he was living in the cemetery, his father had already sent the guards to escape them. He asked Melony to help, and he took her away. Melony did not have a chance to refuse his request when he pulled her across the streets and away from the crazy. They spend the whole day together, and at the end of the night, they say their goodbyes, knowing they will never see each other again. Fate intervenes and reunites them once again. Nicolas has been looking for Melony for the past five years, and she is finally within his grasp. All he has to know is to get Melony to fall in love with him and figure out the rest once it happens.

LLopez · Urban
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3 Chs

Childhood Devastation

Melony held on to her grandfather's hand as hard as she could. He was her last living relative and the only person who cared about her. Her parents had a car accident two days prior and had passed away. Melony's mother had no family that could be counted on to care for her. That left her grandfather on her father's side. Although they didn't have much money, Grandfather Pete could still provide a good life for Melony and himself. "Grandfather, may I go pray at the altar?" Melony asks as she turns around the graveyard and sees the small enclosed alter to their left.

Her grandfather looks to the left and sees the small alter as well. "Go, I will be talking to Gregory, but I will be keeping an eye on you so don't go wandering around."

Melony gave him a small nod and took off to the alter. As she made her way down the pathway, she looked at all the gravestones lined up. Some were old and worn because of the passing of time, and others were fresh and new. Melony made it to the little chapel and kneeled before the Virgin Mary.

"Hi, I just wanted to ask you to please take care of my Grandfather and to ask you to let me be with him for a long time," Melony said as she tried to hold back the tears and just kept praying in silence.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Nicolas grabs the flowers from the seat and closes the door behind him, leaving his father behind as he takes a call in the car. He would be wasting his time if he waited for his dad to be done with his business. Nicolas only got to be here once a year, and he was not planning on missing his chance to see his mother. The driver had gotten out of the car and stood beside Nicolas. Nicolas looks over him, "If Father asks about my whereabouts, tell him that I went up to see Mother."

"Yes, young sir. Be careful on your way." I gave Roger a small nod and headed off. Roger is a nice guy who has been with Nicolas's family since Nicolas's birth. Roger adores Nicolas as if he was his grandson. Nicolas returns to the cemetery and walks down the same worn-down path he has traveled down for the past eight years. At times, it felt that he had not only lost his mother but also his father. Ever since his mother's death, Nicolas had to learn how to fend for himself. Yes, his father had got Nicolas tutors and housekeepers who were instructed to ensure he had a balanced diet and was in good health, but for Nicolas, something was missing.

Nicolas made it his mother's grave, "Hi mom, I miss you." He says as he places the roses the had gotten for her and lays the flowers on her grave. Nicolas was contemplating how different his life would have been if his mother was alive when he heard the cries of a little girl. Nicolas got up from where he was kneeling and headed from where the crying was coming from. "Hello, is anyone there?" Nicolas calls out as he makes his way around the corner. "Hello, are you okay?" Nicolas kept moving toward the noise. Nicolas could reach the noise, where he saw the girl crying and now trying to control herself. "Are you okay?" He asked her as he moved closer to the girl. Melony has taken refuge in one of the corners of the small house that was the resting place of a couple of people.

"Yes, I am fine; it's just that I lost my way, and I don't know where my grandfather is."

"Don't worry, I will help you find your grandfather," Nicolas said, extending his hand to help her get up.

"Thank you. What is your name? Mine is Melony." Melony took his hand and gave it a big handshake.

"Melony, do you remember what area you came from?" Nicolas asks as they make their way out of the small house.

"I remember the altar that is near the graves. It's really pretty," Melony says as she walks behind Nicolas.

"Alright, come on let's go find your grandfather." Nicolas and Melony started to walk down the path. They had only been walking for about 10 minutes when you hear a man's voice in the distance.

"Melony where are you?" Melony perked up at hearing the voice coming closer to the.

"Grandfather over here," Melony calls out, trying not to take off in search of him. Five minutes passed when an older man appeared from one of the corners of the graveyard. "Grandfather." Melony runs to him and hugs him around the waist.

"I told you not to wander off," Grandfather said as looked her over to make sure she was not hurt.

"Sorry grandfather," Melony said looking down, "but I made a new friend, his name is Nicolas."

Grandfather Pete turns toward Nicolas. "Thank you for staying with her."

"It is not a problem sir," Nicolas said. In the distance, his name was being called. "Sorry, but I need to leave, Roger is looking for me."

"Thank you once again, Nicolas." Grandfather Pete said.

"I was my pleasure," Nicolas said as he started to move away.

From about seven feet distance, "Nicolas, wait," Melony ran toward him.

"Are you okay?" Nicolas asked as he held her by the arms to help her balance after her small run.

"Yes, I just wanted to thank you for helping me today." Melony said, "Would you mind closing your eyes."

"Okay, but hurry up Melony; my father is waiting for me, and I cannot make him late," Nicolas said as he closed his eyes.

Melony raised herself on tippy toes, leaned into Nicolas, and kissed his cheek. Nicolas opens his eyes in shock. "Thank you again," Melony says as she runs to her Grandfather again, and they start to walk away.

Nicolas was in a daze. "Nicolas you need to hurry your father has to back to the office," Roger said as he came up next to him.

Nicolas looks up at him, "Let's go." Nicolas looks back once more to see if he can see Melony, but no luck. She and her grandfather have been long gone for a couple of minutes. Nicolas reaches the car and gets in, his father still on the phone.

"Roger, let's go." Nicolas buckles up and looks out the window as they leave the gravestones and graveyard behind them and make their way back into the busy buzzy world of business.