
Destination: Xendra

[On Hiatus] They say lots of people die every minute across the world...well what happens when over 30+ people die across the world, all at the exact same second? ~~~~~~~~~ A bunch of people are picked up or rather, extracted from their daily lives and thrown into random locations in this new world, where the theme is... SURVIVAL...no surprise there. The only thing they don't know is why? Why were they picked? What is their purpose? Is this simply a new life? Or is this freaking hell a punishment?! Unknown to them, there is no major plot to their storyline, the only purpose they serve is entertainment to the unknown entity which picked them, totally at random, and threw them into the new world. Will they break free of their fate? Or will they die in agony? Just a side note, everyone in this world has a system. The only difference is that the group from earth have a slightly more unique system Follow them on their survival journey as they explore their different races, roles, abilities and... basically their lives in general.

Dark_Triad · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Voices in the Void

Out in the void,

"What's taking so long?"

"Everyone seems to be having fun lives"

"Well, enjoy it while you still can. Your troubles are just beginning"

Before long, some more presences filled the void. One of them, the most prominent, was a feminine presence.

"#@$!, I called the others. We've come to make a decision on this new...project of yours."

"#@$!, you couldn't wait for a few more?"

"Apologies! Although it does sound like an interesting project, we cannot risk our lives for some mere entertainment. We've been given instructions and we're to carry them out"

Another masculine voice rang out;

"#@$!, you bastard!!! What do you think you're doing?"

"#@$!, you brought this bastard as well? I thought you would know better than to bring him into this"

The original voice questioned

"Apologies once again. I could not call upon this meeting without it reaching his ears. It seems he has already made his way into the table

"I see. What is it that you want, #@$!?"

"#@$!, how could you carry something as fun-filled as this without me?"



"But sir ..."


Thousands of voices rang out within the void. The echo caused by the convergence of so many entities caused the void to quiver and shake, as though it was about to break down.

"Oi, shut up! It's my decision"

"But still, I'd like to know what the outcome for this little experiment would be. Who knows, I might just try it out myself?"

"Fuck off!"

"Feisty! I like. How about this? If you invite all of us to a viewing of this little experiment, I might just be inclined to help you out with your future troubles with the Lord?"

Silence rang out for a while in the void, before the original entity spoke once more.


A soft chuckle, and a deep sigh before the other voice rang out.

"Alright! I promise. How's that?"


"Should we sign a contract?"

"Do you think I'd trust you otherwise?"

"Okay then"

There was a blazing red dot in one corner of the void. Slowly, it began to spread, painting the sky a deep shade of purple, the final figure looked like a scroll, with some strange writings on it.

"One drop of blood please"

"Hmph! You first!"

"Still so childish, I see"

"Who's childish?! I'm just b..be..being careful!"

"And still as cute as ever."

Laughter rang out in the void as the two entities signed the contract after which a portion of the void began to burn.

Pink fire spread out into a rectangular viewing shape before the experiment began to play out in the void.

"Who are you interested in, #@$! ?"

The feminine voice asked out again, breaking the fragile silence.

"They're all mine. What difference would it make?"

"But which do you expect to survive? There's got to be a few, right?"

"Well, there's one I find particularly entertaining. She happened to be a psychopath before and now she's a curse user"

"That sounds exciting"

"Bah!! Boring. You can already predict how it would go"

The masculine voice rang out again

"Oh yeah? And how's that?!"

"She kills a bunch of people, caught and gets executed. Basic sob story...boohoo"

"You...you... Ugh!!!"

"Me what?! I'm just saying what everyone thinks"


Silence returned to the void again.

"This egg!"

The masculine voice rang out as he stared down the egg covered in similar markings.

"#@$!, what did you do?"

"None of your business"

The voice disappeared and the other presences were left behind in the void.

"Hmph! This better be worth it. But the look on your face certainly was priceless"

The other presences were silent. They already knew of the weird relationship between those two and as such no one wanted to butt in.

One was a calculative fox who could stab you in the back without hesitation and the other was an attractive bastard with a heart of stone. They both ended up in a relationship, which suffice to say, did not end well...



I glanced at my status menu;

[Status Menu:]

[Name: Polestar] [Age: 3+ years] [Level: 2]

[Title: N/A] [Profession: N/A]

[HP: 200/200] [MP: 400/400]

[EXP: 24/100]


[STR: 10] [AGI: 09] [STA: 15] [VIT: 18]

[WIL: 10] [WIS: 16] [INT: 20] [CHM: 13]

[Attributes: Lightning]


[Racial Skills] [Generated Skills]

[Equipment: N/A]

My stats hadn't changed in a while, so I stood up and glanced at the kids prancing down the sidewalks.

Since I had woken up 3 years ago, I'd seen a lot of children come and go. Some were adopted, some died, and some were sold off. I can only imagine what their fates were in the end.

For three years, my heart was filled with anger at the patrons in the orphanage and at the people who sold off other kids but I was too young to do anything.

I wanted to protect these kids with everything possible, or at least anything I had.

"Polestar, come join us"

The 6 year old said as she stared at me.

"Coming Delia"

She smiled at me before turning back to the other kids.


A strong wind blew back all the kids as they tried to make it to Delia.

"Last one here will lose dinner"

Although she looked cute, she was very deadly, well not to kids at least. But living with her for a year has thought me to never underestimate her.

I leaned into a sprint. Halfway into the gust of wind, I leaped off the ground and grabbed onto the small window sill of the orphanage.

Taking a leap from the window sill I crashed right into Delia.

"Hey Delia. Looks like I'm first again"

She smiled at me from underneath her.

"Seems like you'd need a bigger reward this time. Would you like to make dinner with me?"

It was weird flirting with a 6 year old but seeing as nobody could tell that I was already over 26 then it was still fine.


I gave a goofy grin befitting a 3 year old before other kids caught up.

"Polestar always wins. Yeah! No fair"

"I wanna win too"

"Polestar, teach me how to win"

Kids' voices rang out in the backyard of the orphanage as we gathered around Delia and the older kids...