

Jin Long/Long Jin was raised in a small city living the life of a peasant but everything changes when he discovers his true identity and the main reason be was raised in exile. Follow his journey as he transforms from an ordinary peasant to the most powerful being among the gods.

Starbrand29 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs


The Aura emanating from him rose sharply like he wasn't the same guy they were looking at, at ten years old he even scared those in the third year, this was his innate ability called the seven fire lotus, it was the best innate fire attribute skill.

Even within the Wang family which is the most powerful fire element family in the entirety of the domain lands that type of ability rarely appears, the last person to have it was one of the elders of the family that reached the Nirvana realm.

With this ability Wang Die had just changed the entire dynamic of the fight to the point that even the instructor wanted to step in and stop the fight, however in the next second Long Jin laughed, he smiled heartily like something interesting just happened and his reaction shocked everyone else.

Even the overly confident Wang Die had to stop in his steps, Lonf Jin swung his spear and stabbed it inside the ground, he told Wang Die that his innate skill is good and with a pleased face he raised his hands to his side as golden light suddenly surged into him from all sides as he similarly levitated from the ground.

This was the first time he had displayed any sort of affection eversince he has entered the dojo, for the rest of the time he was mainly cold and emotionless it was only in rare occasions when he would smile but even then it was obvious he was faking it just to appear king and polite.

But this time his smile was genuine, it really pleased him seeing Wang Die's innate technique, their teacher had referred to it as their foundation technique and it would be the base for who they were, every spirit master had one and awakening it was the key ot formulating their own combat or spirit skills.

From the appearance of Long Jin's actions it was obvious he was initiating his foundation technique as well, as the golden mist filled into his body he suddenly glowed with light, a spirit ring appeared behind him and it wa surely golden with a golden notch as well, but something was different with his spirit ring.

It wasn't made of energy but it was made of physical matter, it was a metallic ring, this was the characteristic of the metal element, fire mages like Wang Die had their spirit rings made from fire, earth elementals made it from the earth itself and he made his from metal to be exact it was made from gold.

That wa the purest form of gold there was, similarly his uniform vanished and its place was a body of gold, the clothes seemed to be apart of his body and it was all gold, he was dressed in golden pants and his head was similarly gold.

His body was radiating golden light and at that point the center of the spirit ring became a gathering point of golden light that seemed to originate from the spirit ring and it was pooling at the center.

The center wa showing like the sun, Long Jin summoned his spear and it appeared in his right hand just as it was similarly washed in the golden radiance, this was the infamous Invincible golden body, he started floating towards Wang Die who wa similarly smiling with enthusiasm.

To the rest of their classmates they were filled with shock, they had been told there would be a test in four months and the condition to pass the test was awakening their foundation technique, everyone could feel their power in there but almost all of them hadn't awakened it yet,

These two guys had already awakened their foundation techniques to the point that they could summon them easily during a fight after just one day of cultivation, these guys were monsters, at the end of Feng Lie she was scared, then she got relieved then she was shocked then surprised and now she didn't know what to feel,

She too had already awakened her foundation technique and she wasn't surprised when Wang Die revealed his, it was easy for people from big families to have their techniques awakened already, long Jin on the other hand was a common guy but he already had his technique.

This meant he wasnt a regular person, either he had a great teacher behind him or his identity is a disguise and he actually comes from some great family, she suddenly got interested. Feng Yan on the other hand was shocked, he knew the kid must have had some guts to challenge a Wang family member but he never expected this, no one did.

Instructor Meng sensed a change in direction of this conflict, they were nolonger fighting to settle their differences like they had started, this was now a fight among equals. They wer simply testing eachother's capabilities which meant their lives were no longer in danger,

He could have stopped the fight but he left it to go on so that the rest of the students can see just what they would be up against in four months, this should motivate them to practice harder. Wang Die and Long Jin attacked eachother again and they generated a shockwave from their collision.

Keep in mind this is a fight between two ten year old boys and they were going all out this time, during the first clash no one gave way, they were equally balanced which showcased the great power of the seven fire lotus.

Thanks to it Wang Die had bridged the gap between the two of them and even compensated for the amplification of the spear, from there they parted and clashed several times once again, during the clashes they showed great maneuverability as it was certain they both had solid foundations in combat martial arts.

They fought on for close to two minutes and their fight probably could have gone on longer however they were still young and their spirit energy reserves were still so little so they depleted too fast when they unleashed their foundation techniques,

As they watched Long Jin forced Wang Die back to the ground as Wang Die launched a counter attack that pushed him to the ground separating them, however in that commotion Long Jin stabled his spear in the ground and used his own momentum to spin and return in the fight before Wang Die was stabilized.

This was a complicated move that took alot of practice to perfect, their combat instructor was watching their fight and all the skills the kids displayed were impressive however that last skill Long Jin used was beyond impressive,

It showed experience, clearly whoever taught him this skill was an experienced fighter, at that point it was obvious how the fight would end, they were both exhausted so Wang Die couldn't survive an attack of that scale.

However as he approached, Long Jin dropped the spear and landed right in front of Wang Die with his golden fist right infront of his face, the fight had ended and Long Jin the underdog had won, it was obvious no one had expected this but they were all equally impressed.

At that time the foundation technique wore off and they all returned to their previous appearances with their uniforms still intact, that was the miracle of the foundation technique, you can choose to place it on top of the armor or below the armor.

If placed below the armor then the armor could get injured but if placed above the armor then everything else would be safe until thr technique wears off, Long Jin gave Wang Die a hand to help him up and Wang Die willingly accepted it.

It was on that day that their feud was dissolved instantly and a permanent friendship was born, Wang Die simply declared that he had lost and the teacher then said that the challenge had come to an end, it was an exciting ten minutes to open up their first combat class, Wang Die pulled off his space ring after storing his armor and swords back inside and handing it over to Long Jin, that was their bet and he had to fulfill their end of the deal.

Long Jin wasnt selfish as well, it was true he needed a storage ring but he didn't need one that important, so once he got the ring he scanned it with his mind. Inside the ring he found a second storage ring, and entered that ring as well, inside the second ring was a few good metals that were quite expensive.

Long Jin needed metals more than anything else so he opted to take that one, back in the primary ring there were alot of personal things, some money, his armor and swords as well as some heaven and earth treasures.

Long Jin checked through all of them and although they were quite impressive they were mainly beneficial to fire based spirit masters so they were useless to him. He did find a box with some berries inside, these were red berries that exuded a massive life essence,

In his dantian the Liger woke up and told him to take that a sit was good, he asked what it was and the Liger told him it was a life essence fruit, it can recover a person's body even when they are on the verge of death, they are also good for solidifying a person's foundations as well as developing a spirit soul.

There were eight fruits in the box so Long Jin separated them in half, he took four of them and left the other four for him, he places the fruits in the second ring which was black and gold and as sonmatched him better than the red and gold ring.

He then retrieved the second ring from the first and handed the first ring back at Wang Die, Wang Die was shocked he was getting his ring back and he quickly checked his contents, he was shocked that Long Jin had only taken two objects out of all the treasures inside the ring.

Even if he couldn't use them for himself he could sell them at the auction hall or Alchemist guild and exchange them for treasures that can be of help to him, still he had left all of them untouched even the massive amount of money in there,

All he took was the collection of rare metals and half of the life fruits, although the metals were expensive but they were nothing to someone like Wang Die, he could always replace them and the life fruit was rare yes but his father was already in the outer domain lands where it was possible to obtain such treasures.

He then asked Long Jin why he barely took anything and Long Jin said that everything in the ring was tailored to help Wang Dieon his cultivation path, even if he were to take them they would be useless to him, he says that he took the metals because they were of a good quality and he needed to make an armor for himself.

He says that he took half of the life fruits because he needed them but also helped some for Wang Die because it was obvious he too needed them, he tells Wang Die that there will be an assessment in four months and although he could get more life fruits by then it will cost him a good amount of time which will affect his cultivation and hence his ranking during the tests.

He says that he didn't want to gain benefits at the cost of someone else so he left him half of them so that by the time he gains the rest he will have the little remaining to keep training. As for the ring he took it because he didn't have one and he needed something to store his stuff and his spear.

When he was done Wang Die asked why Long Jin was so kind to him even when Wang was so harsh and demeaning to him earlier on, before long Jin could respond instructor Meng replied that what Long Jin did is what a true spirit master is supposed to do.

Simply because you have great power doesn't give you the right to oppress others weaker than you, he then turned around to the rest of the class and told them that he hoped they could all learn from that, atvthat point he introduced their new combat instructor.

His name was Lin Dong, instructor Lin then takes center stage as he displays his spirit ring, it was made from molten lava with diamond crystals to display its notches. He was a spirit king already and his wepaon of choice as a big sword.

It was obvious this was a strength type spirit master however his oppression wasn't any different from what Instructor Meng gave off, he then introduced himself once more and said that he would be guiding their class in combat readiness for as long as they are within the dojo,

He then tells them that combat doesn't differentiate between an existing spirit master and a strength type spirit master, they will all face the same threats out in the wild, to help eachother out spirit masters are advised to form teams to help eachother out during skirmishes,

If developed well enough these teams will make the best partner she then says that in their class there have been a few of them who have already achieved greatness with their skills. He says that there will be five combat classes namely Strength, Attack, Speed, Control and Assist,