
chapter twenty nine

Stanely woke up to find the other side of the bed empty, alarmed, he jumped out of bed to go look for her but was relieved as soon as he perceived the smell of toast bread from the kitchen.

She was looking sexy in his t-shirt and her rumpled hair. He hugged her from behind trailing her neck with kisses.

"Good morning" She greeted as she flipped the eggs in the frypan.

"Good morning to you too. I was scared when I found my bed empty. I thought you ran away from me again" He said

Jasmine turned to face him. "How can I? After enjoying the incredible pleasures you brought me. I can't possibly run away from that"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, to be honest. I'm think I'm ready to dive in with you?"

Stanely raised an eyebrow, his heartbeat increased in a hopeful and joyful type of way.

"What do mean?" He asked.

"I mean I am ready to be your girl. I am ready to give love another chance. There's no need hanging unto the past"

"Are you sure? Hope you're not being intoxicated by the sex?"

"Well maybe. Last night made me realize how much I really wanted you. Although I have always liked you but I want you, all of you"

Stanely couldn't believe his ears. He did not expect her to come around so soon.

"Look I want you to know that there's no pressure on you whatsoever"

"I mean it. I'm not pressurized"

She kissed him and he lifted her impulsively and placed her on the kitchen counter spreading her legs apart.

"Stanely, the eggs. It's burning" 

"Don't worry, I've got this" He turned off the cooking gas and returned to kissing her. It was a long morning as they made love from the kitchen counter to the living room and finally in the bedroom.

When they finally had breakfast, it was past nine. Stanely kept staring at her during breakfast and she kept blushing like a teenager.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Because you're breathtaking. I don't think I can have enough of you. I want you over and over again"

Jasmine could feel her body responding to his words. She quickly ate the last slice of bread and stood.

"Hurry up, I need to go home and get ready for work. If care is not taken, we might end up staying at home making love all day"

"Well I don't mind that" He winked at her.

"I wish it too but my mum already called me. She said to go get the kids from school myself this afternoon. She's meeting up with some friends so she can't help me and I need to attend to some issues at the bakery"

"It's okay, you're mine now so there's no need to rush. There will be plenty of time for us to spend together"

As Stanely drove her home, they both vibbed and sang along to the songs that played from his car. He would occasionally tease and and squeeze her thighs setting her body on fire.

As they approached her mum's house, she noticed Femi's car parked right in front of her gate. She immediately turned down the music so she could concentrate and see if she wasn't seeing well.

"What's the matter?" Stanely asked noticing her nervousness.

"That's femi's car, she said pointing to the black Rolls-Royce"

"Wow! He's really loaded and he had good taste. Such a sleek car" Stanely said as a matter of joke but Jasmine wasn't having it.

"That's not the point, he usually sends his driver to pick up the kids on Fridays but today isn't Friday and Femi drives that Rolls-Royce himself. He doesn't let anyone touch it, not even his driver"

"Are you saying he's here?" He asked as he pulled over just behind the rollsroyce

"Most definitely"

"What does he want?"

"That I do not know"  As soon as they both both stepped out of the car, Femi stepped out of the rollsroyce.

Jasmine as stopped in her tracks as she she stared at him. She hasn't set her eyes on him since their divorce. She thought she would be broken if she ever saw him but to her surprise, he had no effect on her whatsoever. 

She didn't feel hate, regret, pain or sorrow. She felt nothing. It was at this moment she realized that he had faded into obscurity. She realized she had really moved on and was past all the pain and hurt he brought her.

"Hi, what a surprise? I am guessing it's not the kids you came to see because this is not the scheduled day?"  She said in the most causal and friendly tone which surprised Femi

"Hi, I've been waiting for you. It's actually you I came to see" He looked at Stanely who stood solidly behind Jasmine. He placed a hand around her waist. It was obvious he was marking his territory. Femi felt a twinge of jealousy.

"Hope all is well? By the way, meet Stanely my boyfriend. Stanely this is Femi, my ex husband"

Stanely brought his hand for a shake but Femi didn't take it. He simply waved. Stanely felt embarrassed as he withdrew his hand. He was really arrogant. He felt like strangling him for all the pain he caused his girl.

"I'll be inside babe, meet me once you're done"  He kissed her and went inside.

"Why did you do that?" Jasmine was clearly irritated at how he snubbed Stanely.

"I'm s-s-sorry, I d-d-didn't m-mean to"

He stuttered. He did not know how too tell Jasmine that he was scared of touching people due to the deadly virus he has. Even though he knew that it can't be transmitted through physical contact, he still felt that way.

Jasmine to a closer look at Femi. He looked different. He didn't carry his usual aura of pride and arrogance, there was this brokenness and meekness in his eyes plus he seemed somewhat downcast.

"So what do you want to see me for?" She asked.

To her surprise, Femi went on his knees. "Jasmine, I've come to ask for your forgiveness" 

She was too shocked to say anything. She was confused as to what was happening because this wasn't the Femi she knew.

"You were a good woman, a rare one but I treated you badly, even at that, you tolerated and endured and I paid you back with evil. Please I just want you to find a place in your heart to forgive me"

"Femi what's going on? It's over two years and you never saw anything wrong with what you did, Why the sudden change of heart all of a sudden?"

"Let's just say the universe has taught me a lesson and I am trying to make peace with myself. I can't do that if I am not sure that you've forgiven me"

Tears were dripping down his cheeks and it was then Jasmine knew it was pretty serious.

"Stand up Femi, what's the matter. Please stop crying. Stand up"

"I can't stand until I know that you've forgiven me"

Jasmine sighed. She was past this already. She held no grudges anymore

"I've forgiven you, please stand up"

He stood and dabbed his tears with his handkerchief. Jasmine has never seen him cry. Something must be really wrong somewhere.

"Thank you very much, you don't know how much this means to me"

"Femi what's the issue. Why are you crying. Is everything okay?" She asked. She was genuinely concerned which also surprised her.

"Nothing for you to worry about. I am fine. I know you have a boyfriend but do you still have a soft spot for me? I would really appreciate if you can give me a second chance. Let's get our family together"

Jasmine couldn't help smiling. He looked like a clown at the moment.

"So this is what this apology is about, right? Listen, I have forgiven you and I don't hate you but we can never ever be together again. I am happy now and I wish you all the happiness in the world too"

Femi felt stupid for asking. He knew there was no way she would even consider it. He just wanted to try his luck

"It's okay, just knowing you've forgiven me is enough. Thank you so much. I'll be on my way now"

He hopped into his car and drove off leaving a confused Jasmine who kept asking herself what went wrong. Was there trouble in paradise? Was he still with Ifeoma?

"Well I don't care"  She said aloud to herself as she went inside her apartment to meet her boyfriend. She couldn't be bothered less about her betrayers


Femi stopped by a flower shop to get some for Ifeoma. What was he even thinking when he asked Jasmine to come back to him?

Even if she was dumb and stupid enough to agree, it would be pure wickedness on his part because she was an angel and doesn't deserve a devil like him who was also infected with a virus. He prayed that her new man would give her all the love and care he never showed her.

As he approached his mansion, he felt the familiar guilty twinge in his chest. He knew ought to tell ifeoma about their HIV status but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. He dreaded her reaction so he kept putting it off waiting for the perfect time which he knew may never come.