
Chapter twenty eight

Jasmine sat on her bed watching her  phone ring countless times. She couldn't bring herself to pick it up. She felt hopeless.

"Jasmine the kids are really for you to take them to school. What are you still doing in there?" Her mother called out from the living room.

She didn't feel like going anywhere especially to drop the kids off. She did not want to risk running into Stanely. She could not bare looking into his eyes after what she did on Saturday.

She remembered the night and felt instant chills.

"I-I-I can't"  was all she could mutter after he popped the question. She noticed that his smile vanished, the brightness in his eyes turned grey. She could see the pain and hurt which was as a result of her rejection.

"It's okay, I understand" He  replied.

She wanted to tell him that she liked him, that she was attracted to him and that she didn't mean it but her mouth refused to comply.  Instead she picked up her sandals and started running, stanely was too stunned to react. At first he thought she was playing a catch me if you can game. When he realized she was running away, it was too late to chase her.

Jasmine felt like a total fool. Why did she have to run away from her date like that?  If he decides to end their friendship because of that, she wouldn't blame him. She acted really childish.

She thought about her mother who had rejected men that really loved her because of her past. She doesn't want to end up like that. She felt she deserved to love and be loved in return. She doesn't just understand why she was finding it difficult to open up and embrace it

"Jasmine what's the matter?" Her mother came into the room jolting her from her thoughts.

"Nothing mum, please can you help me drop the girls off to school today? I really don't feel up to it?"

"What exactly is going on? You've be kind of cold since you came back from the beach on Saturday. What exactly happened?"

"Stanely asked me to be his girlfriend and I turned him down and ran away leaving him clueless.' She burst into tears her mother gathered her in her arms.

"Oh dear!" She said patting her on the back like a toddler.

"I didn't mean to mum, I was scared, I wasn't just just expecting it."

"It's alright dear, there's no need to rush it, give yourself some time if need be. I totally understand but avoiding him is not the solution"

"How am I supposed to face him? What would I say to him?"

"You don't need to say much. If he's really for you, he would understand and give you time. Now go drop the kids off to school besides you owe him an explanation for leaving him like that"

"Thanks mum, I don't know what I would have done without you"

Feeling a bit motivated by her mum, she drove her kids to school. As she was approaching the school gate, she spotted Stanely standing by his car. He was obviously waiting for her.

She parked her car just behind his, all form of motivation disappeared. Her children who were already chanting his didn't even make it easier for her. They were already fond of him.

As soon as they stepped out of the car, they ran to hug him. He carried Judith

"Mr Stanely where's Daniel? Juliet began

"He's in the classroom?"

"Why didn't you and my mum take us out the other day?"

"I'm so sorry dear, I promise to take you all out this weekend, okay?"

"Juliet let's go in, you're already late"  Jasmine interrupted, He was staring at her the whole time while she was trying really hard to avoid his gaze.

He handed Judith over to her, his hands brushed slightly against hers. She felt the usual wave of aderaline whenever their skin came in contact. She couldn't help it.

"I'll be right back, let me get them into their classroom" She manged to say.

When she returned he was leaning on his car hands akimbo.

"I'm so sorry about that night. I shouldn't have run off like that"  She began but remained silent watching her. He seemed more amused than angry.

"I'm so sorry" She continued. When he remained silent, she became nervous. Maybe he got really mad and decided to come end everything.

"Won't you say anything?" She was already feeling hysteric.

"What do you want me to say? You gave me a jump scare. I kept asking myself what exactly I did wrong? Did I say anything wrong?"

"No, not at all. It's not you. I was so scared of getting into a relationship after what happened with my ex"

"That doesn't warrant your running away. I called you several times but you also refused to pickup leaving me in a state of confusion"

"I know. That's why I'm apologizing. I shouldn't have run off like a child"

"Look, I understand that you've been hurt in your previous relationship and might have trust issues but I'm not putting any pressure on you whatsoever. Take your time, I'll be right here till you see for yourself that I'm genuine. "

Jasmine couldn't help smiling. She felt a rush of relief. He wasn't leaving her after all.

"Thanks for understanding, I really appreciate"

"It's okay, hope you know you owe me a make up date after ruining the last one?"

"Sure, how about tonight? There's this new restaurant close to my house. Let's go try it. I'll text you the address"

"You really don't know how relieved I am right now. I was scared that you ran away totally from my life. It's good to know that you're still my friend" He said, his smile returning to his cute face.

"Me too. I have to run along, see you tonight. Have a lovely day"

"And you too dear" He gave her a quick hug before hoping into his car.

After that day, they hung out almost everyday, sometimes they brought the kids along. Jasmine could feel the underlying tension. They both wanted more. It usually bursts to the surface whenever they held hands and hugged.

They would catch each other stealing glances at each other and pretend like they didn't know what was happening.  Jasmine knew he was waiting for her to make the move. After all, she was the one who told him to hold on.



The echo  from her mum and daughters woke her up. She sat up to see her mother holding a cake while her daughters held balloons as they sang happy birthday to her. The sight brought tears to her eyes. These people were her world and the fact that they were so thoughtful to do this made her heart melt.

When they were done singing, she stood up and hugged them.

"Thank you so much"

"Well you didn't celebrate your birthday last year because you were still mourning the death of your marriage so we decided to make sure you don't forget this year"

Jasmine didn't forget but she had no plans. When she was married to Femi, she would wake up to different gifts filled with designer bags, shoes and dresses, she would even get flowers made with cash. She had thought he did that because he cared about her. She laughed at her stupidity. She was now wise enough to know that it's not the lavish gifts that matters but the intention and how one treats you that actually matters.

The doorbell rang and her mum went to get it.

"Jasmine come here, it seems we're not the only the only one who's surprising you today"

Jasmine came to the living room to see her mum holding a gift bag in one hand and a bunch of handpicked Jasmine flowers. She collected the flowers first. There was a hand written note in the flowers

Happy birthday pretty Jasmine, I picked this flower but now I'm convinced that I made a mistake because these flowers didn't do justice to your beauty. They'll be so ashamed to blossom in the presence of your illuminating beauty.

Xoxo stanely.

Jasmine held her chest as she read the note over and over again smiling like a child who just won a present. No one has ever been so thoughtful towards her. Femi of course usually sends her flowers while they were together but no one has ever given her Jasmine flowers with such thoughtful note.

"Now I'm so jealous because you didn't blush this much when we surprised you just now" Her mother teased.

"Mum stop it. This is so sweet, take a look at this note" Her mother read if and began blushing herself.

"Wow! This is beyond sweet, it's romantic"

"I know, right?"  She opened the gift bag and saw a handbag. It wasn't a designer but it was beautiful and of good quality. It's the best she has ever received and she knew she would value it more than her designer handbags.

Her phone began to ring and she knew who was calling.

"Hello birthday girl" His voice was so refreshing to hear.

"Thank you so much stanely. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this. You out did yourself and I'm so grateful"

"What are friends for"  The words friends made Jasmine feel a little bit uneasy. She felt they were more than that only that they haven't addressed it yet.

"So tell me, do you have any plans for tonight?" He asked.

"Not at all. Do you?"

"Well what about dinner at my place, I'm a great cook and I can't wait to show you my culinary skills."

"Really? Now I am excited"

"It's a date. Can't wait to see you. Have a wonderful day" 

"You too" She hung up the phone only to see her mother frowning

"So you already fixed a date forgetting all about us, right?"

"Of course not, we'll have our own dinner tomorrow. I promise" She said feeling a bit guilty for leaving her family for stanely

"And you seriously want me to believe you guys are just friends?"

"Not again mum. Come on girls, let's go get you girls ready for school and leave that cake!"

She went and dragged her girls who were already licking the icing off the cake.

Jasmine's mum stared at her daughter. She dabbed the tears that were already spilling. She was so glad that her daughter was finally getting the happiness she deserves.


Stanely was stirring the jollof rice when he heard the doorbell ring. This was actually the first time Jasmine was coming to his house and he was really nervous.

Lots of thoughts has been going through his head since she turned him down. Though he totally understood her reasons for not being eager to jump into a relationship with him, he was also nervous that she might let her past experience deter her from seeing that his intentions towards her are pure and that he would never let her down.

He turned of the cooking gas and went to get the door. He wasn't ready for the gorgeousness that stood at his door.

She wore a sequene short black dress that which complimented her light flawless skin. Her blonde bone straight wig gave her a barbie look.  She didn't wear any makeup apart from the lipgloss and she has never looked beautiful.

"Aren't you going to welcome me? What are you staring at?"  She asked totally aware of the effect she had on him.

"I'm sorry, come in. You look stunning" He said as he ushered her in. Still not taking his eyes off her.

"I know, thank you" She said as she walked in. She took in her environment, nodding with approval at the neatness and exquisite taste he has. He doesn't live in a mansion like her ex but his living room was well furnished.

"Where's Daniel?"

"He's with my sister" he replied

"Something smells nice" She said as she sat down on one of the sofas.

"I just finished cooking, make yourself comfortable. I'll go set the table so we can have dinner right away"

"I can't wait to taste what you cooked"

Stanely rushed into the kitchen and began dishing out the food and setting

the table. He couldn't take her image off his head. It's like he was just seeing her for the first time. He couldn't imagine how a man would have such a goddess and still treat her badly. Some men are really scum he thought to himself as he arranged the wine glasses on the table.

He ushered her into to  dining table and they began feasting immediately.

"Tell me the truth, did you really cook this?" She asked after the first bite.

"Of course. What's your rating?"

"It's a ten over ten. I am still finding it hard to believe that you cooked this."

"You better believe it cause this isn't even my best" He said as he gave her a wink

"Wow! You should be a chef. You're wasting your talent. Where did you learn to cook this good?"

"My mom. She's an excellent cook"

"You really should start a restaurant business. I'm serious"

Stanely laughed. "I wish but I can't. My cooking skills are for me and my family alone. It's not for public consumption"

"That's unfair. The world needs to taste this"

"I can cook but I don't enjoy cooking. They're two different things"

"Hmmm. I see"  She said savouring the taste of the smoky jollof rice.

After dinner, they both settled on the couch for a movie on Netflix. Stanely was sitting just few inches away from her. Jasmine could hardly concentrate on the movie. Her whole body was on fire by just sitting close to him.

"Thanks for the dinner, I really enjoyed it" She said trying to relieve the tension she was feeling. She felt the silence was adding to it

"You're welcome. I'd cook the best meal to impress a goddess like you"

She smiled at his compliment

revealing her perfect dentition Stanely was mesmerized, he couldn't help himself as he held her jaw and tilted her  to look up at him

"I know I agreed to be just friends and to give you some time but I really want to kiss you. I want to kiss you so bad. Please" He begged

The feel of his hand brushing against her jaw intensified the fire Jasmine was feeling. She wanted to know what it was like to have those bare hands all over her bare skin so she nodded not trusting herself to speak.

He placed his lips on hers and drew back to stare into her eyes. He could see the desire in there too so he locked his lips with hers again, she parted her lips inviting him in. He slid his tongue savouring the taste of the red wine they had just had. He licked and sucked while she ran her hands in his hair, pushing and urging him to go deeper.

He caressed her thighs, her skin was so soft and succulent, he felt like licking her from head to toe. He reached for the zip of her dress and stopped kissing to look at her.

Jasmine simply nodded urging him to go on. She was too deep now to care about anything. All she knew was that this man right here was setting her on fire and only him can quench it.

He unzipped the dress and pulled it down to her waist revealing her round boobs whose nipples were concealed by her firm bra. He began kissing her neck trailing down to her cleavage he kissed each boobs which such tenderness that made her moan. He unclipped the bra freeing her dark perky nipples from it's hostage. Burying his head in the fullness of her chest, he suckled on them.

"Oh my gosh stanely,it feels so good" she moaned pushing his head deeper.

She has never wanted someone so badly. As he suckled on her tits, she reached for the zipper of his pants. She could feel the hardness of his maleness against his trousers. She brought him out and stroked.

The feel of her bare hands on his manhood drove him crazy. If her hands could feel this way, he wondered how it would feel once he was inside her.

"Don't stop babe, please don't don't stop"  He groaned pleading with her not to stop.

"You've always wanted this haven't you?" She teased

"From the very first moment I saw you"

"Then what are you waiting for, take me" She ordered

Without another word, stanely carried her into the bedroom and undressed her completely. He made love to her with such fervour mixed with gentleness. She held him tightly begging him to fill her which he gladly did. He ravaged her entire body leaving no stone unturned and when they finally came together. He held her to his bossom  with tenderness as one would hold an egg. She was so precious to him. He hoped that she would see that very soon.