
Chapter sixteen

"You're fired! Get the hell out of my office" Femi thundered at his secretary who kept shaking like a leaf in the harmattan. He was tired of her constant mistakes and incompetence. She had misplaced the details of the last meeting with important clients.

"Sir I promise it won't happen again, please sir. I can't afford to lose my job" She pleaded.

"It's either you leave with the last shred of dignity you have or i call the security to throw you out of my establishment like a vagabond. The choice is yours" He was even more disgusted by her pleas than her mistakes. How he hated incompetence. He didn't build his business empire by making silly mistakes.

She took note of the finality and left the office without another word. "Good riddance!" He said aloud to himself as made a call to the HR.

"Hello Mr Obinna, I need a new secretary as soon as possible"

"Okay sir. You'll get another one by tomorrow"

"Good" He hanged up the call. Now that's a competent staff. Obinna doesn't ask unnecessary questions. He knows what he and the company wants and delivers to the last.

The door to his office opened He thought it was the loser secretary coming to ask for another chance, he was already reaching for his phone to call security wheb his wife walks in looking like the boss lady that she is. She wore a white   blazer shirt with a white hat to match. She oozed of money and class and it turned him on whenever she looked like that, he felt like he was making love to someone powerful. Of course she was. After their wedding, the influence of her tech company grew tremendously as she was always sought after.

"And what brings the queen into my kingdom today?" He left his chair to go hug her. He could already feel his manhood hardening. How she turned him on. He couldn't get enough of her.

"I was less busy today so I decided to go pay the king a visit in his kingdom.  what's going on, how's business?"

"How thoughtful of you. Business is going on well except the stupid secretary who misplaced details of the meeting we had with Adenuga and co.

"What? How could she? What kind of carelessness is that?"

"I already fired her. A new one should be hired by tomorrow. This is not the first time she's making such silly mistake. I can't take it anymore"

"That's good, we can't afford any form of incompetence. Anyways, back to why I really came here" She paused giving him her seductive eyes. She locked the door and returned  pushing him on the office couch, she climbed him and took him in within seconds trying her best to moan quietly while Femi groaned in pleasure. He had never been happier. Marrying Ifeoma has been the best decision of his life.


The following day, Femi had a meeting with a some government officials who had awarded his company a contract for a project.  He called Obinna to confirm if he had found a replacement and he answered in affirmative. He wondered how Obinna manages to do it all. If he continues that way, he'll surely go places. He was already thinking of making him manger of one of his companies.

When he got to the office, everything was ready. They were to leave  for the meeting in  about ten minutes. He sent for the new secretary in order to assess him or her himself before they left. He trusted Obinna's judgement but was just curious to see the replacement.

She walked in and his jaw dropped. "Good morning sir, I'm the new secretary" She said in the most beautiful sonorous voice he has ever heard. She was the definition of drop dead gorgeous. He had never seen anything like it before. She was a six feet tall, a half caste, her skin was like milk, her eyes looked like they were fashioned from the stars, you could look at them all day. Her  breasts were full and perfect, her hips  were perfectly curved. Everything about her screamed perfection.

It was like she was carved by the hands of God's finest architect. After his wedding with Ifeoma, He had not looked at another woman. He has of course seen lots of beautiful women who were even more beautiful than Jasmine and Ifeoma put together but he wasn't enticed by them. He was content with Ifeoma but the beauty he beheld at that moment couldn't be ignored.

"What's your name?" That was not the question he intended asking but he couldn't help himself. There was this fragility and innocence about her that made you want to sheild and protect her.

"I'm omotola sir"

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I know you're probably tired of hearing how beautiful you are"

"Thanks for the compliment sir" Femi regretted complimenting her instantly. He wasn't the type that fuck around his employees. He hated that he didn't control himself around her. Why did Obinna have to employ such a damsel? Was he trying to distablize  him on purpose?

"It's almost time, let's leave shall we?" He stood up picking up his phone and car keys. They left for the meeting. On their way, he noticed she wasn't interested in him. When he complimented her, she didn't blush or smile like other ladies would have. Beneath the innocent face, there was this sinister and thrilling aura around her that he craved to unravel.

He kept stealing furtive glances at her at any chance he got. When they got to the meeting, she was a sensation. All the men kept staring at her, devouring her body with their lustful eyes, each craving every piece of her. Her eyes were glued to the screen of her laptop, she didn't act like she was aware of the sensation she caused. She remained professional.

At the end the meeting, about three of them asked to see her. Femi was fuming with anger but tried his best not to let it show. He didn't want her frolicking with any of them.

"What do those men want from you?" He asked on their way back home

"What all men want when they see a beautiful woman" She replied, there was something cold and malicious about her reply.

"And what's that supposed to mean? I am your boss, when I ask you a question you give me a direct answer"

"I believe my answer was direct enough or do you want me to say they wanted to have sex with me?" He was mad. The nerve of her. None of his employees dared to talk to him like that. Who the hell does she think she is.

"Hope  you know you're not allowed to mix business with pleasure. It is totally forbidden" Instead of reprimanding her for being such a smart mouth, he found himself trying to claim territory.

"I'm fully aware of the company rules and policies sir"

"Of course you are" He stole one last glance at her. He couldn't help but wonder what gave her the liver to talk to him the way she did. She obviously isn't scared of him one bit and she built a was of defense around her. He was definitely going to break it, he would unravel her mystery and dissect her like a lab rat.