
Chapter fifteen

After we had our baby boy, I and Femi got married on a lovely island in Bahamas. It was a magical setting, I was finally having my dream wedding. My parents were not happy when I told them about Femi. Infact they were mad but they later came around reluctantly after femi and Jasmine divorced officially and I had my baby.

Femi was the best father, he was there for me throughout the stages of my pregnancy. He helped me in my company, brought a few ideas which took my business to another level. He was so intentional about me, I could literally smell the envy and jealousy from women around me.

He sent me flowers every blessed day, surprised me with random expensive gifts. When we had Ethan, he got me the latest Rolls-Royce as a push gift, he also secured a contract with the government for my company as my wedding gift. I loved how much he supported my business. He was everything I wanted in a man and more.

After our honeymoon in Hawaii, we moved to our new mansion in banana island Lagos. Our son was three month old and we both cherished him. Femi had always wanted a son and I was glad I was able to give him that.  I forgot totally Jasmine and the only time I remembered her was when Femi brought his daughters over for the weekend. He was a good father and I loved the fact that he didn't allow his divorce deter his relationship with his kids.

Rita became my new bestie. We hanged out almost every weekend, I never let her come close to my husband or house. I kept her close and yet very far away. Her words about being capable of snatching my husband never left me. I wouldn't be naive and stupid like Jasmine. Never.

I was happy, truly happy and I never regretted my actions. I might have hurt Jasmine but I had to sacrifice her to find my soulmate. It is what it is. The game is the game. I had played the game and I won, I fucking won.


Jasmine and femi's divorce was quick and uncomplicated. Jasmine wanted it done and over with cause she never wanted to see him again. She tried to move on, she thought she was strong enough to handle it but it turns out she was wasn't.

After the divorce, it dawned on her that six years of her life has been dissolved into a piece of paper. Her efforts, her tolerance, her endurance, her dedication, her commitment in loving and caring for her family, all gone up in flames. They had  both taken back the vows of forever they made on our wedding day. They meant nothing to each other.

She cried herself each night to sleep, she could barely eat. Sometimes her mother would literally force her to eat other times she would let her be. She was so wallowed up in her misery that she didn't notice her children. Her mother was the one who took care of them, she registered them in a school close to their house. Each day she would take them to school, feed them, help with their homework and play with them. Luckily for Jasmine, they were absorbed in their granny's love that they barely noticed her. Every weekend,

Femi would send his driver to come pick them up so they could spend the weekend with him. They were happy and Jasmine was glad that her misery didn't affect them.

Ifeoma's posts on Instagram didn't help her either. She was always going on vacations with femi, showing off the lavish gifts he sends her. Normally, She would have overlooked them because the fact a man takes a woman for vacation and buys her expensive gifts doesn't mean he loves her.

What caught her attention wasn't the gifts and vacations but the steady Flowers and notes he sends her each day. He was so commited and intentional that he never missed a day. Everyday Jasmine would rush to Instagram expecting to see him flop even if it's just for a day but to her disappointment, he was always there, loving and being faithful to his woman. Jasmine would look at it and tears would drop on her phone screen

It was more than a year now and she was still stuck in her room, asking herself where she went wrong? Why Femi stopped caring for her to the extent of dumping her for her best friend.

The worst part was that he loved her, he truly loved her because he does things he never dreamt of doing while they were together. She cried and cried but the tears never stopped coming. She dared not to look at the mirror because she was scared of what she would see. Several times, she was hospitalized and even diagnosed of having a high blood pressure.

One of the mornings, after her mother had taken the children to school, she was going through ifeoma's story on Instagram, she used a fake page so Ifeoma wouldn't know she was stalking her. She was crying again when she saw a picture of Ifeoma and Femi wearing matching outfits for a dinner date.

She was so engrossed in the picture that she didn't notice when her mother walked in and yanked the phone off there hand.

"Enough of this nonsense! I've had enough of this. I think I've given you enough time. It's time to move on" She looked at her mother, she had always been understanding and and empathetic but the expression on her face  was that of anger.

"But mum I'm trying. It's not easy" she protested

"It's pretty easy to me. Just move on. How can you let them do this to you, look at the mirror"  She knew she wouldn't, She tried it once and was shocked to see a depraved skeletal frame

Her mother sat beside her on the bed. "My daughter, trust me when I say I understand what you're going through, but one year is enough for you to move on. They destroyed your home, you can't possibly let them destroy your life too. These people don't deserve your tears and suffering. You can't give them the power to make your life a living hell,. You're slowly fading away and if nothing is done about it, you might lose your life. Godforbid! "

It was then, it dawned on her that she have been giving the two people who betrayed her her tears, her happiness and even her life while they're out there living their best life. They don't even remember or care about her but she locked herself in a room crying over them.

"Mum I really want to move on but I can't help myself. I don't know how"

"Well why don't you start by finding yourself. You've lost yourself to femi. After getting married, you quit your job to become his housewife. Why don't you start by getting a job, doing things you love, what about your love for catering, you  abandoned it. And your kids? you totally ignored them only to focus all your attention on those losers. Please start by finding and loving yourself again. Love yourself. Do not place your happiness in the hands of another person"  When her mother finished, she started crying and my mother held her in her arms.

"It's okay honey, let if all out" She cried until there wasn't anymore tears left and that was the last time she ever shed a tear for her betrayers. After one year and two months, she was finally ready to heal. She  blocked everything that had to do with Ifeoma and Femi on social media. There was no need to check how they fared in their love life. After all, they never cared to know if she was alive or died of depression.

Femi had settled her with a huge sum and she was going to put it to good use. She was a caterer and was going to start her own catering business. With the help of her mum, she opened a mini bakery where she baked bread, cake and other snacks. She employed a few hands and to her surprise, her bread became high in demand, she had to expand employ more staff.

She began eating well, taking care of her skin and going to the spa. Her mother advised her to see a therapist which helped her so much. With time, she found herself becoming genuinely happy. She was gradually getting her life back but she wondered if she would ever be able to love and trust again.