
chapter six

The address was a mini detachable duplex on the mainland. I wondered why we had to leave the island to meet all the way here.. I walked into the living room and there he was looking breathtaking in a a blue shirt, the first three buttons were undone revealing his hairy chest. I imagined running my hands through them.  The sleeves were rolled up to the ankle and you could see his well muscled arms. I swallowed.

"wow! you look beautiful in that dress. It brings out your curves. I love it" I didnt say anything, I was still taken aback by his handsome features. It's not like I was just seeing him for the first time. The day Jasmine introduced us, I had gushed about how handsome her man was and how lucky she was to have him. it's just that after that kiss, I began seeing him in a new light, it was as if I was just knowing him for the first time.

"Well you must be hungry after that long drive from the island, that's why I took my time to prepare us a wonderful dinner, come on let's go" He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to the dining room. I felt the involuntary waves of shock all over my body and I immediately removed his hand.

"I can walk myself" I said.

"Suit yourself my lady" He bowed his head as he smirked at me

The dining room was all set and there were candles and rose petals everywhere. I was horrified and pleased at the same time.

"what is this? I didn't come here for a romantic dinner"

"Are you sure, cause from the look of things, you're dressed for one"

"I'm sick and tired of these games you're playing. I want this to end right now"

"You don't look like it. infact, it seems you want it to continue for a long time" He was standing so close to me that our faces were only few inches apart

"Don't come close, stay away from me" I moved back, he moved closer

"Why, cause you're afraid you won't be able to resist if I'm this close?" I didn't say a word.

"Let's eat"  he said

"I'm not sitting to have dinner with you. I'm here for us to talk things out and ends this charade.

"Okay then, let's talk" He was still standing few inches away from me. And I kept moving till my back was against the was no place for me to move.

"This is not right. We made a mistake please let it go. stop texting me, stop reaching out to me in any way. Let's never see each other again"

"and pretend that kiss never happened?" He asked


"And pretend like you didn't feel anything, like there was no strong connection?"

"Yes" I managed to say. He was so close, my feet became wobbly and my palms were sweaty.

"It's not like I don't want to pretend and move on too but I can't. I've tried everything humanly possible to  get you out of my mind but I can't"

"You have to, this isn't fair to Jasmine. She doesn't deserve this from us"

"And you think I haven't thought about that. Fuck Jasmine!"


"Yes you heard me. Fuck her! Everyone knows she married me because of my money. she's lucky I chose her and that's because of her beauty."

"That's not true, she loves you very much"

"Oh please, She was among the women flocking around me like bees. if I wasn't rich, there was no way she would have married me."

"Well it doesn't matter. She's your wife and the mother of your kids. You can't do this to her. This is wrong"

"No it's not. I've found my soulmate and I'm not going to let you go. I've been cheating on Jasmine because even though we're married, there's this void in my heart that she has not been able fill. I go around everyday seeking fill it until I found you"

I couldn't shake out his words, they seemed pure, true and deep. I've been in several relationships and none of them has ever made me feel the way Femi does. Could he be right? Could it be that he's the soul mate I've been looking for?

He reached for my cheek, running his finger through my lips, the feel of his hands made me shiver to my spine. He placed his lips on mine, unlike the last one, this kiss was slow and sensual, he seemed to be pouring out his whole heart, with his lips and tongue, I kissed him back and he withdrew.

"I just wanted to be sure you wanted me as much as I do and you proved me right. That's all I needed to know. I'll see you in two days time at this same place. I've to go now" He pecked me on the cheek and left the house.

I stood there for what seemed like hours. I couldn't bring myself to move. I was dazed at what just happened. When I finally found my legs and left the house. I couldn't help feeling so stupid and useless. I had fallen into his trap twice. What a fool I was. I could call kissing my friend's husband the first time a mistake but the second time is definitely not.

As soon as I got home, I called Flora. "Make sure Mr femi's money is returned to him by tomorrow. I don't want him investing in our company. Terminate whatever contract we have with him and refund his money"

"But why, we can't just..."

"Just do exactly as I say and stop asking stupid questions" I screamed into my phone pouring out my frustrations. I hung up the phone before she could reply then blocked his number. I threw myself on my king sized bed and cried myself to sleep.

# # # # #

As Femi drove home, he thought about how beautiful Ifeoma looked in the red short dress. He wanted to rip off the dress and reveal the perfect body underneath  but he had to control himself. He knew making such rash move would only scare her away and might cost him his chances of getting her forever.  He needed her to long for him as much as he did.

He got home to find his wife watching TV in the living room. She was obviously waiting for him to return.

"Hey babe, you're right on time, how did the meeting with with chief go?"

He looked at her but he wasn't seeing her, he was seeing Ifeoma, in a short dress, revealing her straight and smooth legs, he was seeing her perfectly rounded hips and buttocks. His grion ached so much at the sight of her. He grabbed her and started kissing like q ravenous beast.

Jasmine pulled back and look at her husband. He really has changed. It's been ages since he kissed her with so much longing. "lets go to the bedoom" she said.

"No, I want you here and now" And with that he undressed her with such urgency, kissing every part of her, he wondered what her sweet spot was and if her skin would be as succulent and sweet her ruby lips. As soon as he entered her, he imagined hers would be the warmest he would ever taste. Jasmine screamed with pleasure as he pounded her but all Femi could hear was Ifeoma's sonorous voice.

When he finally climaxed and collapsed on her, he looked at her and saw Jasmine for the first time. At that moment, he was filled with disgust that he wanted to flee but then he remembered  he doesn't want his wife suspecting anything so he pulled her closer and pretended she was the love of his life. Jasmine pulled him even closer and thanked the universe for bringing her man back to her.
