
Chapter seven

I threw myself into work the following day at the office. I and my team were focused on building the new app. I switched off my phone just in case he decides to contact me with another number. I had already told the security  not to let him into my establishment.

I thought about him all through the night, I even dreamt about the kiss but I knew it was my heart talking. I had to act with my head and not my heart. I was so engrossed in my system that I did not notice when Flora came in.

"Jasmine is here to see you ma. I told her you were busy but she insisted on seeing you"

At that moment my heart beat increased. What is it she wants to see me about that can't wait? Did Femi tell her about us as a way of getting back at me for blocking him? I started sweating in the AC.

"Should I let her in ma?" Flora asked, it was then I realized I've been silent.

"Let her in" It came out as a crock. I couldn't find my voice. I could hear my heart pounding loudly in my chest. The moment of reckoning has arrived. I just hope she doesn't make a scene when she confronts me.

She bursts into my office her face beaming with such happiness. Babeee I'm the happiest woman on earth" She  hugged me in my chair

"What's wrong with your receptionist and PA. They wouldn't let me in." She sat on my desk and crossed her legs. Jasmine is the most free care jovial person I've ever met.

"I'm so sorry, I gave strict instructions not let anyone in. I'm working on that project I told you about so I didn't want any distractions"

"Eyaaah! I'm so sorry dear. I called you several times but your number was switched off. What I wanted to tell you can't wait"

"For you to run down to my office, this gist has to be really good" My heartbeat gradually returned to normal once I noticed all was well after all.

"Guess what?"

"Please tell me already, you know I have work to do"

"Oh that's true. Let me cut to the chase and an9 leave you to get back to work. Femi has changed for real"

I blinked, what was she talking about?

"Babe, he has changed for real. You were right about being patient with him. Since Sunday, he has apologized like a hundred times about his inactions towards me, he comes home early, gets me flowers and gifts and he makes love to me in the way he rarely does, paying attention to my needs and wants."

"Wow! This is great news. But are you sure he has really changed?"

"That's what I thought but he now allows me access to his phone. When I went through it, I discovered he has deleted the numbers of his numerous side chics" 

I hugged her, while I processed what she just told me. "I'm so happy for you dear, I knew Femi loves you so much and would definitely come around. I'm so glad he's making you happy"

"Happy is an understatement of how  he makes me feel now. I'm just glad God has finally answered my prayers and touched his heart"

"This calls for celebration, we should meet up later this evening and celebrate"

"That's a good idea. I have the perfect place for us to go" Just then Flora walks in holding a gift box and a bunch of rose Flowers. "There's a divilery for you ma" She dropped the items on the desk

"Who are they from?" I asked.

"I don't know, the person who dilkiivered it refused to say who" She dropped them and left

"Maybe it's a secret admirer" Jasmine reached for the box before I could and brought out a small jewelry box and a card that said  "FROM YOUR SOULMATE"

"Oh my God! Ifeoma so you have a soul mate that I don't know of? This is so unfair"

"I don't even know who this person is?" I said, my heartbeat increased again because I knew exactly who the person was.

"Well let's see what this Mr anonymous got for you" She opened it and let out a gasp. I looked to see what it was and I stopped breathing for a second at the sight of the diamond cut necklace. It was so beautiful and ity obviously cost a fortune.

"Your secret admirer is obviously rich. Girl, I think you've found your man Even Femi that's a billionaire has never gotten me something like this. He has given me lots of expensive gifts but not this"

"Oh please! Don't be ridiculous. I can't possibly keep this. It's too much"

"It's not too much and you're definitely keeping it. Besides you don't even know who it is so how are you going to return it? Except you're lying to me about not knowing who he is"

"Of course I'm not lying. I don't have the faintest idea who this person is. I just feel this is too expensive to gift an admirer"

"Cut yourself some slacks girl. You have gone through a lot in your past relationships. You deserve every good thing you get. If a secret admirer wants to spend a fortune to prove his love for you, then so be it. Besides that's the kind of man you deserve, not all these insecure hungry boys who just want your money"

"I know but.." I had no idea what to say. I felt so guilty and sorry for my friend.

"No buts, open yourself to love dear. I'll leave you to work now. See you later this evening, okay?" She pecked me on the cheek and left. I stared after her. She was such a sweet innocent angel.

# # # # #

When Femi got the information that she had refunded the money he invested in her company, he wasn't surprised. He knew she would take such action. He didn't bother to go see her at the office because he knew she wouldn't let her him.

He was excited about the challenge Ifeoma posed. It's been a while since he had such challenge. Ladies always threw themselves at him. He wasn't used to being rejected and that was one of the reasons Ifeoma excited him. He knew she belonged to him and he'll surely get her no matter what. All he needed was patience.

# # # # #

Later that evening as I prepared for a meet up with my friend, I thought about the gift Femi had gotten me. He gave me something he hasn't given his wife before yet he was being all loving and caring to his wife making her believe he has changed. I couldn't deny that I felt a twinge of jealousy when she told me how sweet he was to her, especially how he made love to her. I rembered the feel of his lips and shuddered.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I get him off my mind? Why do these thoughts keep flooding my mind? I picked up my purse and left the house in a hurry.

Minutes later, I and Jasmine were seated at a fancy restaurant having dinner.

"Can you believe he made me breakfast in bed this morning" She began excitedly

"Wow! Really? This is so hard to believe" I said in a high pitched voice trying my best to sound as excited as she is.

"He even made love to me this evening before leaving the house, I was already dressed to leave but he pulled me in and fucked me. He simply can't get enough of me"

"I felt my throat and stomach twinge at the same time "I'm so happy for you" I managed to say.

"And I'm even happier for you. But don't you have a tiny idea of who your secret admirer might be?" She asked

"No I don't" I replied glad that she has stopped gloating of how much Femi loved her.

"What if"  it's one of your investors? Those dudes are loaded in cash"

"Eww! They're all old and besides they're mostly married men, some are

grandfathers infact"

She laughed. "Well I hope he's rich, handsome and young because that's what you deserve"

Well it's too bad the person is your husband" I said to myself.

"Well he's obviously rich, because a broke dcude cannot afford to gift you something like that. Let's just hope he's handsome and young" I said as I raised my glass of wine.

"Cheers to love and new beginnings" I said.

"And cheers to finding your soul mate" She winked at me as our glass clinked.