
Desire of Immortality

A ruthless businessman with a desire to live forever proceeds to inject himself with a serum when backed into a corner. He becomes a mindless monster that is soon killed by a nuclear missile is sent to the void as punishment for his actions. Eventually he would escape and transmigrate in a new world. This is a story of a man who desires power and Immortality and will do anything to achieve it. Inspired by Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and Stellaris.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · Sci-fi
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38 Chs


In the Blackburn manor, the youngest children of Tybur and Eliza Blackburn are currently being taught by Crawford Blackburn about the Federation, Psionic, and Magic.

The classroom was not that big, but there were paintings of people killing each other. There were ten tables and chairs in total.


"A long time ago, planet earth was divided into different factions. These factions fought for resources and power. Eventually, their war destroyed most of the earth, and humanity was driven to near extinction."

"Why didn't they share the resources?" This question was asked by Evie, who inherited our mothers blue eyes and blonde hair. The old man narrowed his eyes. "It's because of greed, girl. No one wants to share their resources."

"But sharing is caring though," Evie replied with a confused facial expression.

"Do you honestly think these people care about that? Now, shut up until you have a valid question to ask." Evie looked hurt by this, and Billy looked angry. "Hey, she only asked a question."

"Well, where was this bravado during yesterday's dinner? Perhaps you do have backbone after all anyway, back to the lesson."

My grandfather continued his lesson. "So as humanity was on the brink of extinction, a ray of hope appeared. In the shadows came Neon, the Emperor himself, along with his wife."

"They introduced many things such has better medicine and curing world hunger. The Emperor and his wife were intelligent scientists who broke human limits. The Emperor with a punch can destroy an entire planet. The Empress can do this as well, but with her mind and Magic combined."

"From then on, there was a golden age of space exploration and advanced technology. All was well until the Demons showed up."

"The demons are dimensional horrors that come from a different dimension and sought to conquer this one. To this day, we are still fighting with these infernal beings alongside the aliens."

I'm getting real Warhammer vibes from this, I wonder if the place I was trapped in was a different dimension.

"This brings me to the aliens. First, there are the Elves. Long eared, beautiful beings, and are naturally attuned with magic. There are many variants of these Elves, such as the Dark Elves, who use Black Magic to summon Demons and the Light Elves who use Light Magic."

"Then there's the Twi'leks." Wait as in the Twi'leks from Star Wars. "These aliens are mainly used as sex slaves, but there is currently some Twi'leks that want freedom for their species, so they joined up with the rebellion."

"The rebelling is an organisation that seeks to 'liberate' humanity. These imbeciles hate the fact that the Federation is a dictatorship and wants democracy." Billy and Evie look quite sad. Do they sympathise with the rebellion? My grandfather seemed to notice this and sneered at them.

"Now it's time to learn about magic, so who here knows about magic?"

"Magic is the energy of the universe. It's different from psychics as we draw our powers from our minds." My grandfather looked pleased at my answer.

"Very good, Darius, I will tell you know how one awakens their magic. In order to use magic, one must sense it and feel it. In order to see it, you must open your third eye, and when that happens, you will see a flow of energy."

"You then must use your willpower to draw those energy towards you and into your chest. When that happens, a Magic Core will form, and you will able to use the power of Magic, but you must open your third eye first."

"This could be done in two ways, one by drinking an elixir that is given by the elves or through forcefully opening through your Psionic Powers, which is very hard to do. Luckily for you, I have an elixir, but I will only give it to one who will win in the afternoon's spar."

"What spar grandfather?" I asked.

My grandfather grinned "Well there is going to be a spar where you will have to fight through hand to hand combat, and with no powers, Darius."

My siblings looked nervous but I did not, I will win this spar due to one I am more stronger that my younger siblings who are 4 years old and I am a skilled combatant in my past life.

"You look confident, Darius. Do you think you'll win."

"No, grandfather, I don't think I'll win."

The old man looked disappointed at my lack of confidence, but that would change as I continued, "I know I'll win." And my grandfather smiled at this.

"Don't look down on us, big brother." My brother stood up with clenched fists. I looked at him and said, "Or what, Bill?"

"I won't have you look down on us, and besides, you can't hurt us. Otherwise, mom and dad will be angry." He said all this with a confident tone. I got up and walked towards him, and then I just shoved him to the ground.

"Wow, only one weak push can bring you to the ground. How weak." This triggered Billy as he stood up and ran at me with his hand raised. I just moved out the way and tripped him. His face landed on the table and broke his nose. Evie wanted to help but was stopped by the old man.

I grabbed Billy's hair and looked at him. He was crying and was afraid. "Where's all that bravado now? Is it gone. I thought that you'd stop being a little crybaby, but I was wrong."

Crawford smiled at this and said. "Darius, your parents will be pissed by this, but fret not. They won't dare to do anything with me around." I nodded at him with a smile.

"Alright, change of plans, only Evie and Darius will fight as Billy is already beaten. Unless Evie doesn't want to fight."

Evie said in a scared tone. "I don't want to fight against big brother, he can have the elixir."

Well, that was easy. I guess there's no longer going to be a spar. These two will most likely tell our parents, but they won't do anything, though. Not with Crawford around.

"Shall we talk about the limits of Psionics." I nodded.

"Psionics have limits, and if you reach those limits, your head will hurt, and you will have a nosebleed. These limits can be pushed through continuous use of your powers. It's like a muscle. The more you exercise, the bigger the muscle."

"The same can be said for Magic as if you use it more, your Magic Core will be able to contain more Magical energy."

My grandfather then clicked his hands, and exam papers appeared. "Alright, brats, these are exam papers on many subjects. This will allow me to see the level of knowledge you have and what you need to improve one. You may begin now."

2 hrs Minutes later

These exam papers were high school level and due to my knowledge of various subjects it was child play.

"Listen up, after reviewing your papers, Darius passed with flying colours. Evie, Billy, you should both learn from your brother. He is hardworking as these papers were on high school level, which shows the amount of work he puts in his studies."

Evie looked sad while Billy looked at me in anger like I was at fault for his marks. Yep, Billy is definitely going to snitch on me.

My grandfather looked at me with a proud look. "You are quite peculiar Darius, kids your age would go out and have fun with your friends but you. You stay in doors and read books all day."

"Tell me, what do you really want, Darius?" My grandfather asked with a curious tone.

This got me thinking, should I tell him what I really want. After some time, I made my decision. "I will tell you my goals, but you must give me your word no one will know."

My grandfather nodded and said, "Do not worry, I will not tell anyone about tour goals. If your siblings try to tell anyone about your goals, they will explode as I place a magical bomb inside them that will detonate if they do tell."

Billy and Evie looked horrified at this while I was nervous. Do I have a bomb as well. "Do not look so worried, I did not place a bomb inside you. You can check using your Psionic Powers. Now tell me about what you want."

My grandfather smiled at me encouragingly. I took a deep breath and told him about the desires that I kept with from a young age.

"I want to rule, grandfather, I want to command armies that can wipe out entire planets and the power to destroy entire solar system with only a click of my fingers."

"I want to be eternal and stand at the top and rule just not the galaxy, but the entire universe itself." I said all this determination burning in my eyes.

No one spoke for quite some time. My siblings just stared at me, shocked at my goals. As for my grandfather, he was gobsmacked at what I wanted. He then looked at for some time and grinned. "Well, that is quite the goal. Hopefully, you have the determination to achieve it."

"OK, brats, that class is over. Make sure not to be late for tomorrow's lessons."

And with that, my first class in this new life was over. Before I left, I decided to try using telepathy on my siblings.

I concentrated on them and tried to read their thoughts until I heard their voices. Billy seems quite angry. 'Just you wait, big brother, I'll tell Mom and Dad about what you did to me.'

Didn't this kid listen to Crawford. Our parents can't do shit to me with him around. However, Crawford won't be around forever, so I'll have to train so hard that my parents can't do shit to me.

As for my sister, she seems quite sad. 'Big brother, why did you have to do that to Billy. We are family, and family aren't supposed to hurt each other.'

With that done, I should probably try to find ways to block mental attacks, but for now, I will train my Psionic Powers.

I went to my room. My room had a bookcase with lots of books, and a desk with a chair. I raised both my hands and used Psychokinesis to lift my chair and desk.

Slowly, I lifted the bookcase and all the books inside it. For the first time, I wielded true personal power.

You see, I believe in four kinds of power. Political, Social, Economic, and Personal Power.

Social power is the power to manipulate those around you, to have a high level of control over others.

Political Power is connected to Social Power as you would need the support of those around you as well as control. It also gives you access to the military as well.

Economic Power gives you access to wealth, resources, and superior technology, which could be useful for war or the stability of a country.

Personal power is the skill and experience an individual has. I believe that superpowers are also a personal power as well.

Though I have psychic powers, I'm still a fish in an ocean full of sharks. But that will change soon.

I will be at the top and gain eternal life.