
Descedant of Denomant

One, system? The system was totally different from everyone who has the blessing. A system, called... DENOMANT? Check out this story.

tfgjkkkhhj · Fantasy
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2 Chs



Author: Raith Many

-WILL!! LET'S GO FAST!! —A man in gold armor was running and right behind a crowd with swords and weapons, followed him.

It was a war, a big war going on. There was blood everywhere, people were dying, everyone had totally strong weapons and armor, everyone was of high quality.

"Damn it,

our men are dying, we can't beat the Decno, but I will take revenge, for my brothers."

So this man in the golden armor stood out, he killed most of the men who tried to attack him.

"I'm getting tired..."

He killed everyone he came across without thinking twice, he was angry, desperate... and sad


So after he has killed all the men, one slaughter, he looks back, and there are none of his men left. He looks up to the top of a large mountain, and sees, a man in black and purple armor, holding a very large spear and on the blade, it had three points. There was a lot of blood on its blade.

He was smiling,

the smile was malevolent, as if he didn't regret having done anything.


The two advance to the final fight, and when suddenly...