
Descedant of Denomant

One, system? The system was totally different from everyone who has the blessing. A system, called... DENOMANT? Check out this story.

tfgjkkkhhj · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

-1. The strongest hunter-

Author: Raith Many

We started this story in a bar, a very simple bar. Some people with their faces completely red, were talking and laughing non-stop, but, right at the back of the bar, there were two guys totally elegant suits. Talking about someone very specific.

- Hey,

Did you hear about the new kid that's all over the internet?

— Han? What boy is this? he said, intertwining their fingers.

"A boy ae.. the media says that he is the hunter stronger than an SS rank.

— Haha! Impossible, only if he really is SS rank, even if he was, we would already know who this kid is.

"So, oddly enough,

even the media doesn't know your rank... it seems to be unknown.

- Hmm..? A boy "stronger than an SS rank", having his class unknown? So surely he must be a D or E rank, whatever.

— I don't know, the media even said that the boy doesn't even need help to face the monsters in the dungeons, it seems that he fights all of them alone,

and they say he still fights joking.

- What? Um... we're going to have to figure out who we're dealing with. Do you know his name?

"Yes, it's Erthan.

Then, in another place, 5 people were standing in front of a portal, a portal that emitted surprisingly strong mana. And among those 5, one stood out. It was Erthan, in a long-sleeved black shirt,

he wore tight black pants and had an earring in the right side of his ear. He had long dark hair, which his bangs covered his dark, dry eyes, he kept touching it all the time to see every now and then.

Well, let's go a little into Erthan's past now...

Erthan was always a boy who never had popularity or anything like that.

He was always the most depraved of all, for not having a blessing.

In this world, there are some portals spread all over the world, and in these portals, there were dungeons with very strong monsters inside each of these portals, which emitted a very strong mana.

Then, people began to gain powers, a BLESSING given by the celestials of the element,

that they are deities that give power to the chosen one to pray to them, and that of course, to the one who deserves their blessing.

And when they receive your blessing, they get a system similar to the MMORPG you use, according to your blessing.

There are eight deities:

—Fire deity—

—Water deity—

—Wind deity—

—Ice deity—

These are the common deities, which are easier to get a boon from.

Now, we have the last three, or better known: The divine trinity. The divine trinity are the hardest to get a blessing from them, only those who are really pure are worthy of receiving their blessing.

—Strength deity—

—Deity of the Red Flame—

—Angel deity—

The pure in heart who received these blessings are the famous grades A to SS. Those who received the commons are E through B.

But Erthan, had none of these blessings mentioned, many had a dream of being a hunter since childhood, dreamed of having the strongest blessing, some even made it. But Erthan,

he hadn't even won one.

He was always humiliated, depraved by everyone for not having a blessing, he even accepted not having this hunter life anymore and being a normal person, that was at least what he pretended to feel.

One day they were doing push-ups,

when suddenly a purple transparent window that had a mist around the edges appeared. And there was something saying:

『Are you prepared to receive the: System of a Denomancer? 』

- What is it? A blessing from some deity...? But what divinity is called DENOMANT... I've never heard of this one, but I won't deny it.

I have an opportunity and I'm already happy even though it's a weak system, I think. Erthan surmised. - I accept! - Said with a lot of will and happiness.

『Accepted Denomant System』

Suddenly, a blue aura surrounds Erthan's body. He felt stronger, invigorated, he felt clean.

He was very happy because,

he had gained a blessing after many years of praying for them. But even so Erthan still felt a distrust of it. Because he had never heard of this deity called Denomancer.. but even so, he was happy to have gained a boon.

So after 2 years, he was known by everyone,

for having a system totally different from everyone else. And it even ended up in the media about some reports of people who fought alongside Erthan. They said that his power was totally different from everyone who had possession of a blessing. And that he fought almost alone in some dungeons.

So many heard of him after that mere interview.

"Are you ready, Erthan?" - Said a man in silver armor with a huge sword in his hand.

"Hmpf… I was born prepared. — Suddenly a katana appears floating for 2 seconds in front of you, and picks it up.

So, everyone was scared and at the same time ready to fight in that dungeon. Everyone began to "calmly" enter the portal,

leading them to the dungeon, Erthan seemed unfazed by what lay ahead.

Then everyone goes through the portal. Ready for battle.

They cross the dungeon, and when they pass, it was a large pure earth area, on the walls, ceiling, it looked like a cave, but right ahead there was a small corridor.

I couldn't see anything through the hallway, it was completely dark. So since there was nothing to do where they were, they decided to continue going to the corridor.

When they were walking along the corridor, it seemed to be a narrow corridor, it seemed smaller than that very spacious place. Everyone was completely silent,

and afraid, because at some point they will have to face monsters stronger than them. They were all class E or F. And this dungeon, it was a perfect low level for them, but since some didn't know how to use the weapons they had, they were afraid.

— It seems that everyone is not prepared for this battle.

- Said the man who was next to Erthan.

— Well, Luck, they don't have the faith that they're going to get out of here alive, no. Erthan said.

Luck wore silver armor and held a sword in his hand, ready for combat.

— Well, I think we can handle it, right? - Luck said looking at Erthan.

- Let's see, huh...

"Um… hunter Erthan Lavity

...? - Said an elegant woman sitting in a chair.

"Yes, I want Hunter Erthan Lavity's file. - Said a guy in a suit.

"Okay... it's here." - She hands over a folder with a name written in the upper left corner: Erthan Lavity.

- Thank you very much. I'll deliver in about thirty minutes.

— Okay, enjoy!

Then a man named Levi,

meets his friend named Sebastian.

Levi wore a dark suit, his hair was like those Korean idols, and he had a folder in his hand, he had gone to a coffee shop to talk about Erthan, that friend's name was Sebastian.

After a few minutes, they were sitting down with coffee.

— Erthan Lavity, age 17 and... his rank is...

unknown... yeah, really even they don't know his class. Nor his kind of aura. "Sebastian said.

"Um... the woman said that right now, he's in a dungeon." Do we go there after they finish the mission? Levi said, intertwining their fingers.

— Let's go there. - Said Sebastian eating a Donut.

— Eat right, aff.

- Levi said angrily.


One of the hunters was stabbing a giant ant with his sword.

"These animals are... ma-crazy." The tired hunter looked at Erthan, and there were several dead giant ants. It had the equivalent of a crowd. And he, the hunter, had only killed 6 of them.

Erthan was all bloodied,

and was with a serious look looking at the dead ants.

—Arf arf. Erthan sighs.

Everyone was fighting the ants, using their magic, others even using swords and so on. Then, after a few minutes, there were no more ants to fight. A few seconds passed when suddenly an ant, bigger than all, appeared,

but it wasn't just any ant, it had a kind of armor that was glued to its body, and it had a human physical form. And there was a double wing on her back.

So everyone went up, but she managed to shoot them all down. So everyone always fell, but got up to try again, but as always there was no success.

They couldn't even bring this creature down. Then she realizes that one of them was completely still, not even making a move. It was Erthan.

Then it disappears and suddenly appears in front of Erthan, and she decides to strike, but Erthan manages to catch it easily and looks into the ant's eyes, and takes her arm easily.

*KIEEEK* The ant screams in pain.

Then the ant distances itself from Erthan, and then gains enough speed to deliver another blow, but Erthan manages to see it and grabs the ant's head quickly and throws it all to the ground, opening a small crater.

Then Erthan crushes the ant's head, which ends up finishing him for good.


you eliminated the human ant』

— Humiliating Boss name. Erthan said with a serious expression.

Everyone looked at Erthan with a look of admiration, the twinkle in everyone's eyes was inevitable.

"That son of a bitch killed so easily. Luck said with a smirk of pride on his face.

Luck was the only one who believed that Erthan could be strong, whether a blessing or not, Luck had always believed.

Then everyone came out of the portal, all with minor injuries, with sweat on their faces, especially Erthan with a lot of blood on his face and body, his clothes were covered in blood, and he didn't say a word.

Levi and Sebastian were outside waiting for Erthan to show up. When he appears, Levi goes to Erthan without thinking twice, and says:

— hello, I'm an agent of the hunters' organization, can you have a private word with me? - Says Levi putting a moral among the hunters who were listening.

Erthan doesn't say a word.

Levi grabs Erthan's wrist, and suddenly he feels, he feels the huge aura that Erthan emitted, Levi is very surprised and starts to sweat a little. Erthan's aura was so powerful that it impressed anyone.

— Hmm... another day I will see him again. - Levi leaves.

"He really has immense power…!" Levi said in his mind.

Hope you enjoyed reading 😊