
Depth of Dawn

After being kidnapped in the childhood Lisa Tenebris gained necromancy powers and is able to open portals to the monster realm and form contracts with them. Going to a special magic class to learn more and making a lot of new friends that will be her back up in dangerous times. What will fate bring Lisa to deal with and what will be the end?

Kurinagi · Teen
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4 Chs

- Lisa's past(from protagonists view)

I have had a very specific childhood. Just after my sixth birthday, I was kidnapped. Compared to other kids, I had a greater strength and immunity. That was the very reason for kidnapping me. The kidnappers were scientists, they wanted to gain acces to magic and didn't care by what means they will reach their goal. I was in the jar where they experimented on. They put me in some special water and started the experiments. After five years of harsh and painful experiments, I fell into a coma. After a year, when I was about to turn twelve, my consciousness began to come back. At first I didn't feel a thing. It was dark and cold. After some time I felt the feelings of having no-one to rely on. It was painful. My senses came back little by little and the pain increased all over my body. Strange thoughts started to occur in my mind. I wanted to die, I didn't have a reason to live and to endure such pain. I tried to think about my family and then I calmed down. I tried to move my body and even to open my eyes, but it was too much pain to bear. But I didn't give up, whenever I didn't feel too much pain I tried to move my body. After a while the pain became lesser or I just got used to it. After weeks of trying, I finally managed to do it.

I opened my eyes. But the first thing I felt wasn't happiness or relief, I felt pain, I had a terrible headache. All the thoughts and memories of unknown people were in me. That were people from the past. The scientists were trying every possible way to reach their goal, but they didn't get satisfying results. I tried to calm down and to accept all the new memories in me. But then, a familiar sound occured, the sound that means danger. With wide open eyes I tried to look at what was happening in the lab, but I was only seeing red. I was scared but tried to look one more time after reopening my eyes. And then I saw a terrifying sight, panicking men trying to escape, leaving me alone, all the red and yellow colours of the fire and the terrific sound of an explosion. The people in the lab were gone. I heard nothing except for the alarm and the sound of fire and bulbing water. That was my only chance to escape. I didn't exactly know at the time what my power was, but I tried to imagine anything that would help me escape. And just right after that my hand began to tickle and a white fur paw appeared. It smashed the glass in pieces and then emedietly disappeared. The water flew out of the glass bulb carrying me with it to the ground.

I was shocked about what had just happened. After a few minutes I came by and tried to analyse the situation in the lab. A lab was in a terrible state, it was a miracle that it didn't collapse after that heavy explosion. I had to get up, so I tried to move but the only things that were moving were my head and my hands. With all my might I crawled to the nearby still standing chair and climbed up. I wanted to see what the documents said that were laying on the table next to the chair. I searched for information about the state I was in. Luckily all the documents were records of the experiments and the decisions of scientists. That was where I found out that I was in a coma for almost a year. My power was too unstable for them to control, so they put me into a coma for their own safety. After a year of no progress they decided to shut everything down and to kill me, that was the plan for today. Unfortunately for them and luckily for me, something went wrong and an explosion occured. At the time I didn't know the cause, but now I do. It was the same animal as whose paw appeared to break the glass. My powers were beyond the imagination of the scientists. Instead of just typical elemental magic, I got something more powerful and rare. I am able to open the doors between the human and magic realm. I can make contacts with monsters from the magic realm and use their power and their help.

After a week of regaining strength, I hurried to leave the lab. In that week, of all the insects living there only the spiders helped me with finding food and water. Since then I am afraid of insects except for spiders. My family was killed and my older sister Lira went missing. I went into the woods and walked a lot to the nearest city using signboards. In the woods I found an orphanage beside a lake and since then I stayed there. They are my new family. Thanks to the experiments, my growth stopped not so long after it strated. I am only 148 cm long, I already lost hope in growing bigger. I am now fourteen and I will become fifteen next month. I will also go to high school next month. My school has a special class where people go to with magical powers or something similar. They started it after some incidents with magic, like mine. I hope to have fun and to find a lot of friends for the rest of my three years at school. My name is Lisa Tenebris, I hope you're not freaked out by my past. I hope we will become friends, bye.

Enjoy the story that will follow.

It's the prologue story of Lisa's (famale lead) past

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