
Depth of Dawn

After being kidnapped in the childhood Lisa Tenebris gained necromancy powers and is able to open portals to the monster realm and form contracts with them. Going to a special magic class to learn more and making a lot of new friends that will be her back up in dangerous times. What will fate bring Lisa to deal with and what will be the end?

Kurinagi · Teen
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4 Chs

- More than friends

The story of the slime kingdom named Lendir: Long ago in the magic realm, there was a little kingdom that was ruled by a tiran. After his son reached the age of eighteen he killed his father and became the new king. On one peaceful day a woman appeard. She claimed to be from a country called Norway. The woman was rather beautiful and wise. She helped the king with the knowlegde she had from her world. After five years of staying togather the duo got married. They fell in love while overcoming problems and finding more and more about each other. All of this happened in the slime kingdom called Lendir, which literally means slime in indonesian. The slimes of noble blood can transfom into humans and because of the great use of it, they always stay in their human form. The woman accepted her loved one even after knowing the truth. After the woman married the king and later after a few years got pregnant, she stopped aging because of the life long bond that was formed between them. After much anticipation for the baby to come, the woman was disappointed as ever. On a cold night in the beginning of February, while the king was to war, the baby was born. With the first cry of the baby it began to rain outside with pure white snow. The baby was a beautiful girl with hair as white as the fallen snow, her eyes were of a golden color on her right from her father and of a purple color on her left from her mother. All that saw the girl were imedietly charmed by the beauty and the cuteness of the girl, except for the queen. She did't expect her daughter to have such an unordinary appearance. The only thing that came to her mind was that she gave birth to a monster. She despised her the moment she saw her and named her accordingly to her own judgement. The girl was given the name Charlotte. The meaning of her name is "free" , what meaned that she was freed from all the obligations of the crown princess and that she won't be the next heir. But the king loved her. He provided her a stable life without being bothered by her mother. Unfortunately the king died in the war for taking back his territories that he lost under the rule of his father. The queen now had all the authorities. Charlotte was already eleven, but her mother still hated her. The servants and the citiezens greatly loved Charlotte for her kindness and generosity. They wanted to help her by all means to escape from her mother. After hearing of the existance of a girl that opens the doors between realms, they collected all their mana and manipulated the next opened door to be in their kingdom and to transport Charlotte to the human realm. With that method, the princess who was ripped of her title on the day she was born entered the world where her mother came from and where her mother feared to go back to.

On a peaceful and a sunny day Lisa decided to go to the nearby forest to practice her "door opening" powers. The reason that Lisa goes to the forest is that almost no one ever comes there beacause they think it's scary. While Lisa was trying to concentrate to open a door something went wrong. As she opened her eyes to look at the door she felt was open, she saw nothing. The door wasn't there but she still felt its presence. After a few minutes went by the door closed. Lisa thought that something was definetly wrong and tried to open a door again. But this time around, the door opened before her eyes. While she was thinking about how the first time it went different she heard a scream and another one. She thought that with the first door a monster went through it and someone saw him while wandering in the forest, but that wasn't the case. When Lisa arrived to where the scream came from, she saw a little girl. The instant she saw that girl she thought that she was incredibly cute and that she wanted to take her home. Of course she wouldn't do that, but that was a sort of a way to describe how cute Lisa thought that girl was. The girl screamed again and Lisa came back from her world of fantasies. A few little boys were throwing stones at the girl while calling her a monster. Lisa knew immedietly why they called her that. It was of the white hair and the different colored eyes of the girl. Lisa thought that that was definetly not right and stepped in. The boys first didn't notice Lisa and kept on throwing stones not even looking at who. Lisa screamed with all her might "You!!! Little rascals!! Stop right there! What do you think you are doing!" After hearing that, the boys stopped immediately. Lisa wasn't big and wasn't that scary looking, but she had the scariest expression someone could show a fifth grader. Then Lisa, even knowing the answer, asked, "Why were you throwing stones at her and calling her a monster?" One of the boy stepped hesitating forward and said, "Dont...you see it? She has white hair and two colored eyes, that's freaking! She deserved that!" "Yeah...She really did!" said the other boys. After hearing that the little girl standing behind Lisa began to shiver and to mumble something to herself, like "I shouldn't...have come...here". After that, Lisa said something that no one expected or rather than said she just blurted it out. "She didn't chose to have that appearance as well as you didn't chose yours," she said. And then she blurted the only thing that was left in her mind out, "You know what? I think that she has a very beautiful appearance, no not beautiful but a GORGEOUSLY CUTE appearance!!!" Everyone at the scene was in shock after what Lisa said. And Lisa herself looked extremely proud of herself. The little boys came together and than their leader said, "This time you win, we will let her go and won't do anything to her in the future if that is what you want." "Okay, I would really apreciate it if you keep that promise," said Lisa with a kind smile on her face. The boys left while looking back now and then. Lisa was proud of herself, but little did she know what the real reason was for the boys to leave in peace. When the boys came together they talked about what to do, "So...what do we do now?""We have to leave imediatly.""Why?""Didn't you notice? That big sis is scary when she gets angry, but more importantly is that she's crazy in her head! Who would say that someone is super cute in that situation? Let's leave them alone, two of one kind.""Okay, that's fine."

After the little boys left and Lisa and the little girl stayed alll alone Lisa asked, "Hello, I'm Lisa Tenebris. What's your name and where are you from?" The girl first hessitated but then answered the question, "My name is Charlotte Lendir. I am from the kingdom of slimes Lendir. My mother is a human from the human realm, so I came here to hide from her because she won't come back here. I'm eleven years old." "So...you came through a door that opened recently? Am I right?" "Yes! You are right, how did you know?" "You know...I'm the person who opens those doors. So your people helped you do get here? If you just only arrived I can help you if you want?" "Ahh...I would...really apreciate...it if you...helped me. If I may make a request now, can you be my friend?" "Hmm...A friend is a little difficult," "Ehh? Really then...how can I..." "Our age is too far apart, but we can be something greater than that!" "Really? What is it?" "You know...I never had a sister and you probably too, sso... Would you like to become my sister in name?" "A sister in name?....I would love to! Then...Can I call you Lisa-onee-chan from now on? You can call me Lottie if you want..." "AHHH!!! I can't stand it anymore! You're too cute. You can call me whatever you want. I really want to take you home!!! Ah!! Sorry for that, I have a slight weakness for things I like. Okay, so, Lottie do you want to go to our home?" "Yes!!! I really like you Lisa-onee-chan!" "That's what sisters are for, to love them. Now, let's go!" "Yeah." With that beimg settled Lisa and Charlotte became sisters and went home. That was the first step for Lisa to discover the magic realm even more. Charlotte is the key to all the knowledge of that realm.