
Depraved Reverend

With his Three Fundamental views crooked, a demon is born. An old story about a time traveler who is constantly reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates and uses Gu. And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. FanFic Synopsis: Alex an avid reader of Reverend Insanity and a big fan of the protagonist Gu Yue Fang Yuan dies and get’s reborn in the Gu world. Having inherited the protagonist’s 500 years’ worth of memories, what will he do? Will he walk the same path as the protagonist? Or will he create his path? P.S. I do not own the cover.

NewWhite · Others
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75 Chs

Chapter 59 - Harming the Wang family III

Just earlier when Second brother Wang was distracted Fang Yuan had fired off four moon blades three of them at Second brother Wang at one at Er Gou Dan but then he saw a fifth moon blade flying in Er Gou Dan's direction which accurately hit his crotch. Naturally, this wasn't fired by him so the person who shot it was naturally Mo Meili.

Currently, Mo Meili was looking at Er Gou Dan with a cold expression on her face. She had long been disgusted by this person and when she heard the comments he passed about her and Fang Yuan, even the usually gentle her was angered, as such when she saw Fang Yuan attacking them she also launched a vicious attack on this foul-mouthed fool.

"Lord Husband, I am sorry I attacked without asking you." When Mo Meili felt Fang Yuan looking at her she carefully said, hoping that her acting out on her own didn't anger him.

Fang Yuan pulled Mo Meili to him and kissed her, his hands slipping into her dress and caressing her soft curves. He immediately separated after kissing her, "No. You did well. Now quickly put on your clothes the others will be here soon." He said while fondling her soft breasts and pinching her nipples.

Mo Meili bit her lips to stop herself from moaning and then quickly went behind the tree trunk to put on her pants.

If Fang Yuan wanted he could have simply slaughtered the entire Wang family and then taken the hunting map like how he had read in the novel. If anyone had asked he could have simply said that they had offended him and that would have been it. The Gu Yue Clan would not care about a simple mortal family being slaughtered.

But the Divine Investigator's daughter would and if she for any reason latched on to this and hounded him then there was a chance for her to unravel his other secrets too. And Fang Yuan didn't want that to happen. Fang Yuan was sure that Tie Ruo Nan would come to Gu Yue Village even if he didn't kill Jia Jin Sheng, this was because Lord Sky Crane would instigate the Divine Investigator to deal with First Generation Gu Yue. As such Tie Ruo Nan would also accompany her father and come here and to distract his daughter Tie Xue Leng might just assign her some random mission, so he has to be careful as he didn't want to for any reason to 'accidentally' become that mission. Hence he used such a roundabout way.

While Fang Yuan was waiting for Mo Meili he heard hurried footsteps approaching, soon he saw two men running towards him with bows and arrows. As soon as they were within range Fang Yuan fired a warning shot of moon blade towards them. When the approaching men realized that he was a Gu Master they immediately fell on their knees.

"Lord Gu Master!" The two men greeted him while shivering.

"Bastard! I will kill you! You son of a bitch! I will kill you. But before I kill you I will rape that slut of yours in front of your eyes and then kill you and her. You-" Fang Yuan shot a moon blade right at Second brother Wang's mouth who was cursing him, thereby turning his entire lower face and mouth bloody. The unbearable pain made Second brother Wang finally faint.

"Tell me everything you know about this guy and his family." Fang Yuan said to the two kneeling Gu Master's while pointing at Second brother Wang.

The two mortals dare not defy Fang Yuan and told him everything they knew about the Wang family.

'Good everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Everything is the same as what I had read.' Fang Yuan sighed in relief

Mo Meili who had finished dressing up properly came out from behind the tree and stood a step behind Fang Yuan.

"Led the way to his house and also carry this guy." Fang Yuan instructed the two mortals while pointing at Second brother Wang.


The tree roots penetrate the mountain soil, letting their green hands reach up towards the sky. Thick and solid tree trunks faced each other, looking similar through the distances. The exuberant branches and leaves intertwined in mid-air.

Under the surroundings of these trees was a wooden house.

Around the wooden house was a tall and great fence constructed from green spear bamboo. The air was full of the smell of wild grass flowers, and the summer's wind blew warmly and passed by the trees, turning into a gust of refreshing wind.

This was Old man Wang's house, right now the old man was teasing his young daughter and laughing heartily, he was about to say something when he heard a sound and turned his head.

The little entrance of the bamboo fence was broken from the outside by someone.

"You are Old man Wang?" Fang Yuan stepped forward with a lump of moonlight in his right arm.

"This old man pays his respects to Lord Gu Master!" Old man Wang kneeled immediately on seeing the moonlight on Fang Yuan's arm.

"Old man Wang, your son dared to offend me, as such I have punished him. Bring the two of them forward." Fang Yuan looked down at the kneeling old man and said without much emotion.

Obeying Fang Yuan's orders the two mortal hunters brought Second brother Wang and Er Gou Dan forward.

Looking at the state his son was in Old man Wang's body shook.

"Second brother-!" Old man Wang's daughter cried and rushed forward once she saw the condition of her elder brother.

"You demon!! How could you do this to my brother? Just because you are a Gu Master does not mean you have the rights to do as you please…" The girl turned to Fang Yuan and yelled at him.

Old man Wang was jolted awake by his daughter's outburst. He slapped her hard, causing her to fall to the ground.

Thank you Sh4dow, ali_seifi, Traps_Are_Gay, A_tired_immortal, Agney_Raj, hiki_kolo, Callacous_3007, AS9, Jaecheongdaesong, Evil_leaf, SpongeManIceCone, Zawad_Alvee, O_Corvo, Marc_Gaborieau, Cringe, FoodReviewSnake_99, The_Average_Heroh, TLy, ExaltedCrow, Slammeron00, Warstar, Alvern, Andi_Lpg, ShadowClone_26, Clow, AlchemistUniversal, Daoist_CANCER, Xion_77, Delem, ManyFaces and DragonMilk for the power stones.

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