
Depraved Reverend

With his Three Fundamental views crooked, a demon is born. An old story about a time traveler who is constantly reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates and uses Gu. And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. FanFic Synopsis: Alex an avid reader of Reverend Insanity and a big fan of the protagonist Gu Yue Fang Yuan dies and get’s reborn in the Gu world. Having inherited the protagonist’s 500 years’ worth of memories, what will he do? Will he walk the same path as the protagonist? Or will he create his path? P.S. I do not own the cover.

NewWhite · Others
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75 Chs

Chapter 57 – Harming the Wang family I

The mountain forest was boundless, Fang Yuan and Mo Meili walked through patiently.

The sunlight permeated through the huge and tall woods, shining and creating a ground of mottled and fragmentary tree shadows.

His ears picked up the sound of birds chirping, or the trickling of flowing water.

The further he got from the village, walking towards the outer surroundings, the riskier it was. Thus Fang Yuan was even more careful.

The wilderness was very dangerous, Gu Masters had to have at least Rank three cultivation to be able to venture into the wilds alone and explore. But this did not mean they were safe, as many Rank three Gu Masters died in the wild, sometimes even Rank fours. Wild beasts, poisonous worms, human threats, and at times the weather, were all causes of death.

Today Fang Yuan had applied for leave, the academy elder was quite impressed by Fang Yuan's performance these last few days as such he immediately agreed to Fang Yuan's day off.

Fang Yuan wanted to get Old Man Wang's hunting map and he also wanted to get it done before the caravan arrived as such Fang Yuan decided to take a day off today and brought Mo Meili with him. Before leaving he went and visited Jiang Ya to collect the letter that he had wanted to deliver to his brother Jiang He and then left with Mo Meili to the foot of Qing Mao Mountain where the village was located. He got the directions to the village from Jiang Ya, thus making it a little easier for Fang Yuan.

Soon Fang Yuan and Mo Meili arrived at the mountain foot. After walking for around 2 kè they could see thick smoke rising from the mountain.

After a while, he could see a wide hill in his vision, and a village around that area beside a small river.

The small villages around the vicinity were under the rule of the Gu Yue village. Although they were close, the small villages were not safe, thus requiring regular clean-up. For mortals to love in such conditions and manage to survive, to Fang Yuan, he naturally could accept such a fact.

Since he was already here, Fang Yuan decided to look around and see if he could find some wild boar. Soon he found traces on the ground. Fang Yuan and Mo Meili followed the clues and went deeper into the mountains.

The traces of the wild boar was getting more evident, and Fang Yuan knew he was getting close to it, thus he became more careful.

In this mystical world, wild beasts are not simple.

Soon he found the wild boar, at the same time the wild boar spotted Fang Yuan too. It immediately got ready to charge at him, Fang Yuan got ready to fight the wild boar by reading his Moonlight Gu. Just as the wild boar charged forward the ground beneath its feet caved in and it fell into a pit.

Fang Yuan neared the pit and saw that it was a huge pit. Sharpened green bamboo was situated at the bottom of the pit, where it had pierced the wild boar and was causing it to bleed.

"Finally found it." Fang Yuan smiled. This was what he had come for.

"Meili let's go hide. Next, follow my instructions and do exactly as I say." Fang Yuan instructed Mo Meili as he led her to hid behind the trees.

After waiting around for a kè they finally heard sounds of people talking and approaching.

"Now Meili. Do as I said and get ready." Fang Yuan instructed Mo Meili, who blushed in response feeling shy but proceeded to do what Fang Yuan had told.

Soon the two heard human voices.

"Second brother Wang, why did we split up today?"

"It's simple Er Gou Dan. We can hunt more wild boars that way."

"But isn't that dangerous? With only the two of us?" Er Gou Dan asked.

"Hmph! It's just wild boars. What's the danger in it? Anyways with the traps laid out, by now at least one must have fallen in it already." Second brother Wang replied.

From behind the tree, Fang Yuan could see that two men had approached the trap in which the wild boar had fallen. As they neared they both became quiet and stealthily approached the trap.

Fang Yuan turned around and nodded at Mo Meili and got near her. Mo Meili nodded indicating that she was ready. Fang Yuan pushed her up against the tree kissed her first then slipped his hands inside her dress and started fondling her bare breasts and ass. Mo Meili moaned loudly in response.

A few feet away when the two men heard the voice they immediately jumped and a weird expression appeared on their faces.

"Damn someone is doing it out in the open?" Er Gou Dan who was startled badly asked.

"I don't care if they do it in the open. But by doing it near our trap they might hinder the wild boar from approaching." Gashing his teeth Second brother Wang barked.

"Bastards!! Whoever it is come out this instant you pervert." Second brother Wang said as he readied his bow.

Fang Yuan slowly came out from behind the tree.

Watching Fang Yuan who was younger than them Second brother Wang hissed. "Little kid, looking at how young you are, you probably don't even have any hair down there. Yet you come out here to have sex in the forests? Where is that slut you were making out with? Why is she not coming out? What feeling too shy now?"

"Second brother Wang she is probably naked." Er Gou Dan said as his eyes shined.

"Slut! Come out this instant! I don't care if you are dressed or not. If you don't come out in the next second then I am going to shoot this boy." Listing to what Er Gou Dan said Second brother Wang's eyes shined too. As such he wanted the slut behind the tree to come out immediately.

Thank you KingConner, Agney_Raj, FoodReviewSnake_99, marco_paco, A_tired_immortal, LordInsanity, Elia, Evil_leaf, DaoistfWZw64, AS9, Poke99, Feuerengel, tai_master9903, The_Average_Heroh, Nike13K, HotSpice, Traps_Are_Gay, Andi_Lpg, Alvern, Delem, Sh4dow, Zej, joe231, RedWive, Imperial_Fox and DragonMilk for the power stones.

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