
Depraved Reverend

With his Three Fundamental views crooked, a demon is born. An old story about a time traveler who is constantly reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates and uses Gu. And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. FanFic Synopsis: Alex an avid reader of Reverend Insanity and a big fan of the protagonist Gu Yue Fang Yuan dies and get’s reborn in the Gu world. Having inherited the protagonist’s 500 years’ worth of memories, what will he do? Will he walk the same path as the protagonist? Or will he create his path? P.S. I do not own the cover.

NewWhite · Others
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Chapter 18 - The Demon Awakens II

Soon the area was filled with gasps of shocks and amazement probably due to discovering that Fang Zheng was A-grade talent.

But Fang Yuan was not paying any attention to it at all while watching ahead his thoughts were focused on the Gu System.

Soon the ceremony came to an end. By that time, they came out it was already evening. After the ceremony, the academy elder started talking about the details of the academy and all its courses and from when it will start, etc.

Immediately after coming out Fang Yuan walked out and went to the only inn in the village, where he had a simple dinner and bought a jar of aged wine, he fished around his pockets and drew out the remaining primeval stone pieces, these were the last of his savings, he had already spent most of it before while buying stuff for Shen Cui. After paying for the meal and collecting the wine jar he went out of the village.

Once out of the village, he crossed the bamboo forest, moved past a sea of flowers, and reached the dry mountain stream. Once there he followed the mountain stream upward, soon he could hear the sound of a waterfall. After he turned around a sparse forest, he could see the waterfall, searching around for a while he found a crevice in the middle of a boulder.

'It's here. Just like I read it in the novel while I was on Earth.' Thought Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan looked around after checking that there was no one around he rushed into the crevice through the waterfall, after walking forward for about a hundred steps he reached the enclosed space inside the huge boulder.

The entire room was filled with dim red light. On the walls, he saw the dead Wine Sack Flower Gu and Rice Pouch Grass Gu weaving across half of the wall surface. Fang Yuan looked around and saw one barely alive Wine Sack Flower Gu. He found the Liquor Worm a few feet away from it curled on top of withered roots gathered into a ball-shaped clump at a corner. The Liquor Worm was resting on the clump of dead roots, sleeping soundly. From the looks of it, it seemed like the Liquor Worm had just drunk till its stomach was full.

'There is still one barely alive Wine Sack Flower Gu, as such, there was no need for the Liquor Worm to go out in search of food yet, not only that it seems like the Liquor Worm has just drunk to its heart's content and is asleep. I am in luck this way I can easily catch it.' (Fang Yuan)

Seeing this Fang Yuan didn't immediately walk towards the Liquor Worm to catch it. Instead, he closed his eyes and looked into his aperture while silently calling out Spring Autumn Cicada in his mind.

Soon he saw the extremely weak Spring Autumn Cicada hovering above his Primeval Sea. This put his mind at ease.

'Thankfully there is no change regarding this, and the Spring Autumn Cicada has become my Vital Gu.'

After confirming that the Spring Autumn Cicada was in his aperture, Fang Yuan walked towards the Liquor Worm and took it into his arms. He sat in the corner closed his eyes again and refined the Liquor Worm on the spot with the help of Spring Autumn Cicada's aura. The poor Liquor Worm which was startled awake was immediately suppressed by the rank six Gu's aura and refined in an instant and then it was tossed into Fang Yuan's aperture.

Finished with this Fang Yuan got on his knees and pulled the clump of dead roots revealing skeleton bones bundled inside. The noise caused the Photo-Audio Gu to start playing the scenes before the Flower Wine Monk's death – his fight with the Fourth Gen Clan Leader and the other elders. He ignored the recording and continued with his searching soon he found the bag of primeval stones, he opened it and found fifteen primeval stones which he immediately kept. After achieving his aim of coming here, Fang Yuan found a corner sat down, and closed his eyes, the recording on the wall continued playing but Fang Yuan completely ignored it.

He called out to the Gu System in his mind.

"What can I help you with host?" Fang Yuan soon heard the seductive voice in his head.

"I have a few questions which I would like to ask you." (Fang Yuan)

"Ask away, Host" (Gu System)

"Where did you come from?" (Fang Yuan)

"All questions regarding and relating to my existence will be answered only when you have become a Venerable Host. As right now you will not understand it even if you were told about it." (Gu System)

'Damn if I don't know where this System came from how can I trust it?' (Fang Yuan)

"But there is one thing I can tell you, host. I am bound to you i.e., as long as you are alive, I am alive, if you die I die, the only way to inflict any sort of harm on me can only be done through you." The System said as though it could read his mind, with this he could trust the System a little bit as their lives were tied together.

'But even if our lives are tied together doesn't mean I can completely trust this System. For now, let's just see if it's of any use to me.' (Fang Yuan)

Decided Fang Yuan ordered the System to bring up the interface.

A transparent screen appeared before Fang Yuan's eyes, which contained three tabs – Profile, Dao, and Transactions. Right now, it was showing the Profile Tab.

[Name: Fang Yuan

Rank: 1

Gu owned: Spring Autumn Cicada, Liquor Worm]

"Explain the Dao and Transactions tab to me." Fang Yuan said to the System.

"Okay. The Dao tab is sub-divided into Attainment and Research. Attainment is self-explanatory it contains the attainment levels of different paths, but you can only unlock the higher attainments after learning their corresponding lower levels for example you can only get access to Master level attainments of any path after you have gained a full understanding of the Ordinary level of that path. In Research you have a scan and simulation which you can use on any Gu worm that you have caught thereby getting the Gu recipe. You can also carry out simulations in Research if you want to increase/solidify your attainment levels or modify the Gu recipe or if you want to refine a higher rank Gu worm." (Gu System)

"Transactions is also self-explanatory. It is like a shop from there you can buy and sell any Gu worm, recipes, materials, etc. Immortal Gu worms they can only be bought if they are not already in existence, as you know Immortal Gu is unique there can exist only one at any given time, as such, if such Gu already exists, they will not be available for Transactions." (Gu System)

It seems some people are thinking about whether this is a genuine RI fanfic or just some messed up hentai fic. Please let me clarify, this is a genuine RI fanfic. I had already mentioned this but I am mentioning it again, please wait until chapter 30 from then on the R-18 content will be toned down and will be more focused on the story, Thank you.

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