
Demons Battle

Gabriel is the world’s biggest fan of DEMON BATTLE and not just the sport itself but a specific DEMON BATTLE fighter called KILLER JOE. What he dreams for is to become the best DEMON BATTLE fighter like his idol KILLER JOE. Unfortunately, what is he expected to accomplish in a sport only meant for people known as Powered Humans who possess unnatural superpowers as a regular human himself who writes under the shadow of his very powerful elder sister, Leah, who is a Powered Human. The internal conflict is one he has to live with for the rest of his life but one fateful day is forced to answer when he comes home. But Demons Battle called him not in the way he wanted. . . . Warning this not your regular story get ready to grab your seats. And don't forget to vote Princez

harrison_Wealth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Unexpected Episode 1.




[ That was a straight punch to the nose now! He's getting knock back such intense strength! What's Tomura going to do?]

[Our champion isn't in anyway slowing down.]

It was a huge hall with a very big display screen on the wall, of course just by looking at the the big screen any one could tell what was going on. Even a baby watching this right now could tell a fight in Demons Battle was currently on the display.

And it was an intense heated fight at that.

"Come on finish him."

"Beat that motherf*cker up"

Everyone was currently reacting as they all attentively watching a fight projecting on the big screen.

Nobody was backing down in their supportive screams, they were all supporting the fellow fighters exchanging blows with their individual powers on in the big screen.

-Bah! Bah!


The sounds of blow impacts kept resounding from the big screen.

"Dodge that! come on!"

"Oh shit!"

There were shouts coming from everywhere and in the midst of all that a young boy could be seen.

'Come on beat him up!!! LEFT!... RIGHT!... LEFT!... RIGHT!'

And right now this was the heated thoughts currently going on a rampage in the boy's head.

The boy had spiky black hair and anyone watching him now could easily notice his fists enthusiastically pumping towards the big screen with a sweaty forehead and a grin from one ear to the other.

He was currently mimicking fighting actions he wanted his supporting fighter in the screen to take.

He was wearing the most famous DEMON BATTLE merchandise getup, exclusively bought from a website, and the attention this young man was giving to the fight being displayed on the big television screen was showing quite the amount of dedication and passion he had for the sport and in all regards it was intense.

He was currently reacting to the fighter he was supporting, who was currently in the middle of a fight.

Gabriel, the black spiky hair boy, has always been a big fan of the Demons Battle since he was way younger. He took every little spare time he could get to watch the sport and if he doesn't have the time to watch a particular fight that was a major 'grand event' for him then he creates the spare time.

In order words, Demons Battle had been Gabriel's passion for all his life.

And it was not just him. Other people were also fixated on the sport just like him but they were driven by the sport in their own way.

"F*cking beat that bastard you motherf*cker!"

A scruffy and bulky middle-aged man with a half emptied bottle of alcohol in front of him also exclaimed. There were also already three emptied bottles of the same beverage standing firm on his table while an almost empty glass cup was in his hand. Right now all those bottles were all boasting out his tipsiness to world. He was just looking quite hopeless as he reacted to the fight too.

Just observing the way he was screaming, it was a damn giveaway that he was currently supporting the fighter who was on the losing end of the battle and the scruffy man was also looking overly invested in this particular fight while he had a holographics betting card scrunched in his fist.

During this time period, the distinction between man and machine in terms of functionality isn't as far off as it was centuries ago and that is because the concealing parts of machine have now been made to look as humanly as possible, so a person with multiple bionic prosthetics like a robotic arm can look exactly as how an ordinary person looks.

The only one could tell if a person had an electronic parts is if they undergo scanning.

Humans were now possessing certain little features a machine could do.

One of the said functionality that used to belonged to only machines alone was now been infused into humans, humans were now capable of generating holograms from a part of their body.

This was achieved through a miniscule chip implanted in certain areas of the human body which allows a human to generate what used to be only visually represented through computer screens as holograms.

Not only can any regular human generate a hologram from their body, a regular human can also feel these projected holograms like the holograms itself were the real physical stuffs capable of being touched.

The scruffy and tipsy middle age man had a hologram of a betting slip clenched in his fist and he was currently holding the hologram version of a betting slip like he was actually holding the real physical deal.

It was almost like watching him hold a paper except that, the paper this time was a hologram generated from his bionic arm.

With his tipsy eyes, the scruffy man attention was now totally on the screen.

Not just him, but everyone in the bar section of this building was also drinking and reacting to the match by showcasing different emotions to it. As for Gabriel, he was reacting to fight on the screen too but he wasn't drinking.

However, he was in a bar just trying to watch this match.

Yes this young man was in a bar. Normally, he's not supposed to be watching a match around this time because he is supposed to be in school and not in a bar.

Also a bar is not one of the best place to watch Demons Battle because a fight could easily break out amongst those watching the sport at any point in time. Almost all the guys right here were all currently getting wasted with their alcohols so any form of upsets on anybody's nerves was sure to easily result into bottles been shattered on some unfortunate person's head.

This was quite a familiar issue that happened either from their favourite fighter losing the battle or getting annoyed after being taunted by the opposing team's supporter. And in this sense, the scruffy and tipsy man has always been known to get a bit aggressive when his bets don't fall through, so in other words this was not Gabriel's first time in a bar.

A bar. A place with a lot of alcohol hanging around. It was not a place for an underaged kid to be in. Gabriel had skipped school just to watch today's match.

He's unable to watch this match at home because he's supposed to rightfully be in school but here he was, ditching school and watching the match in his district's famous bar. Yeah he knows. What he was doing right now was a big crime as a kid but What can he do? He can't keep himself from not watching his favorite fighter.

["...now that is one good hit from the Rukon district's champion and it's a knock out.! KILLER JOE WINS!!!] a fast commentary came in through the speakers of the wall high television.

"Yeah!!!" Gabriel shouted with joy as he quickly clenched his fist and raised his hands up high.

The fighter he was routing for had come out victorious.

'He always wins no matter what' Gabriel thought to himself.

Killer Joe.

It was because of this particular fighter and the current fighting event that made Gabriel skipped school. "Killer Joe" his favorite fighter and the champion of all the different districts together.

While everyone world wide continued viewing the aftermath of the Killer Joe's victory currently showing on the television as the camera changed angles. There was a calm and relaxed man in red kimono standing in the middle of an opened grounded space of the Demon Battle arena with a facial expression clearly depicting the fact that he deserved this particular win.

Yes Killer Joe did deserve it. Those who worked hard deserves what they get and Killer Joe was fight known for this hard work regime.

Not just him but majority of the people viewing into the wall high television display in the bar was sharing the same feelings as Gabriel in celebration of this particular fighter's victory.

Finally, with the match over, Gabriel stood up from his seat to live the bar and started heading directly for home because school for the day was already over but that was not after he had gotten multiple hair ruffles from the fellow enthusiastic and elated supporters of Killer Joe in the bar.

This was not his first time skipping school so he was quite a bit popular among these losers but been around these losers was also fun too.

At the other side of the bar, the scruffy and tipsy man quickly smashed his glass cup to the ground as the pieces of the glass scattered off in all directions.



The scruffy and tipsy man exclaimed in a paining voice while smashing his hands on to the table.

His hit on the table caused the bottles to fall on ground. Both the ones completely empty and the single one with a small fraction of alcohol shook greatly before they tumbled off the table and then rolled on to the ground where they didn't break on impact because of how strong the bottles were.

The scruffy man was now staring at his leg. He immediately pull out a little piece of glass right from his already bleeding hairy leg.

It turns out a piece of shattered glass from the glass cup he smashed to the floor flew right towards him and pierced his leg.

"Hey f*cking loser! You're gonna pay for that glass you broke!"

"Yeah I know so just shut the f*ck up!"

"Who are you asking to shut the f*ck up? Are you asking me to shut the f*ck up you loser?!"

Gabriel left the bar with a smile on his face when he saw that.

With that he let out a Sigh.

'Now everything is boring. I guess going home will be a lot faster today.'

Upon all the places Gabriel could find to watch a match he picked a bar to do so and there were reasons why he made this choice. The reasons went from been 'how big the screen was' to 'how close the viewing area was to his school.' Even if the reasons were petty reasons they were still reasons.

Gabriel walked right out of the bar with the scenes of his favorite fighter emerging victorious still playing in his head.

'I can't wait to be just like him when I finally get my powers. I just can't wait'

A fighting career in Demons Battle was the first thing that came to Gabriel's mind at age 8 when he was first asked what he wanted to do in the future.

< You're not a powered human >

This was the answer that the world always gave back to him since he began dreaming of fighting in Demons Battle when he was a little kid.

At the age of 13, kids were known to often discover their super abilities but even when there are many kids in the world, the population of powered humans was still very little when compared to the numbers of kids in the world.

This was because on an average, only one powered human child was usually birthed from a couple.

Nobody knows why but that was the way powered humans were born. One powered human child to a couple. It was a known fact that was still as mysterious as the cause of super powers till this date.

Once a powered human is birthed by a couple, it takes a miracle to find another child birthed with powers from that same couple. However, there have been cases of couples with two or three powered human kids but these situations were very rare.

The probability of having more than one powered human child born from a couple was a one in a million chance.

And at this moment, there was already a powered human in Gabriel's household.

However it was not him, but his elder sister Leah. His sister discovered her ability before she was even 13. She discovering her ability at a very young age of 7 made her a genius. Discovering her ability at the age of 7, it was a known fact that was also among the list of what made her the gifted and powerful child in his family, and as for him.

He's still yet to discover any abilities on his own end.

Since there's already a powered human kid in his family and he's already past the average 13 year age of displaying signs of possessing abilities, Gabriel was getting to the point of officially being declared as a regular human yet he didn't want to accept the fact that he may not be a powered human.

Even though he was already 15 years of age already he just didn't want to accept it.

He has to be a powered human and he will be one soon.

He was currently betting on the fact that there have been cases where a single couple have had more than one powered human child. There have also been cases where children didn't show their powers until they were 15 years of age, although those cases were extremely rare.

Yet these were little facts of probability Gabriel was still betting on even if it was very slim.

Most scenarios and statistics had shown that if a child doesn't show abilities past age 15 then he was a regular human. Gabriel is a 15 year old who's already close to his 16th birthday and yet he still has no abilities to show he's a powered human.

However he didn't give up. As far as it's not yet it's 16th birthday there's still hope.

He strongly believed that he will certainly display his ability soon or rather he just had to wake his abilities up.

Quotes from a top Demons Battle fighter says "My real powers got born in the fight".

This was the same quote that went through the boy's mind when he observed the scene in front of him.

"Hey! Ya fools think you can take me? Come a little closer and I'll make you guys say soyanara!!!"

"Hahahaha...hey look here deep shit, consider your ass kicked"

Just outside the bar Gabriel could see a weak looking tipsy guy, trying to defend himself from a group of guys. These guys were four in numbers. The weak tipsy guy in a corporate wear wasn't looking like a guy that has the power to back up his words.

But His opponent however was twice the weak guy's size.

There was a big guy among the four. Looking at the way the big guy's was reacting it was almost like he was the one in charge among the four guys.

Four guys against one weak guy. It was really a sad scene to see after all because right now the big guy was really going to back up his threat of beating the weak looking guy up. He had already started that process by walking towards the weak looking guy.

Right then and there before the weak looking guy knew it the big guy threw the first punch towards the him but instead of trying to defend, the weak fellow just stood there, expecting the big guy's punch like an actual punching bag.

It was no surprise, after all drunk guy's like this only possessed mouth strength.


But to everyone's surprise, the punch didn't make impact with the weak looking man's face.

Gabriel caught the punch with his hand.

At this moment with a commanding tone Gabriel immediately spoke out to the big guy while still holding his fist "Hey idiot, why don't you pick on someone who's your own size?"

At this moment he was like a protagonist in a movie stopping a bad guy. He couldn't help himself as his mouth made a curve.

There was one more important reason why Gabriel picked a bar to watch his fight. It was a stupid reason but to Gabriel, it was a reason of importance.

The second reason or rather the major reason why Gabriel picked the bar to watch the fight was because the bar was a likely place for him to get his own fight too and it seems to him luck was really shining brightly on his side today.

Gabriel looked at the big guy clearly before he took cautious steps back away from the big guy.

This was a face he has not seen here before, so this would be a fight that will be really worth his time.

Gabriel was a hardcore fan of Demons Battle but he wasn't a powered human so him participating in the sport as a fighter was road-closed for him but something inside him can't still bring himself to accept that reality. He has had this deep desire to fight after he tried one of KILLER JOE moves on a bully he fought in school and since that time he can't seem to get enough of the feeling he felt.

He was a boy that was thrilled by the violence Demons Battle depicted and today it feels like he got the fight he was looking for.

"Who the f*ck are you?" The well built looking man who threw the punch asked with a disgust look on his face now.

He was wearing an all out black outfit. He was really the one looking more in charge among his fellow guys backing him up due to the fact that he was way more bigger and was looking more well-dressed than the remaining guys with him. He was also inquiring now with a more command tone, while the rest guys just watched Gabriel with pitying eyes.

"Oh shit. The kid is gonna regret that" One of the guys behind the big guy muttered out.

These guy's were all pitying him now.

Logically, they all thought that way because the big guy was also twice Gabriel's size too.

However it was time to give this big guy his answer and he is going do it in a cool fashion too.

"Well I'm the guy that's gonna kick your ass punk." Gabriel smirked while making a fighting stance with his fist ahead of him.

"Hey young man this has nothing to do with you. I have business with that weakling behind you so I'm only gonna say this only onc..."

Gabriel interrupted the big guy's speech by landing a punch on his face before he could finish his statement and it clearly showed that the punch affected the big guy as he staggered back a bit.

Gabriel was now dancing around like a martial artist in the movies with an expression now stuck to his face. It was an expression that was clearly asking the big guy.

'What are you gonna do?'

"Now that does it!"

The big guy unhesitatingly rushed towards him and started throwing his own punches towards Gabriel, but Gabriel dodged it all.

Gabriel was currently moving with an Agility that was surpassing the big guy's movements.

Anyone looking at such a sight will be astonished. It was too good to be true to see a little boy like Gabriel moving with such flexibility.

Next Gabriel held the hand of the big guy who was just trying to punch him with all his might and redirected the hit passed him as he made way for the big guy to move forward with his force of attack. With the big guy already a step behind Gabriel. Completely deflected and now out of balance, Gabriel then placed his hit on the back of the big guy's neck.

Seeing how the two of them were currently fighting, the remaining 3 guys was already now moving towards them with an attempt to join in as well.

"Wait! Don't come close. This brat is mine."

The remaining guys all stopped their sudden approach. As expected Gabriel had been correct all along. This guy was really the boss.

However he wanted to these guy's together all together.

"Oh wow, now that's the spirit." Gabriel smirked as he continued on. "I have to say that you're big but that's just it."

'I guess I have to knock this guy out first to get this other guys to join in too'

Gabriel immediately dashed forward to give the final knockout punch but he couldn't complete that attack. He quickly backed away as he felt a sharp painful sensation in his arm.

It was a pain equivalent to that of being slashed by a knife.

"Ouch." Gabriel tried to hide his reaction to the pain to his best but it was clear everyone knew he felt the pain.

"Hey not fair, you're using a weapon."

Still he had to still make his nonchalant smile to convey strength like nothing happened.

"Hahaha even better!"

The big guy replied while displaying a very sharp crystal that looked like a knife sticking right out of his hand.

This guy was a powered human.

It seems he has the ability to bring out that sharp crystal-like thing from his body.


"Hahahaha...I can't believe I just struck gold. I get to fight another powered human apart from my sister! You are the best!" Gabriel gave out an ecstatic laugh like he was even excited and not terrified.

All the other three guys looking at him now all had a shocking expression on their faces that seemed to be saying, What the hell is wrong with this guy?

"Hey! This is my last warning. I'll kill you for sure this time." The big guy replied while running towards Gabriel with the clear intentions of stabbing him.

He was currently giving a warning and attacking at the same time.

Pst! this guy wants this fight too.

"Bring it on!!!" Gabriel shouted as he swiftly got into a baiting stance.

Just as the big guy was about to stab Gabriel, Gabriel parried the big guy's hand, dodging the sharp crystal that came with the big guy's hand while he then gave the big guy a knock out punch to the stomach, although that is what he wanted to happened. This particular move was what he had planned to do but...

Instead he felt himself flying off away from a punch he got from the big guy.

Gabriel felt an aching pain in his back as he fell to ground with force.

What the hell?

He had dodged the big guy's punches earlier and he didn't feel this much strength from the punches that the big guy threw at him initially. The punch was not that strong which made it easy for him to redirect them...

'So where did this sudden power come from in this his last punch? Not to mention his speed. I didn't even notice when I got hit'

Gabriel tried to stand up but it was almost like his body was not listening to him. His legs and hands were now feeling numb. The punch he received was so great that he was currently finding it hard to even stand up.

'What the hell is going on? Come on get up! You had this fight just now.'

Gabriel tried to will himself back up but before he could stand back up the big guy stopped him by resting one of his feet on Gabriel's chest thereby restricting him down to the ground.

Gabriel could only look up at big guy currently restricting him from getting back up with just one foot. Where's all this strength even coming from?

'Shit. This guy is gonna attack me again if I don't do something.'

There was a feeling of unrest in Gabriel's eyes as he tried to shake the big guy's leg off his body.

'Come on get up! Get up! Get up! Shit! I can't seem to take away his foot from my chest'

With a sense of urgency Gabriel tried to break away from the big guys hold but he couldn't. Right now it was very clear to him that the big guy's strength far surpasses his. Gabriel looked up at the big guy with desperate eyes as he continued to struggled.

There was a very frightening look on the big guy's face that was now conveying the intent of landing an attack. Right now looking at the big guy's frightening expression even made Gabriel wonder.

'Is this guy really going to kill me?'

However his eyes lit back up with a hopeful thought. He was initially expecting a fight with all the guys from the very beginning just for this very moment. Although this big guy here surprised him by showing an unexpected strength.

'This might very well be what I need'

< My powers were born in the fight. >

This was the quote of Killer Joe. A Demons battle fight. A champion said this. It was not just Killer Joe who said it, there were numerous other Demons Battle fight who testified getting their abilities during their own intense cornered aspect of a fight.

Right now it was clear, he was already cornered.

Will he discover his ability here too?

At this moment Gabriel felt an eerily feeling as the big guy's now exclaimed.

"Hey boy, I play Demons Battle with my kid too. Now DIE!"

And then the big guy's hand with the sharp crystal moved.