
Demons Battle

Gabriel is the world’s biggest fan of DEMON BATTLE and not just the sport itself but a specific DEMON BATTLE fighter called KILLER JOE. What he dreams for is to become the best DEMON BATTLE fighter like his idol KILLER JOE. Unfortunately, what is he expected to accomplish in a sport only meant for people known as Powered Humans who possess unnatural superpowers as a regular human himself who writes under the shadow of his very powerful elder sister, Leah, who is a Powered Human. The internal conflict is one he has to live with for the rest of his life but one fateful day is forced to answer when he comes home. But Demons Battle called him not in the way he wanted. . . . Warning this not your regular story get ready to grab your seats. And don't forget to vote Princez

harrison_Wealth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Unexpected Episode 2



'Will I discover my ability here?'

In the face of his danger, this was the concerning thought that was currently going on in Gabriel's head. His plan was to get cornered by the whole four guys just for this particular moment. This particular moment which he gets cornered to the point where he will able to wake his ability up.

In a situation of danger, humans will do anything to survive and if he has to wake his ability to avoid this threat, he will.

However, it was now only the big guy putting him in a tight spot, which made him wonder.

This bastard wasn't having this same strength just a moment ago so how did he get to turn the tides of the fight with just one blow?

This guy was just too strong now.

Now that Gabriel was thinking about it, Him catching the big guy's punches was way more easier than he thought and the fight has been feeling easy to him from the very start even when he expected himself to have a hard time.

'Wait does that mean?'

"DIE!!!" The big guy screamed as he thrusted his hand towards Gabriel's face before he could bring his thoughts to a conclusion.

Gabriel quickly shot his eyes closed as if he was preparing for the impact of getting stabbed in the face.


...but he didn't feel any pain.

'Wait did my ability stop it?'

After four seconds passed with him still feeling normal he decided to open his eyes. He discovered that the big guy's huge arm was now stretched out towards his side with few millimeters away from his face.

The big guy actually stabbed the ground instead of his face.

Gabriel looked around attentively. There was no sign of any defense or thwarting against the big guy's arm and he didn't feel any special oozing feeling from his body.

Now that he was currently looking at the big guy, there was now a smile on the big guy's face.

This was not a face of a person that just got any restrictions from stabbing him. This guy deliberately stabbed the ground.

There was no expected awakening of super ability. Shit!

However the Big guy just laughed. "Hahahaha I'm just messing with ya"


"You don't think I was actually going to kill you right?"


Gabriel gestured for freedom by hitting the big guy's foot which was still resting on his chest.

"Ohhh sorry I got carried away"

The big guy quickly removed his feet and opened his mouth to speak again with a silly expression while rubbing his head.

"Sorry about that last punch there but it's kinda of your fault because you brought the fight out of me, I get easily excited."

Now there was a flustered look on Gabriel's face as he stood back up. It was a look that was asking what was going on here?

Yes he had finally concluded what was going but Really?! The big guy was faking his whole movements the whole time?

"So you weren't serious this whole time?" Gabriel now muttered with a voice now lacking confidence.

It was as if his enthusiasm had suddenly died down. Besides his enthusiasm had to die down. He was currently fighting his opponent with everything he got and now to find out his opponent was never serious right from the start just left a serious blow to his confidence.

Was he really that weak?

"Huh? Wait You don't actually think I was trying to kill you right?" The voice of the big guy resounded again and it was a polite tone.

'What the hell?'

Gabriel could now only look at the big guy with a flustered expression. At this moment he didn't even have anything to say.

However the big guy's voice resounded again in his ears as it poked right into his consciousness as if it was insulting his sense of reasoning.

"Besides if you really think about it logically, powered humans aren't allowed to use their powers anyhow they choose much less try to kill a person in public."

It was true. There were laws created by the societies to keep the powered human from using their ability wrongly. However after hearing the big guy's excuse something still didn't feel right.

"Oh..right.... but how about that guy you and your mob was trying to beat up?"

'Besides just where was the weak guy now?' Gabriel turned around to analyzed his surroundings but the weak looking guy could no longer be seen. That guy ditched him!

"Huh Mob? About that I wasn't really planning on beating that guy I just wanted to scare him with a little punch. Besides He threw his bottle toward us first "

"Little punch?"

There was now an astonished look on Gabriel's face.

'So he really wasn't serious from the very beginning.That's why his punches felt so easy to dodge.'

This conclusion was something Gabriel really didn't want to accept. Was he that weak? Wait he serious and this guy...

Before Gabriel thoughts could run wild any further the big guy then continued speaking.

"And those guys and I aren't any mob, they are my body guards besides don't you know me?"

"Know you?"

'Now what the hell in the world is this guy talking about now?'

There was now a confused look on his face that swiftly turned into curiosity as he narrowed his eyes to observe the masculine face of the big guy standing in front of him.

Bald head, Huge body and those eyes.

Gabriel stared at him for a moment like he was trying to identify something familiar.

Yes the big guy's recent statement prompted him to start this observation but now that he was currently doing it, it was quite weird for him to say that this big guy's face was surprisingly beginning to look more familiar to him.

'But I don't remember knowing this guy from anywhere but why does he suddenly look so familiar? Just where have I seen this face before?'

"I'm Machia Ontario".

The big guy introduced himself and a cool breeze that made Gabriel's hair danced around blew passed them like the Big guy was a celebrity now introducing himself.

No wait?

Gabriel turned around to notice one of the guys with the huge guy now holding a small fan behind him.

'Wait what the hell?'

Yes what this guy was doing with the fan was currently ridiculously but that was not the reason for Gabriel's shock.

Machia Ontario was actually a celebrity, he's a new promising fighter in the Demons Battle sport. He's been winning his way to the top little by little. He was a fighter that has gotten his name shown but he's not yet that popular as other big fighters like KILLER JOE for example.

With Gabriel's jaw dropped now after realizing this, his voice started resounding out without him even knowing.

"Ohhh Machia I can't believe I punched Machia Ontario!"

Gabriel quickly covered his mouth with both his hands before he could spit out anymore rubbish from his mouth.

'He was really holding back and he looks so different in person compared to when I saw his fights from the screen. No it's as if he's an entirely different person'

Gabriel's head was currently blowing up with all kind of thoughts about this his fateful meeting with a Demons Battle fighter and his sudden dumb display fight with Machia. Indeed what he did just now was a stupid thing. It was important though but it was stupid. It's not as if the result he even expected happened.

'I have to apologize!'

With a tensed expression Gabriel's quickly projected his voice "I'm sorry sir!!!"

"Oh no no no. I'm the one that's supposed to be saying sorry I accidentally activated my abilities thereby giving you a cut. No to be correct." At this moment Machia let out a sigh as he lowered his gaze like a little child. "I got a little carried away"

Gabriel didn't know what to say. He was stunned. No Was there anything there for him to say. This is the first time he's seeing a Demons Battle fight.

This is not Killer Joe yet it feels like his mouth can't move.

At this rate he'll definitely die when he get to meet Killer Joe in person.



Machia called out to one of his bodyguards who swiftly answered like a soldier.

"Please have the kid's injury taken care of"

The bodyguards immediately went off to somewhere like he was now heeding to Machia's order. Now that Gabriel was now observing the guys with Machia he just had one thought.

'But I thought bodyguards usually wear glasses?'

To his surprise not one of the guys standing with Machia was wearing glasses. There was no special headphones of that sort in their ears. Yes they were wearing suits but wearing a suit was actually a common thing among any job besides the person these guys were hired to protect was even looking like he was the one capable of protecting the whole of them altogether.

Well it looks like after Demons Battle, he's just watching movies too much.

"Now speaking of which I'm sure you weren't joking while fighting me. Do you aspire to become a fighter too boy?"

It was a question from Machia that really struck him hard. Machia really did notice that he was not serious.

"Umm...well you see I'm still yet to discover my ability." Gabriel kept his eyes away from Machia's gaze as he answered in a slightly bashful manner.

"So you're a regular human then. Well I've guessed it right from the very beginning"

Machia last statement caused him to flinched. Somehow deep inside him he was expecting this statement.

Machia continued "Well it can't be helped then. Boy I'll have to break it to you, you better come back to reality for your own good"


"The gap between a powered human and regular human is far too much because if I was to go serious like you from my own end, then let me tell you, You would've already been a dead man from my first punch"


"So it would be better to come back to reality for your own good"

Machia voice became stern but it was not too stern and so was his voice not gentle either. His voice was in a line between been stern and gentle at the same time.

Maybe Gabriel is not the first regular human that was wishing to be a powered human that Machia has actually encountered.

Unfortunately there were many regular people like Gabriel who admired the match of Demons Battle but couldn't participate because fate didn't choose them to be powered humans.

People like Gabriel were either giving up on this particular dream everyday. Those who didn't give up ended up doing reckless stuff just like Gabriel.

As if to hit the nail in the head Machia opened his mouth again.

"It will better for you to give up on that dream of becoming a Demons Battle fighter"


And just like that the whole scene between the fighter and Gabriel went by so fast.

For Gabriel, meeting this fighter was both a positive and negative experience. It was positive in the sense that he punched Machia Ontario and also got his autograph, while it was negative because he got reminded again that Demons Battle is road-closed for him.

And the negative side far outweighed the positive.

This was not the first time he's getting disuaded from his passion, but receiving the road closed news from a Demons Battle fighter this time was a actually a hard knock to him.

"Well I'm not giving up yet I'm still 15 so my powers could come anytime soon I choose my own fate!"

Still He was still as adamant as ever.

Gabriel could now go home because at this time his school was already through with the today's activities.

He walked all the way to the train station and boarded a LIGHT-TRAIN, which was the evolved version of the fastest rocket train during the 2000s capable of moving twice the speed of the rocket train and still utilizing the concept of magnetic elevation to travel.

This train was the fastest form of mobile technology currently in existence although it wasn't necessarily the fastest thing in existence this period.

A lot of technologies had gotten better since past time and the light-train was also a result of technological advancements, however, the least impressive type.

It was already evening and the Light train was a very popular means of transportation between the middle class districts, so workers, other students and regular everyday individuals alike coming back from their daily activities usually used the Light train as their preferred means of transportation.

This made the Light train to be really occupied at every moment of the time, fortunately, there were many Light trains to go around and the total number of occupants each train could have usually was in the thousands.

Given this fact that, when the train was completely occupied, it was still comfortable enough for the passengers to sit properly as the Light train was so big to give every passenger their personal space.

It was very rare for the trains to be crowded to the point that nobody will not be able to move inside.

Gabriel got into the first Light train he came across, having ample room to move about and 3 minutes later he arrived at his destination of which if he were to walk from where he was coming from, it would probably had taken him 3 hour 10mins to get to his stop, so yeah the light train was really fast.

The train slid to a slow stop and to show how far technology had advanced at this era in time, all that tremendous speed and inertia the Light train had gotten from covering that long distance in such a short time were all dissipated all over the body of the train transforming it into electrical energy

Gabriel got off, being the first one to step out of the sliding doors of the light train while reminiscing about the fight he had skipped school to watch and his little incident with Machia.

Only a couple minutes later Gabriel walked home uninterrupted which was due to the fact that his house wasn't too far from the train station.

And finally with his eyes now fixed at a building, he was now home.

It was a beautiful white house in the Rukon district.

The Rukon District.

A district amongst the other districts known for housing middle class citizens with powered humans and normal humans living together. It was a district filled with beautiful houses but it was incomparable to a district occupied by first class citizens.

However Gabriel was from a family worthy to be called middle class, he and his family do not get the best in life as Gabriel really wanted but they were comfortable enough to live a normal life. The Rukon district is a district well known to be populated by middle class individuals and maybe some first class visitors so it was amongst the best the middle class districts Japan had to offer.

In a couple of low volumed thumping steps later and Gabriel finally got to the front of his house door which he didn't hesitate to go through.

He was currently feeling confident that he had gotten away with skipping school which to him was getting away with murder basically, nobody at home would be that wise enough to catch him so right now it's a free pass.

After walking in, what he was greeted with were voices coming from the television speakers in the sitting room and nobody except for his little sister Paris was there watching a kids show. Her favorite one, the Loli Gaggles.

"Welcome back Onii-Chan!"

After noticing his entrance the previously enthralled Paris forgot about her show and rushed off the couch, running towards Gabriel to give him a hug which was actually her slamming into him with her arms spread wide open.

Gabriel held his 6 year old sister and started teasing her in the sitting room "Oh big brother has returned to take away your blood... Bleh"

"Ahh??" Paris played along with her older brother's joke. Only their playful noise and the television was been heard in the sitting room.

"Gabriel Lee get right in here now!"

That was until the moment when Gabriel got called by a stern voice and the direction of the voice was coming from the kitchen. It was a very familiar voice which only his mom had.

"Gabriel Lee!" she shouted again.

At this moment, Gabriel's heart skipped a beat or two from hearing his name because his mother Mrs. Nora lee had just called him by his full name which she only does when he does something that upsets her and at this very moment there was only one thing going through his mind as to what she could possibly be angry about.

It didn't take more than 2 seconds for him to realize that his mom must have figured out he missed school.

"Mister Gabriel Lee, I'm calling you to get in here, right now!" His mom called out to him once again with a much more fire in her voice than before.

Nervous as to what was going to happen Gabriel began to stutter "Be..be right there mo...mom"

He quickly started walking towards the kitchen and Paris was still with him.

They both quickly got to the kitchen where their mom struck Gabriel the harsh inquiry question....

"Where were you today? And don't tell me you were in school because I know you weren't"

Nora asked with with a stern voice while giving Gabriel a very serious look and from her tone of voice it was clear that nothing he said was going to be a good enough answer.

He knew this, and also anytime he got this particular look from his mom it meant real trouble for him.

It was at this moment he knew it.

"I can't believe Mr Bento snitched on me...Shit!" Gabriel murmured to himself but his voice was still loud enough to be heard by his mother

"No! Your weird teacher didn't tell me you skipped school, you just did, just now... So you really did skipped school?!"

'Oh my god, I've just been duped Shit I'm always falling for this'

At this moment there was absolutely no way for him to get out of this. He has been caught.

He has always known Nora his mother has good acting skills and she played the role so well when it comes to getting secrets out of her kids and most of the time he always fall victim to her tricks.

There was even a time his mother got him to confess he had watched porn once. That's how good she is, and it left him to wonder sometimes why his mom had not taken a acting career or a job as a detective in the police department. She has the talents to succeed in those fields.

As a possible plan B, he had actually prepared himself against any kind of tactics like this today while on the train ride and even before that, when he exited the bar he was thought about not falling for these her traps, but her voice from the very beginning was just too convincing that she already knew the fact he skipped school. It made him exposed himself before he even knew it.

Besides, his mother didn't just decide to put on an act like this for no particular reason. She knew Gabriel was a lover of the Demon Battle sport just like his elder sister is and being a boy still undergoing puberty, she suspected that her son might do something stupid just to watch the fight of the champion Killer Joe and right now she just found out on her own that he actually did skip school.

"Yeah, okay mom, I just skipped school for just a day. You know that I couldn't miss the fight of 'killer Joe'. Besides..It's not even a big deal if you think about it."

Gabriel replied to his mom in a tone depicting that he was hoping the truth would set him free.


"Yeah, it's a big deal alright I can't have you skipping school because of this Demons Battle sport. Besides, your full focus is supposed to be in your school work where you can become a doctor like your dad." His mom quickly retorted with fire in her tone.

"But Leah got to skip school when she was my age to watch Demons Battle!"

"Well you and Leah are different, she actually wants to enter Demons Battle and she's fit to enter because she has super ability. Besides, you know I wasn't in support of it initially"

The person they were talking about now was Gabriel's older sister, Leah, who was a powered human just like their dad whereas Gabriel took after their mom who was just a regular human. Leah and their dad was the only people in their house with super human abilities.

Gabriel loved the sport but he didn't have any abilities to get involved in it as he was a normal human and he just got reminded of this fact with his mother's last statement.

"Yeah I know mom, but it's not as if my grades dropped. I'm still the best in the class after all"

"Oh god! Look, you have to focus on your studies dear. Yes you're the best in your class but I want you to be the best in your field not just your class"

Gabriel just let out a sigh after hearing this.

He didn't bother to argue any further. There was no need to do so.

He still knew that no matter how soft her voice might have gotten, to his mom he was still a glutton for punishment.

"You're grounded, no TV for you in the next 1 week"

And then the shot gun for his punishment was fired quickly.

Paris who had been there this whole time in Gabriel's arm just kept quiet. She too was already old, old enough to understand the kind of situation her brother was in.

Nora continued speaking. "Look dear, it might look like I'm the bad person right now but all I'm doing is for your own good. I just don't want you to be the best in your class but the best when it comes to anything the medical field has to offer, I want you to always go beyond your limits..."

Beyond your limits.

Gabriel was already familiar with this phrase.

His mother always says this particular words..

"Speaking of limits, Mom I'm not 16 yet so if I get my ability I believe you know what I'm gonna do right?"

Nora then immediately said back to him

"Dear I believe you know your 16th birthday is in the next 5 days too right? I'm sure that's the amount of days remaining for you to get back to the land of reality"