
Chapter 2 Overrun

"You're dead!" I jibbed backwards trying to avoid its out stretched hand.

"Earth Magic: Ground Block!" A student said while casting, I don't exactly know the name of the person who casted it though. The wood and stone infused block came hurling toward the demon. It span it's leg around smashing the earth magic to pieces.

"Black Magic: Ground Block!" The demon murmered while another stone flew into the other student. I looked around to realize that half of the class had either run away or was already at the north wall. I tried to hit or swing at the demon anyway I could. Without magic its pretty useless to try and

fight a demon. It hit me directly in my stomach.

"GAH!" I cried as he nailed me again in the stomach, it hit me so hard I went flying right out the window. I looked around to realize that everything was on fire or broken.

"Trying to escape?" The demon called "Wind Magic: Wind Up!" It's shadowy legs got spread around from it as it jumped toward me. Panicking I try to restabilize my balance all the while it was coming at me with super speed. I kicked my leg upwards making me do a flip and slowing the demons speed. When I was right side up I tried to grabbed it's arm like figure.

"THUD!" I felt my entire body crumble as it hit the ground I was in so much pain that I couldn't tell where the demon was.

"Owwww," I groaned while rolling around trying to stand. When my vison cleared up I realized that the demon was stumbling around to, I got to my feet while still slightly stumbling left and right.

"You sure are a sneaky one." The demon replied, "You still won't get away!" I started running away when I noticed three or four other demons I still couldn't really tell as my vision was slightly blurred from the fall.

"Wait, don't kill this one..." I heard one mumble, "We can... use them."