
Chapter 1 Magic Demon!?

"Mal?" The teacher asked while I was speed walking to try and get there in time.

"Here~" Mal shouted making me able to hear it.

"Kaitlyn?" The teacher said without a second of hesitation. I made it just in time for the teacher to almost write me down as absent.

"Here!" I call from the doorway gasping for air.

"You were almost late again..." The teacher said again in an annoyed tone. "sit down we are going to talk about the upcoming rumors about demons storming the north wall, yes it's the witches jobs to keep the demons at bay, but the north wall is undergoing some upgrades..." I feel something hit me in the back.

"But because some of us haven't gotten their magic yet." The teacher said pointing it mainly to me, "We know that some demons also posses magic yet we still must do things to keep those ones away mostly." There was a loud ear pearcing sound of the siren wailing throughout the entire village.

"EVERYONE TO THE NORTH WALL!!" Called the teacher. "Kaitlyn you stay here."

"Wait but magic helps grow in dangerous places!" I called trying to get her to listen to me.

"BANG," a black magic fire ball came hurling into the witch school coming directly towards me. The flame like ball lashing out at anything.

"Water Magic: Water Bullet," Mal called out, the bullet like shape went everywhere but near the ball. I couldn't tell if she missed on purpose or if she had bad aim. I moved my arms to block it but the black magic whipped into a demon like body.

the demons mouth moved slightly "You're dead!"