
Demoness's Concept Of Justice

"You are freak" "I'm ashamed to have given birth to you" "You should just die, you are just worthless" A petite little girl pondered "Why are these beings called humans, acting so stupid, just because I don't share their weakness called emotions, they shun me for it, Well, grandma said to put a bright smile to get together with society and they will love me for it But, why do I have to earn their love and affection? or respect or anything from them? I don't feel they need to do it and what do I gain from it?" as her inner thoughts spiraled against the societal norms at young age of five she soon found emotions within herself, but they arose unexpectedly in particular circumstance and it's not happiness that arose within herself, It's Boundless rage that would consume her if left unchecked, It disgusted her to the core when she for the first time in her life watched injustice occur before her very own eyes and Ironically it was done to her grandparents by her own parents Her emotionless heart twisted as she felt indescribable pain, When she saw her grandmother's detached head placed in front of her with her grandfather head besides, She looked with heartbreaking pain at their faces and remembered how they showered her with unconditional love, even when she didn't express her thankfulness, even when she was different the others, They were kind and warm and recalling those fond memories She broke, her sanity spiraled out of her grasp, madness consumed her and let it out by massacring her whole family, till the pain in her heart sated by a little, and she had a nothing in her left and waited for her death But before that, as her life met with an unforeseen event that changed her life, As she was created anew and born in a cultivation world with system assisting her, here she became something she doesn't recognize but loved, that is her becoming Demon Unbiased Justice is what she can be described She Judge, She Executes, She Torture, she finds bliss in it, in bloodcurdling screams of the sinned she finds satisfaction within her emotionless heart, As she always Remained Unbiased throughout her Cultivation Journey, she was sicked by the way cultivators wielded their strength to do whatever they pleased and lived as gods Here She prepared to Go against gods to exact her cruel Justice, which is harsher than Heaven's wrath itself and as she earns herself the moniker 'Venerable Truth Seeking Demoness' throughout her journey Which when heard, sinned will kill themselves to avoid the fate of falling into her hands The Cover Image is not owned by me, If you want me to take it down or include credit just tell me This Novel is not for those 17 under, It contains gore and other elements

VenerableColdQueen · Fantasy
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46 Chs


"Those are the administrative offices over there. Go on over and report in. They should provide you with your Unifrom and other necessities that you might need for your lectures tomorrow, your room should be right over there. If you need anything in the future, don't come over to the awakening chamber and find me, I'm very busy, Bye kid work hard!" said Aether master after guiding Fia and abruptly started walking back on his way

"Alright, Thank you for all the assistance, you should know that you been very useful," Fia said with a grin on her face as she watched the Aether Master walking away

Fia went forward and to Administrative office and received her uniform, which is a full Black-coloured suit with beautiful white trimmings and it goes with a matching black skirt, making it looks beautiful nonetheless and she got a shiny Black card with her picture and info on it, this was supposed be her identification as a student of Serpent's Blaze academy as well as the key to her room

when she turned the card and inspected, she found a life-like picture of Serpent inscribed on the backside of the card, The serpent looked as if, half of its body is made of Black Flames and a glowing golden slit-eyes that screamed the aspect menace on the face of whoever looked at it,

she had been assigned to class Three of the first graders. From now on, she was a new student at Serpent's Blaze Academy, She was informed that she was admitted late of 3 months and she would be kicked out if she didn't catch up with the other students within a week, who were already on the 4th Aether Weilding Stage, and were progressively forward fervently to show their result in the Annual Beginner's tournament, where the selection for the Big 5 academies would also be held simultaneously

And so pondering over the several information she got, she reached before her designated room which had the number 767, her dorm room was located on the second floor and the corridor was noisy and in disarray as countless students were reporting in.

She knocked the room's door and a petite girl with beautiful long pink hair opened the door with a radiant smile as if she was welcoming, she had clear and gleaming green eyes and a small smile on her porcelain doll-like face, as she asked in a timid manner "H-Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Hello there roomie, I'm your new roommate, just got admitted," Fia said with a kind smile on her face

"Oh!, sorry, please come in, It's just that we weren't informed that we were getting a new roommate" she apologized for the fact of not recognizing immediately and letting her in,

"Mm, It's alright you no need to apologize, it's totally alright," Fia said immediately to not let such an innocent girl feel bad

"New Roommate!" While the two girls were talking a loud noise was heard from inside the room and few thudding sounds and Fia got a view of a little boy with a head full of short brown hair and red slit-like eyes, he had a medium build and an average height, everything about him was just average other than his eyes, Which gave out his race as Naga,

The Blackstone city was not known for its diversity and is largely populated by Humans and a very few percentages of Nagas occupied the city, Who are mainly used for positions like guards in the outer-circle like the bonder walls or as cannon fodder soldiers in war and treated as a lower class of the society below the human peasants, This disparity in treatment was born because of the humans hate of other races, as they viewed themselves superior over all other races and only inferior to Angels, This sentiment is also shared by the elves making Humans their only rivals, hence garnering elves contempt and dislike towards the Human race, creating a cold friction towards one another

"Don't mind her, She likes to apologize a lot, I'm Rey Calisto" introduced the boy with a friendly smile on his face as he extended his hand out for a handshake

"I'm Fia Valor, nice to meet you" Fia returned his handshake with a gentle smile on her face

"Come on in, don't stand there, I'll show you the room" Calisto offered with an enthusiastic expression on his face,

"Hi, I I-I'm" stuttered by the door the pink-haired cute girl,

Looking at the girl, Fia waited for her to finish the sentence with an amused smile on her face, Calisto looked at Fia looking at the girl with a smile and came back and said "Come on, you can do it, say your name and introduced yourself"

"She's pretty uncomfortable with conversations with the people she met for the first time" Calisto explained on her behalf but he refrained from saying the girl's name, making it so that she has to introduce herself without his help, giving her the opportunity to confront her own problems

Fia noticed this and her impression of Calisto instantly raised than before

"I'm Camila Faust"

"It's Fia Valor, once again It's nice to meet you"

Hey guys, Author Here

Thank you guys, for all the support you have given me by supporting my work, hope you like what's going on,

Continuing Supporting me by sending power stones

*sigh*Haa Being shameless is Hard ;)

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