
Demoness's Concept Of Justice

"You are freak" "I'm ashamed to have given birth to you" "You should just die, you are just worthless" A petite little girl pondered "Why are these beings called humans, acting so stupid, just because I don't share their weakness called emotions, they shun me for it, Well, grandma said to put a bright smile to get together with society and they will love me for it But, why do I have to earn their love and affection? or respect or anything from them? I don't feel they need to do it and what do I gain from it?" as her inner thoughts spiraled against the societal norms at young age of five she soon found emotions within herself, but they arose unexpectedly in particular circumstance and it's not happiness that arose within herself, It's Boundless rage that would consume her if left unchecked, It disgusted her to the core when she for the first time in her life watched injustice occur before her very own eyes and Ironically it was done to her grandparents by her own parents Her emotionless heart twisted as she felt indescribable pain, When she saw her grandmother's detached head placed in front of her with her grandfather head besides, She looked with heartbreaking pain at their faces and remembered how they showered her with unconditional love, even when she didn't express her thankfulness, even when she was different the others, They were kind and warm and recalling those fond memories She broke, her sanity spiraled out of her grasp, madness consumed her and let it out by massacring her whole family, till the pain in her heart sated by a little, and she had a nothing in her left and waited for her death But before that, as her life met with an unforeseen event that changed her life, As she was created anew and born in a cultivation world with system assisting her, here she became something she doesn't recognize but loved, that is her becoming Demon Unbiased Justice is what she can be described She Judge, She Executes, She Torture, she finds bliss in it, in bloodcurdling screams of the sinned she finds satisfaction within her emotionless heart, As she always Remained Unbiased throughout her Cultivation Journey, she was sicked by the way cultivators wielded their strength to do whatever they pleased and lived as gods Here She prepared to Go against gods to exact her cruel Justice, which is harsher than Heaven's wrath itself and as she earns herself the moniker 'Venerable Truth Seeking Demoness' throughout her journey Which when heard, sinned will kill themselves to avoid the fate of falling into her hands The Cover Image is not owned by me, If you want me to take it down or include credit just tell me This Novel is not for those 17 under, It contains gore and other elements

VenerableColdQueen · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Crazy Man

"Fia Valor"

As a heavy but Majestic voice called out Fia's name, Fia casually turned her attention to find who was the person that called out her name in the most brazen way possible and what's the purpose behind it, but from the side, Calisto hurriedly nudged as he whispered "Hey, hurry, Standup and look straight at the person in podium"

hearing Calisto's words Fia turned her head slowly to the podium, where she found a middle-aged man standing with Fierce expression on his, as his eyeballs seemed up pop-up with enthusiasm, he had natural stiffness about the way he carried himself, he was dressed in all Black robe with red trimmings on it, as he opened his mouth again and his reverberated through the Class

"Late Admitee Fia Valor, you would be wise to remember to stand up when your name is addressed by a Teacher of the Serpent's Blaze Academy, especially if it's me your Class' Administrator Evalion Tamriel" he gave an elaborate explanation with his unbridled pride laced within his words

"Alright" Fia heard his speech and decided to stand up to avoid an unnecessary hassle to deal with later on

"Now that's an appropriate way to address a teacher, Glad you are such understanding child, coming back to real matter at hand, that I had to address you in the first place, As you have not met the minimum required Cultivation standards to be allowed inside the class, You have been allotted a weeks time as well as substitute Teacher to help your cultivation catch up with the rest of the class, In case of Failing to do so you'll be expelled from the grounds of the Academy,

Now, If you'll excuse me, I have a class to take care, Fia Valor it'll be easier if you leave now then" the Teacher proceeded to rant a long explanation asking Fia to leave the class to meet a substitute Teacher that had apparently been assigned to help her

"I'll meet you in the room then," Calisto said noticing the situation transpiring before his eyes

"Alright, Bye" bidding her farewells, Fia proceeded to get up from her seat and walked down to exit, just before she took a step out of the class, she returned back to the teacher in the podium and asked in a low voice "Where could I find this substitute Teacher that I have to meet"

"Oh! Apologies for not mentioning it you earlier, you'll find him in the Reserved Teachers compartment, you can find the directions depicted in the corridor's notice board"

"Mm, Thank you" Fia nodded her acknowledgment of the matter and walked out of the class

After 15 minutes of roaming through the academy and asking several members directions to the reserved Teachers compartment, Fia finally arrived before a dusty old room with hole-riddled doors that made creaking sounds as Fia pushed it open

As soon as Fia pushed the door, A horrific stench hit her nose, she covered her nose with her hands to make it as bearable as possible, it really was unbearable scent that wafted around the darkroom, that had little to no source of light in the room, but out of nowhere a sound of water gluking in a bottle was heard

Fia scrutinized her eyes to see what was happening, A rasping sound of crazed relaxed breath dominated the eerie silence and a hoarse voice came from the room "What do you want, little girl?"

Fia still disgusted to the core due to twisted smell swirling around in the room, covered her face while giving her reply, "I was to told to come and meet you, as you are supposed to be my Teacher for a week, which I'm really hoping to be false"

"Hahahaa The emotion is mutual kid, it's mutual!" as the man laughed out loud hearing Fia's response

"Now, If you don't mind, get the fuck out of here and let me drink in peace,

I wouldn't mind if you die like a common pig, like every outer-circle peasant or would you like a helping hand in that arduous endeavor, personally, if you asked me I would like you to come before me and kill yourself with a special knife I got under the draw here, You see I want to see the Kinfe go through the neck coming out from the of top of your head, The knife's sharp that way specially made by the great me for situations like this, Aren't I genius?, Have you seen a knife do that, I bet you haven't, enough talking!

I should stop getting carried away, Oh wait! gouging your eyes sound good too, Why don't you give me a minute or so, that I could reach a decision real quick

Real quick!,

Thank you guys for all the support you have shown me

Keep em coming, Dump them Powerstones!

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