
Zacharius Arcanix vs. Erza Scarlet

"Then why don't we get started?" Erza said eagerly.

Replying with the same eagerness, Zach said with an excited smile, "Why not?!"

Natsu joined the crowd while Makarov stayed to oversee the match. He then stepped back to make space for Zach and Erza.

Standing 10 meters away from each other, Erza pulled out a sword from a magic circle that was perfect for her height. Zach also put Eevee down from his head. Eevee then scurried to the side and climbed up a table to watch her Master fight.

Standing in the middle of the two, Makarov asked Zach and Erza as he lifted his hand above his head, "Are you two ready?"

Without saying anything, then two of them just nodded with serious expressions on their faces.

Makarov looked at both sides before slashing his hands downwards and said, "Fight!"

Erza and Zach didn't move even when Makarov started the fight; just looking at each other cautiously.

A moment later, both sides disappeared simultaneously. Reappearing in the center, Zach and Erza clashed fists and swords.

With a globule of transparent water covering both his fists; sword light coming out of Erza's sword, both of them clashed in close quarter combat.

Zach threw a punch as Erza ducked and counter attacked with a swing of her sword towards Zach's torso.

Seeing the sword coming towards him, Zach jumped forward; high enough to jump over Erza's head. While in mid-air above Erza's head in a horizontal position, Zach opened his mouth and blasted a water breath towards his opponent.

"Water Breath!"

Before the breath attack of Zach fired, Erza disappeared from her spot and reappeared above him. Twisting her body, she swung her sword towards Zach.

With no way of defending himself, Zach fired the breath attack towards the ground to propel himself up and collided with Erza which sent them both flying.

Up in the air, Erza slashed her sword as Zach did a backhand slap; clashing once again as both of them went flying in opposite directions.

Landing on the ground, Zach chuckled excitedly as Erza also touched down at the same time.

Erza smiled when she heard Zach chuckle, she then said, "Isn't that enough for a warm-up?

Zach then relaxed his stance. Rotating his right shoulder and cracking his neck, he grinned even further, "You're right. I also think that it's time we get serious."

Within the crowd, Gildarts stood out as he shouted, "Everyone! Step back and give them more space. It will get a little dangerous from hereon."

"Hey, this is obviously bad news. Even Gildarts said it's gonna be dangerous."

"Wait, so both Erza and Zach were just warming up earlier? Bruh… what are kids up to these days…"

"So that wasn't Zach's full power when he fought against Natsu earlier?"

"Isn't this getting really exciting now?!"

"I'm pretty sure the guild will be destroyed after this fight. Just look at our floor, it is literally the biggest pothole I've ever seen…"

Indifferent towards the crowd's mutterings, Zach and Erza started releasing their magic power. A scarlet aura started covering Erza's figure; putting tremendous pressure on her surroundings as the guild creaked from sheer pressure.

As Erza released a terrifying pressure, Zach followed by releasing his own, an enormous black aura enshrouded him, as if signaling the arrival of the Demon King which pressured people to feel fear and obeisance. Even Gildarts felt a little bit of pressure from Zach.

As black and scarlet aura clashed, Erza chanted, "Requip! Sea Princess Armor!"

Golden light covered Erza's body as her previous armor disappeared. When the golden light dispelled, a new set of armored clothing presented itself. With a fish-like scale design, Erza's light blue colored get-up made her look like a princess of the sea, especially the tiara that perfected her outfit. Taking out a light blue colored sword from a magic circle, she now looked like a sea princess ready for battle.

Zach admired Erza's form and magic as he took on a serious expression, even though he was smiling so much.

After both auras reach a certain point; Erza dashed forward, intending on slashing her sword towards Zach.

Not letting Erza get close that easily, Zach fired a water breath.

Seeing the beam of water coming, Erza slashed her sword vertically as the water breath split into two.

A little shocked as to why Erza could stop his breath attack, Zach speculated if it was because of her armor, sword, or maybe both. Acting on his conjectures, Zach formed a gun on his hand and pointed it at Erza who was busy defending on the breath attack. Blue fire then formed at his fingertips which shocked the whole crowd. Without any hesitation, he fired it at Erza.

"Elemental Demon's Fire Bullet!"

As a person experienced in battles, Erza knew an attack was coming after her opponent's first attack. Intending to block the next attack as well, Erza was astonished as to why a fire bullet was coming instead of water. But without panicking, she just rolled to the side to dodge.

Knowing her opponent won't let her get close that easily, she slashed her sword in mid-air as a water blade appeared thereafter, moving towards Zach. Erza then followed after her attack, making it pave a way for her.

"Water Cutter!"

Deciding to not hold back some of his powers, Zach stomped on the ground as a half a meter thick and 2 meter tall earth wall appeared, blocking Erza's water cutter and hiding himself from Erza's sight.

"Elemental Demon's Earth Wall!"

With the help of one of his passives regarding his Clairvoyance Magic, Zach could see everything in a 10 meter radius around him. He could clearly see Erza stop after the earth wall appeared. Taking the initiative, Zach pushed out his palm as the earth wall accelerated towards Erza. Without waiting for anything, Zach jumped back to make space as he clapped his hands in front of his chest and chanted.

"Elemental Demon's Hardened Earth Armor!"

Earth then started climbing onto Zach's body at a fast speed; as crude armor made of earth covered his full figure which made him appear bigger and taller. Zach finished his preparations in time just to see a black armored Erza with wings slashing her sword towards him…

"Moon Cut!"

Seeing the earth wall from her opponent speeding towards her; Erza chanted once again,

"Requip! Black Wing Armor!"

Golden light once again wrapped Erza's body before it dispelled and was now covered in black armor, sporting some silver trimmings, bat-like wings attached to her back which allowed flight for short distances, and her hair styled in a ponytail; leaving some bangs to frame her face.

Jumping over the earth wall, Erza then opened the wings on her back as she glided towards Zach who had rocks climbing and becoming armor to his body. Pulling out a sword that has a purple blade with silver edges, she covered the blade with her magic power as it glowed with silver color and cut her sword towards Zach vertically. Making a perfect arc; like a moon's arc.

"Moon Cut!"

Hurriedly raising his arms, Zach made a cross guard as chunks of hardened rocks were cut apart by Erza's move. Zach was also pushed back by several meters as he slid on the ground backwards in a defensive posture.

From the cross guard position, green wind shrouded Zach's rock hands as he slashed both hands diagonally after. An 'X' shaped wind blade flew towards Erza as Zach chanted,

"Elemental Demon's Severing Wind!"

Eyeing the x-shaped wind attack, Erza countered with her own; doing two slashes in a cross shape.

"Moon Flash!"

As the two attacks collided, a big blast occurred as dust and debris covered the area; and a strong wind blew, strong enough to blow Erza off the ground.

With the help of his earth element, Zach stood still as the earth clamped his feet and a pillar made of rocks supported his back.

Making use of his advantages, Zach moved forward while wind and magic power were still rampaging. Skidding forward with the help of his earth element, Zach increasingly neared Erza.

As the mayhem died down, Erza slowly landed on the ground with the help of her wings. After touching down, her instincts suddenly triggered. Erza looked up just to see an armorless Zach but with a large sledgehammer made of rocks coming straight down at her.

Knowing that dodging would be too late, Erza chanted,

"Requi-" Before she could finish, Zach's sledgehammer suddenly accelerated downwards.

As Zach was making through the havoc, when it died down, he jumped forward and moved all his hardened rock armor towards his hands to form a large sledgehammer. When he saw Erza was about to use her magic again, Zach controlled some wind to push his body downwards slightly faster. Zach then announced,

"Elemental Demon's Shock Hammer!"

Successfully reaching Erza before she could finish casting, Zach swung downwards with all his might.

Glaring at the pressuring hammer attack by her opponent, Erza hastily blocked with the sword in her hand. Cracks appeared all over her sword and armor as she spouted out a mouthful of blood because of the shockwave. Even with all that, she successfully blocked the attack. Before she could manage a relieving expression…

Zach already started opening his mouth as if knowing Erza could definitely block his hammer attack. Zach didn't really know, he just didt it as an insurance of sort. A ball of fire then started gathering energy as a horrified look appeared on Erza's face. Showing no mercy whatsoever, Zach unhesitantly fired it at point blank range.

"Fire Breath!"

"Puh!!" Erza was blasted backwards as blood came out; and severe burns appeared on her body.

Unrelenting, Zach opened his mouth again when he landed as a ball of blue fire started gathering energy once again, and aimed it at Erza without any hesitation.

Before Zach could fire it, Makarov's voice was heard, "That's enough!"

Zach regained clarity in his eyes, unlike his battle manic, crazied, and demonic eyes that started turning deep royal purple color from black. The ball of blue fire then slowly died down and went out completely after. Zach was then panting for air after calming down as a rain of sweat drenched his whole body. That was his hardest and most exciting fight as of yet.

Walking towards the injured and barely conscious Erza, Makarov checked on her. Except for the burns and low magic power, everything else was relatively okay. Sighing in relief, Makarov picked up Erza from the ground and announced, "The match has been decided! Winner, Zacharius!"

After the result was announced, a period of stunned silence ensued in the guild. It was then broken after somebody said something.

"Wha-what was that fight?"

"I… can't believe that Erza was defeated. We're talking about THAT Erza you know..."

"Don't forget about the pressure those two kids were emitting. Especially Zach's, I felt like I was before a Demon King sitting on his throne; and all I could do was prostrate pitifully."

"Elemental Demon Slayer… so, doesn't that mean that Zach can basically control all elements?"

"Obviously! Haven't we already seen him use four elements? Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony…"

"What the hell are you talking about?! Also, it's wind, not air"

"Eh? I don't know. It suddenly popped out in my head, as if some divine being wanted me to say that."

"Anyway, Zach really is demon-like when fighting. I even felt like he would finish Erza off if not for Master stopping him in the last second."

"Isn't… isn't he even scarier than Erza?"

"R-right! It's better not to anger him. Also thanks to their fight, we literally have nothing in the guild now."

Zach sat down on the destroyed ground as he panted hard. Eevee, who was already running towards him after he won, jumped into his embrace and started licking his cheeks.

"Hahaha!" Zach then laughed as he rubbed Eevee's cheek with his thumb. Zach then said with a big smile on his face,

"Eve, I won!"
